Whenever you set off on a new adventure – be it a trip to a foreign land, a business enterprise, or even a marriage – there’s always a little anxiety mingled with the thrill of anticipation. Will it turn out to be everything you’d hoped and planned? Will you get along well with your traveling companions/coworkers/spouse, forging strong bonds by working toward shared goals? If it’s a Jane Austen story, you know you can count on a happy ending, but the rest of the world doesn’t always operate that way.
When we started Austen Variations a year ago (headed by our intrepid leaders Abigail Reynolds, Maria Grace, and Susan Mason-Milks), none of us really knew if we’d turn out to be a huge success or not. But here we are, twelve months later, stronger than ever and still growing. It’s our first anniversary, and we’re in the mood to celebrate! We’ve got some fun stuff cooked up to mark the occasion. First, however, I hope you won’t mind if I take a minute to toot our own collective horn.

Maria, Susan, & Abigail
Austen Variations launched on January 27, 2014, to an audience of 2630 viewers. Since then we’ve published about 350 posts for your reading pleasure – posts on regency customs, serialized installments and excerpts from works-in-progress, book launches, group writing projects like The Darcy Brothers and Persuasion200, etc. – inspiring over 11,500 comments and nearly 340,000 total views. Of course, we couldn’t have done any of it without our loyal readers. THANK YOU! We truly appreciate your sharing this journey with us.
So now we’re celebrating the success of our first year with a cool update to the look of our site and our Facebook page (as you may have already noticed) and by writing a special series of posts for you. We thought it would be fun to commemorate our first anniversary by bringing to life anniversaries of some of our favorite (or intriguing) Austen couples. We’ll be posting two of these Anniversary Celebration segments per week throughout the month of February – some romantic, some humorous, some even rather suggestive – so be sure to watch for them.
I’m leading off today with the Bingleys’ and the Darcys’ first anniversary. Then we’ll feature Harriet and Robert Martin, the Eltons, the Sense and Sensibility couples (Marianne/Colonel Brandon with Elinor/Edward) combined, Charlotte and Mr. Collins, Fanny and Edmund Bertram, Mary and Charles Musgrove, and lastly Emma and Mr. Knightly. What a fun lineup!
Now, a little setup for today’s story. As you know, Jane married Mr. Bingley the same day Elizabeth married Mr. Darcy, so it seemed only fitting that they should celebrate their shared anniversary together. You may also recall we’re told in the book that the Bingleys stayed at Netherfield (which they rented) only “a twelvemonth” before purchasing an estate of their own in a county neighboring Derbyshire. So these two events (their shared anniversary and the Bingleys finding a new place to live) closely coincide. Using Pemberley as their home base, the Bingleys have ventured out with the Darcys to tour suitable estates in the area, and now they have chosen one. That’s where we pick up the action.
“Heatheridge is exactly right for us,” declared Mr. Bingley, eager to share the news with Georgiana upon their return. “Not nearly so grand as Pemberley, of course, but I declare it presents a very stately and dignified appearance. I believe even my sisters would be satisfied!”
“More importantly,” added Darcy, “the place seems sound from a business point of view. And the steward appears to have a good head on his shoulders. I believe you can rely on him to steer the course, Charles, at least until you learn to manage things yourself.”
“There is the sweetest little music room, Georgiana,” said Elizabeth, “and the grounds are lovely. The original owners flooded an old, retired slate pit – one within sight of the house – to form a lake. So instead of being a blight on the landscape, it becomes rather an embellishment.”
“What did you think,” Georgiana asked Jane, who looked as if she could hardly contain herself. “Did you like the place as well?”
“Oh, yes!” Jane enthused with eyes shining. “I wish you had seen it.”
“And you shall before long, if we have our way!” added Mr. Bingley. “Jane and I have already settled it between ourselves to lay claim to Heatheridge as soon as may be. In fact, I have an appointment with the solicitor tomorrow.”
“It is simply delightful,” Jane went on. “I can think of no other word that suits the place so well. I knew almost from the first minute that it was to be our home. I could picture us there – our family – now and years into the future. It is exactly right.”
The Bingleys’ purchase of Heatheridge went through without a hitch, and plans for their relocation commenced immediately. To avoid the strain of travel, Jane, who was in a family way, was to stay at Pemberley whilst Mr. Bingley returned to Netherfield to make all the arrangements. The night prior to his departure was set aside for celebration – of the Bingleys’ new home but also to commemorate their shared wedding anniversary with the Darcys. Georgiana joined them, all partaking in a delectable late supper and a particularly fine wine selected to accompany it.
During a brief pause in the conversation, Georgiana proposed a toast. “To the happy couples,” she said, raising her glass. “May every blessing of marriage be yours now and in the years to come. May you in turn be a blessing to your children and to many others, as indeed you all are to me.”
