Reader perspectives are one of the new things we want to try out here on Austen Variations. Dave McKee has been a faithful follower of The Darcy Brothers since the beginning, and we’d all noticed his comments included inspired guesses about what was to come next. It turned out that wasn’t all – he’d been adding an analysis of each chapter and some plot lines of his own to his Facebook page. We invited him to share some of his perspectives on The Darcy Brothers in the hope of inspiring some arguments interesting discussions and speculations about the characters. Please welcome him to Austen Variations! – Abigail
That was an interesting conversation! It went…
“Hey you! Yes, you there!”
“Who me?”
“Yeah, you’re Dave, right? I see it on your commenter post. I wonder if you could help us with a reader post.”
“Sure, Abigail! The website is fantastic! Super job. Would be glad to help.”
“Ok, here are your instructions. Talk about the Darcy Brothers. xste…bio info ..twoe..wwo..Do NOT..ewd ..ditch .ew.. nebulous ..dy stork! Got it? Get cracking!”
“Ummm how did you pick me?”
“Well, … you’re taller than the other posters. Any questions?”
“Ahhh. OK, no, no questions… bye!”OK. No problem as long as I don’t ditch the nebulous stork, whatever that is.
Being the typical, normal male who is old and hard-of-hearing, am I going to ask for directions or a repeat?
Not a chance!
Biographical information on me? An average Jane Austen and JAFF fan with a couple kindles and bookshelves full of Regency fiction. More info? Nah! Not important. You can check out
my Darcy Brothers notes on Facebook. ‘The Broach’ would be a good starting point if you go there. Feel free to wander around the whole site. There are some nice photo albums of the UK if interested. Naturally, comments are welcome.

Theo Darcy
Now down to the good stuff. The Darcy Brothers!
Theo is the new kid on the block. Big shoes to fill and seems to be struggling to find his place. And we readers get to help!
Here is what I consider the one fundamental canon of JAFF.
We do not wish to be responsible for causing a massive rip in the fabric of the universe, causing it to implode destroying all mankind. Therefore, it is always a given that Elizabeth and Fitzwilliam will, after many travails, end up together and live happily for the rest of their lives.
Ohhhh my. The things nightmares are made of. Going down on one knee in front of the woman you love, watched by all your family, and being refused! The absolute worst possible humiliation!
She said no… No? NO? She said NO! Darcy’s brain just went into total lock-down – no coherent thought going in or out!~ How in the world is he going to convince her – he really does not even understand why she would refuse him of all people…
The vote is going for an engagement, but… Get out the pitchforks and blazing torches, I voted for Elizabeth to refuse. Wait! Just let me explain. She does not love or even trust him right how. This is Elizabeth. Would she tie herself to a man who is being forced to offer? Here he is with his ‘Mask of Pemberley’ scowl – what would he be like across from the dinner table? Would he show disgust for her every day? Can she take that chance? Is that what she was thinking when she said ‘no’?
My thought was for her to say ‘no’ to the engagement, but ‘yes’ to a courtship. Under normal circumstances, I think she might have agreed to a courtship here at Rosings – eventually .
He now has a massive uphill climb! What can he say? Regina has the task of deciding. The cool thing is that we readers get to have our say. So, whatever you chose to write on this post will certainly be read by Regina and wouldn’t it be great if your arguments were to sway her writing of next week’s chapter?
So here is a few points for us to ponder for next week:
- What was Elizabeth thinking when she said ‘no’?
- What can Darcy say to convince her to accept?
- What is Anne going to do about her mum?
- Theo is late getting to London. Will all this chaos affect his court presentation tomorrow?
So here is your chance to have your say! Comments?
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Nice to meet you, Dave!
That is really neat what you are putting together. As to causing an argument? I actually voted the same way you did and for similar reasons. She might have a more rounded impression than she did before coming to Rosings, but there has been nothing said or done to push aside what she already thinks she knows. His thinking scowls and impatience with Theo would not have struck a good chord with her. Nope! This girl is not even close to an affirmative response to marriage.
I will definitely have to check out your facebook page.
Hey, me too! I voted for Elizabeth to refuse. She is not ready to accept the idea of marriage to Darcy. Darcy has some changes to make and some convincing to do. I can’t wait to see what Regina brings to the story. Thanks for your input, Dave. I will check out your Fb page.
