Happy 212th Birthday, Pride and Prejudice!!!

Hello, Janeites!  Romance is in the air on this world-wide day of love. And what do we love more than celebrating one of our favorite novels, Pride and Prejudice?   I am in the wonderful position of teaching the best and brightest in my little piece of the world through AP Literature, and decided to bring them along on my love for this wonderful novel by having a “Pride and Prejudice Birthday Tea Party.”


As in years past, we are reading Pride and Prejudice in preparation for the AP exam and…well…life. What better way to prepare them for the big bad world, than Austen? So in honor of ‘[her] own darling child,’ I prepared a light tea for the kiddos.

Cream puffs, cookies, cucumber sandwiches, and strawberries (ala Mr. Knightley’s garden), were on the menu along with several types of herbal teas and hot cocoa. Oh, and there were party favors too!  A

bookmark, an Austen inspired sticker, a free student membership to JASNA, and a small lotion.

We briefly discussed Austen’s novel before diving into a documentary about the making of The Netherfield Ball. It was a fun way to pass the time and brought up some insightful observations by the students about food, dress and societal expectations during the time of Jane Austen.


When asked about the experience, student Nimran D. said, “[The tea party] helped us visualize the story better, and it seemed like we were living inside the book.”

Lynzie S. agreed. “All AP classes should do this because we are experiencing something from that time period.”


When discussing the longevity of the book, Anastasia R. said, “If you say Pride and Prejudice, everyone knows what it is. Even if they haven’t read it.” Alyssa M. agreed, and then some. “[Even after 212 years] it is still one of the greatest love stories ever written.”

So happy birthday, Pride and Prejudice. Here’s to another 212 birthdays, you grand dame ! The years looks amazing on you!



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    • Lisa on February 14, 2025 at 12:27 am
    • Reply

    I would love to have taken your class! What’s the name of the documentary?

    1. Thank you, Lisa. It is called “Having a Ball- The Making of the Netherfield Ball.” It’s on Youtube

  1. What a wonderful experience you gave your students, Anngela! They are so lucky to have you as a teacher!

    1. Thank you, Christina. I am lucky I can teach them and indulge in a few of my favorite things!

    • Glynis on February 14, 2025 at 5:40 am
    • Reply

    What an amazing way to celebrate Anngela! This is such a good way to ‘illustrate’ the time of Jane Austen. I still remember lessons better from school with practical demonstration, such as making mud and straw huts and acting out plays rather than just reading! I would love to have been there, it all looks delicious.

    1. Thank you, Glynis. That is the best way to learn for sure!

  2. Where were you when I was in high school? (Don’t answer that, because you probably weren’t born yet. Haha!) I wish I had had somebody to introduce me to JA/P&P when I was younger, like these lucky kids do.

    1. Thank you, Shannon. It is my favorite time of year with these darlings! #Janeuary

    • Joana Starnes on February 18, 2025 at 6:44 am
    • Reply

    What a wonderful way to celebrate Jane Austen and the birth of P&P! Your students are sooo lucky to have you as their teacher!!

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