Mr. Darcy thanked his sister and they all drank to her fine sentiment. Elizabeth was especially touched. She knew making such a speech, even amongst friends, had not been easy for the shy Georgiana. Indeed, the girl did look uncomfortable afterward, perhaps suddenly feeling herself the odd one out, and she shortly excused herself. The other four presently retired to the drawing room.
“What a night this is,” exclaimed Bingley as they settled themselves two by two, “and what a year! Can you believe all that has happened in twelve short months? It seems more like an age ago that we four stood up in church together. So much has changed since.” Here he looked intently at his wife. “I was such a foolish young man when we met. What could have ever persuaded you to fall in love with me?”
Jane blushed and dropped her eyes.
Darcy then spoke to break the brief silence. “You and I are both very fortunate, I think, Charles, that our wives were generous enough to look past our early errors.”
“Really, you men are far too eager at claiming all the blame for yourselves!” Elizabeth protested with mock indignation. “It is most ungenerous of you. I know for a fact that I made my share of errors, and yet I would much prefer not to be reminded of them. Let us think of the past only as it gives us pleasure.”
Smiling, Mr. Darcy squeezed his wife’s hand. “A very wise philosophy, my dear. Very wise indeed.”
After the Bingleys had gone up to bed, Darcy and Elizabeth lingered, side by side, in front of the fire, each lost in their own thoughts.
“Bingley was quite right about one thing,” Elizabeth at last mused aloud.
“Hmm? What is that?”
“How distant I feel from my former life. I begin to remember my years at Longbourn more as if someone else lived them… almost like a story I read in a book. Being here with you, Darcy – that is all that seems real and true to me now.”
Pulling her closer, he kissed the top of her head. “This is where we belong – together, at Pemberley.” They fell silent again, staring into the dancing flames a while longer. “Well, shall we go up?” Darcy asked at length. Not waiting for a reply, he stood, swept Elizabeth into his arms, and turned to carry her upstairs.
“Why, Mr. Darcy!” she cried in surprise. “What will the servants say?”
“Nothing at all, I should imagine. I have given them the night off in honor of our anniversary. So they have discreetly disappeared and left us to ourselves.”
“You always manage everything so capably, my dear.”
“Even you?” he asked, elevating one eyebrow.
“Especially me,” Elizabeth said, allowing herself to be taken off to bed in her husband’s very capable arms.
I hope you enjoyed this peek behind the doors of Pemberley (as adapted from similar events in my novel The Darcys of Pemberley and my current work-in-progress). Is this the way you pictured the Bingleys and Darcys first anniversary? Why or why not?
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Yes, Shannon, it is. I picture Mr. and Mrs. Bingley as deliriously happy, Mr. and Mrs. Darcy as grounded and already maturing in their marriage, and Georgiana Darcy as being a lot less shy and reticent. Well done!
It was fun to put this together, Joy, especially since I’m back writing in the world P&P again!
Exactly correct, Joy!
Enjoyed it. You spun the ending very nicely. The headshot picture of Darcy and Elizabeth is unfamiliar to me. Is it part of the movie?
Glad you enjoyed it, Patty. As for the pic, I believe this is a publicity still instead of an actual scene from the film. I can’t recall a view exactly like this, and I’ve seen it a hundred times or more.
Shannon, you’re right about that photo being a publicity still. I have a copy of the book The Making of Pride and Prejudice and I seem to remember that somewhere in there, someone said that they devoted an entire day to publicity shots, so that it wouldn’t detract or divert cast or crew from the business of filming. I love that particular shot of Colin Dirth and Jennifer Ehle.
Happy Anniversary, everyone!
Love the new look and I can’t believe its been a year. I love the idea of little stories about the anniversaries of some of the Austen couples.
Shannon, what a delightful scene for the Bingleys and Darcys. I can totally imagine that talk of house hunting would be interspersed with reflections back even as they prove to be happy, content couples.
An author can’t get away with 300 pages of happily-ever-after in a novel; there must be conflict. In a short piece like this, though, we can just let them be happy! Thanks for your comments and your good wishes, Sophia! Time has really flown by, hasn’t it?
Oh, this was such a nice vignette! As you say, it’s difficult to write anything of any length without some conflict or other, but this tiny slice of heaven was just right! 😀
Love your phrase, Julie – ” a tiny slice of heaven” – thanks!
Haven’t had time to read the story yet, got an early start for work today! I’ll make time this evening after dinner.
Just wanted to wish everyone a very Happy Anniversary – *confetti*, *champagne*, *chocolate* and, of course *cake*!!