Hi Becky! The way the voting went, looks like Regina has a tricky situation with Elizabeth accepting per the vote. I am expecting her to accept but with conditions – wonder what they will be? The Theo mess, Jane/Bingley, and Wickham questions – Darcy has a lot of ground to make up. That is an awful, rocky start for an engagement!
Here is an easy link to my scenario –
The nice thing about these reader posts is that it is free-form, open conversation – anyone can just pile in with their opinion. The more the merrier! If anyone else has been writing snippets, I would like to hear about them!
I am the “Queen of Angst,” Becky. Certainly, I would receive the chapter where D & E confront each other. LOL!
Just so everyone knows, I wrote Chapter 16 of The Darcy Brothers on Thursday and Friday, long before I read the comments above. I hope you will enjoy it. The story was in my head after reading Monica’s chapter, and I had to get it out and on paper if I ever expected to sleep again. It is proofed and posted for Wednesday’s reading, and I am NOT disclosing how I handled the mess into which Darcy has fallen face first. LOL!
Hi Regina! And Darcy’s fate is sealed – for another week anyway!
Being a never say die scenario slinger, am still posting possibilities! I like the angst you toss into the story – without it, the story would be a flat plain without the needed mountains and valleys!
Thank you for the posts!
Dave, I find it amusing that you are counting the hours…I’ll watch your posts to know how long I, too, have to wait. So Regina has it all ready for us and our hints will be ignored from here on out. Good for her. We have 10″ of snow here and two more storms on the way (Lehigh Valley, PA) so I am still in my pjs. (retired citizen) and reading on my kindle and watching for posts on this or related sites – nice!
Hi Sheila! We are scheduled for 3-5″ tomorrow here in OK – stocked up on groceries and Lawayne and I are also retired so will hunker down and wait for it to melt!.
Oh, a new scenario popped up in my head this afternoon – is in my Theo Darcy note, but here is a teaser…
Mr. Collins writes Lucas Lodge that Elizabeth has been shot. And since he is repeating servant gossip, “she was seriously wounded”. Naturally Lady Lucas scurries to Longbourn in a frenzy. Mrs Bennet collapses and the indolent Mr. Bennet…..
Ahhh yes! So much fun! 🙂
Delicious! With that I am sure Mrs. Bennet already has Elizabeth dead and buried…but Mr. Bennet might just have a heart attack. Stay warm. Good soup and a good book – life is wonderful.
I can give you a little help on the hour-counting – The Darcy Brothers is always posted by ten minutes after midnight Eastern Time on Wednesdays. Sometimes we take pity on our readers and post it by one minute after midnight instead. 😉
Stay safe in all the snow!
So since my bedtime with retirement is around 12:30 AM I can be one of the first to read such…is that EST? I can read it before Dave if so? LOL Tomorrow night before sleep – can’t wait – HUZZAH!
Thanks for stopping by Sophia! Over on my Facebook note “Theo Darcy – Austen Variations” have a four paragraph scenario on how I think they may come to an agreement. They are in a box, largely because of the footmen overhearing – how to make the best of it when she is distrusting him. Really shot himself in the foot with the Theo/Sabastian tirade. Also, you know Lady Catherine will not stop plotting.
Now I saw the letter from an angry Theo chopping off his own allowance. That is close to cutting ties to Darcy in a very insulting way. Theo does need to make his own way – to be his own man. But, is he angrily leaping into something dangerous without looking first? Any thoughts on that?
I hope Anne leaves Rosings in the dust and heads to London for her own adventures – party time! LOL
I did read a certain degree of petulance and ‘look before you leap’ into Theo’s letter to his brother. The allowance would definitely have left him enough income to be a man of leisure, but he is not destitute since he does have his career in law.
It is a grand gesture that I cannot fault him even if that is only part of his motive with the other being to respond in kind to the pain Darcy gave him. When you have such a deep wound from someone and it seems like he just keeps poking at it, it goes against the grain to accept his money. Self-respect and honor play a role here and this is evidence that Theo has it in spades. I only wish the wound that Darcy has caused even if it has its mitigating circumstances could be healed and as the two remaining brothers that they could be closer.