Yesterday was my first anniversary at AV, according to my WordPress account. I discovered you just after the launch, quite by accident, through Abigail’s blog, (which I also discovered by accident) and have been hooked ever since. Keep up the fantastic work!
So glad you “accidentally” found us, Anji!
What a pleasant idea for celebrating your anniversary. I like this first item, and the way it ends. I look forward to reading more posts on AV, and the changing topics in the next few weeks.
Thank you, Janet. We were very excited when we first heard the idea. Can’t wait to write mine.
Love this vignette about the first anniversary of our delightful couples. I can picture both the Darcys and Bingleys enjoying their anniversary together at Pemberley. Fine dinner, fine wine, and great company.
Congratulations to you all! I have thoroughly enjoyed the efforts of your first year together. Thank you.
Loved the look at the Bingleys and Darcy’s. 🙂 Eagerly awaiting my second favorite JA couple’s story…and all the others of course.
Thanks, Eileen. We have a great group of writers and the best readers in Austen world.
Yay! One year! As the newcomer to the group, I am thrilled to be here in time to be in on the party, and I look forward to the Anniversary Celebrations to come!
Nice work on the shared anniversary, Shannon!
It great to have a brand new member, Leslie, especially someone with so many good ideas.
Thanks, Monica! 🙂
Happy anniversary AV. It was so great to have found you last year! January 27th of last year was my first anniversary on AV. Thank you ladies and gentleman for such fun adventures over the last year.
Thank you so much for the vignette, Shanon. It was such a sweet scene. I love Georgiana’s words to the couples, “May every blessing of marriage be yours now and in the years to come. May you in turn be a blessing to your children and to many others, as indeed you all are to me.” I can picture the Bingleys and Darcys spending their first anniversary together and in the way described….”all partaking in a delectable late supper and a particularly fine wine selected to accompany it.” A beautiful way to wake up this morning.
It’s wonderful you found us right at the beginning. We’ve enjoyed all your comments, Deborah!
A lovely scene, Shannon, beautifully written, as ever. Happy Anniversary to you and all my fellow authors!!!
Thanks for the good wishes, Jane!
Yaaay! Congratulations to all the authors at Jane Austen Variations! Absolutely loving this new look for the Blog!
Lovely story, Shannon! What a great idea to have anniversary couples! Looking forward to reading more over the coming month.
Happy Anniversary Everyone!
I so enjoy this blog and all the post. I look forward to the days they show up in my inbox. What a great year. Thanks for all the great reading…including today.
Many thanks, Maggie. It’s been great to get to know you and other readers and a lot of fun to read everyone’s comments throughout the year.
Happy Anniversary!
I love the idea of celebrating with the 1st anniversaries of these couples.
Your story is pretty much as I imagined the Darcy’s and Bingleys to be..Thanks!
Thank you, Theresa- Shannon has it delightfully off pat, doesn’t she?
Happy Anniversary! It’s been a great year. Jen Red
Many thanks, Jennifer. We’re glad you think so.
Thank you for the lovely peek into the lives of our two happy couples, Shannon!
Happy Anniversary to Austen Variations! I hope it’s the first of many yet to come!
Thank you, Pam!!!
I can picture this quite nicely! Wonderful excerpt.
Happy Anniversary Austen Variations! Thank you for all coming together to bring us more of our favorite obsession, Austen!
Thanks, Becky. You are such a huge supporter of our efforts, and it is appreciated.
Happy anniversary AV! Here’s to many more.
This is pretty much as I’d expect these couples’ anniversary to unfold. A bit of celebration with those you love most in the world, and big celebrations in private.
Thank you, Monica P. I hope so, too. With lovely readers like you we should be here for a while.
Happy Anniversary to you all, and thank you for thinking of us as you celebrate. Love the first story, Shannon. Joy said exactly what I thought….all characters are where I expected to see them one year later.
Thank you, Barb! We couldn’t be here without readers like you.
Wow! What a flood of lovely comments I woke up to this morning! I THANK YOU ALL on behalf of my fellow AV authors for all your support throughout the past year and for your well wishes on our anniversary. You keep reading, and we’ll keep writing!
Congratulations you creative wonderful writers who have become such a pleasant part of our lives and entertained and educated us so well this year!
Shannon, what a lovely picturesque and perfect anniversary celebration you have given us for The Darcys and Bingleys! I do look forward to upcoming stories of our famous couples… BUT, where is Anne and Capt. Wentworth? Why Mary and Charles, instead??! Or did I miss something. I can’t wait to read about the Eltons… which one of you gets to write that one… or the Collins’ anniversary!? 🙂
Best wishes to you all!
We only had room in the schedule for 8 posts, Carol, and the authors who signed onto the project got to choose whichever couple(s) intrigued/inspired them most (Diana has the Eltons on the 10th, Leslie has the Collinses on the 17th). As for Anne and Cpt. W, watch in March for some “epilogue” posts as the Persuasion200 project wraps up.
What a lovely scene! Thanks for all the work you put in to providing us with entertainment, and congratulations on your anniversary 🙂
Ceri, it’s been a joy!! We’ve loved every minute of it.
Happy Anniversary indeed! I could picture them all in my mind so perfectly! That was such a delightful post. Thank you!
Carole — I agree it’s a lovely post from Shannon. It’s good to know that they’re happy one year on, isn’t it?
Happy Anniverary, indeed! I have come to adore Austen Variations, and I can’t believe that you’ve only been in existence for one year.
You have accomplished so much, and I’m so proud of you!! And of course, I love all of your writings; they truly have become my delightful interludes in a world of homeschooling my boybarians, teaching writing and literature online, and grading essays. Thank you!!
Susanne 🙂
Thanks, Susanne. We have the best supporters in Austen World.
So nice to hear, Suzanne! Thank you.
You are very welcome, Monica. I am so enjoying your books! I am nearly done with An Improper Suitor, and I have The Other Mr. Darcy and The Darcy Cousins waiting in my stack of library books. Your novels are delightful–thank you!!
Susanne 🙂
What a lovely way to celebrate your anniversary! Congratulations on your first year and what a wonderful one it has been!! It has been a privilege to be able read all of your offerings, so thanks a million!!!!! And may you have many more years and stories to come!
Thanks, Evelyn. We appreciate your support.
It’s been an amazing year, hasn’t it?
Thanks so much for this romantic insight. Congratulations to you all, too, on a wonderful year of postings!
Thank you! So glad you’ve been on this journey with us!
Thanks to all our readers! Your comments and support are so important to us. You’ve helped make us a big success.
Happy Anniversary Austen Authors! I can’t tell you how happy I was a year ago to see this collaboration come to life, and it has exceeded my hopes and expectations. It is so generous of the authors to shre their hard work with us, trusting use nough to take some risks. I also so appreciate my fellow readers for their fun and insightful comments. I feel lucky to be a small part of this virtual community!
Lovely vignette of the Darcy/Bingley anniversary. So much love and happiness and hope.
Thank you for your support and for your comments too. Glad you enjoyed the vignette!
TLeighF we have enjoyed all your wonderful responses, too. Thank you for being part of our larger team.
Everyone has been so kind and generous in their comments! We appreciate all of you so much! Thanks for being a part of our blog and our anniversary celebration!
Happy Anniversary! I have had a great experience as a reader on your site.
Really enjoyed seeing the Darcys and the Bingleys have such a harmonious first anniversary celebration, free of meddling relatives like Lady Catherine or the Wickhams!
Thanks for your support, Kathy.
Nope, I wouldn’t let anybody mess with their anniversary!
Happy Anniversary!! I especially love the new drawing in the header.
What a great idea to visit the anniversaries of Austen couples—I look forward to reading them all 🙂 .
Thanks NovElla! We’re pretty excited about it all too! Glad you like the new header. So much fun to redecorate a little bit!
Yes, I believe when two people are in love, and that’s the relevant word: LOVE, life is good and all things make sense when you do it together.
[…] our favorite Austen couples on their anniversaries. We started with the Darcys and the Bingleys on the 2nd. Today, we’re visiting Harriet and Robert Martin from Emma. I wonder how they’re doing […]
[…] our favorite Austen couples on their anniversaries. We started with the Darcys and the Bingleys on the 2nd. Today, we’re visiting the Eltons from Emma. I wonder how they’re doing after twelve […]
[…] our favorite Austen couples on their anniversaries. We started with the Darcys and the Bingleys on the 2nd. Today, we’re visiting our favorite couples from Sense and Sensibility: Elinor and Edward, […]
[…] our favorite Austen couples on their anniversaries. We started with the Darcys and the Bingleys on the 2nd. Today, we’re visiting the Collinses from Pride and Prejudice. I wonder how they’re […]
[…] our favorite Austen couples on their anniversaries. We started with the Darcys and the Bingleys on the 2nd. Today, we’re visiting the Fanny and Edmund from Mansfield Park. I wonder how they’re […]
[…] our favorite Austen couples on their anniversaries. We started with the Darcys and the Bingleys on the 2nd. Today, we’re visiting the Mary and Charles Musgrove. In this case, since they had already […]
[…] our favorite Austen couples on their anniversaries. We started with the Darcys and the Bingleys on the 2nd. Today, we’re visiting Lydia and Wickham. I wonder how they’re doing after twelve […]