No, Lady C is not the type to concede the field to another. That should make for some fun.
Hi Sophia, yes I agree with all you have laid out! His being only a barrister will be very limiting money-wise, tight but doable. He has just cut off a life-line if trouble arises – there is the Georgiana link in that case. Hope he stays away from the money lenders. They would love to get their hooks into a Darcy.
Hopefully Elizabeth will scrape off a few edges from William’s block-headed behavior towards his brother. It could be months before these brothers reconcile fully. Maybe we should make it Darcy Brothers canon #2 that eventually the Darcy Brothers, after many travails, will reunite into a happy family. That way readers will not worry about Theo getting into real trouble in the stews of London – may be a bit worn, but he will get out eventually.
Hi, Dave. Nice to meet you. I just read the letter that you mentioned. Thanks for the heads up.
Like Sophia Rose, Becky and you, I voted for Elizabeth not to accept Darcy’s hand in marriage. Although Elizabeth witness a slightly different Darcy when he interacts with his family, the proud and commanding side of him still show in the latest scene. Until he can change and be a better man (like how he is in Pemberley), she may not accept him as her husband. She doesn’t want to be trapped in a marriage where her husband will rule over her and break down her willpower. I feel she wants to be an equal partner in her marriage.
Hello Lúthien! I agree with you that to treat Elizabeth as anything less than a equal partner would be a disaster. She deserves at least that much! I keep wondering how Regina will resolve the fact that the voters have chosen an engagement with her strong, confused feelings? Darcy had better be at his very best for this closed door tête-à-tête.
Would Elizabeth break the engagement if he does not improve? And now Theo is pouring more stress on Darcy. No doubt Darcy has lots of experience being strong with tenants and peers, but this dealing with love seems to be getting under his guard. How ever will he convince her he is worth taking a chance?
Hi Dave — as always, I love the way you grab ideas and run with them!! I do agree with all of you (Luthien, Becky, Sophie and Dave) — there is no reason at all at this point for Elizabeth to think any better of Darcy at this point, and being forced into a situation by his family isn’t going to make matters any better — it would make her resentful. However, since I’m not writing the next chapter 😀 I can’t say where the narrative is going to go from here. I was surprised people wanted Elizabeth to say yes at this point, but I think readers felt bad for Darcy because we all know he *does* love her. However, he still has a lot to learn…
I’m stepping out now and will resist commenting since this is Dave’s post. Go Dave!
Hi Monica! Actually, at this point, you are a reader too! So your comments/guesses are equally welcome to add to the speculation. I suspect the informal exchange of ideas by everyone is part of the grand scheme here – as long as we do not ditch the nebulous stork! My musings have taken me to the idea that they privately are agreeing the engagement to be as much a courtship as an engagement. I suspect Elizabeth would ring a peal over his head so often he would almost be deaf.
Men by nature are reluctant to change. 😎
Hi, Dave. What an analytical mind you have! Theo can’t hide anything from you.
Hi Mary! Thinking Theo is so angry he is not thinking clearly. He is putting the torch to an important bridge with Darcy. The timbers are burning but hope the stone foundations hold up. We do not really know Sir Monty yet so he could be supporting Theo or dragging him into a briar patch – will have to wait to find out. Maybe we readers can help keep Theo from serious trouble – but we DID shoot Elizabeth. LOL
As a side note, your new novel has me thinking about time travel and put a snippet in my FB note -‘ Side Topics’. Women of all time periods love to shop, right? 😉
Dave, In real life, I’m not a shopper, but what’s a girl to do in the early 19th century with a lot of time on her hands and coins in her reticule? When my modern character arrives in 1812 London, the first thing she does is head to Lackington’s, the famous Temple of the Muses, a bookstore! Now, I am can do some serious damage in a bookstore.
May I have a link to your FB page?
Mary, I would certainly meet you in the bookstore – never able to pass one by!
When done at this note, you can use the right side link “Notes by David McKee” and see all the different notes. Facebook is not ideal for this, but have used the notes feature for years – game playing notes pre-Theo.
Welcome to Austen Variations, and thank you so much for your taking the time to share your insights!!
What fun it was to read your perspective on what’s happened so far and, also, your predictions for the next chapter, particularly in regards to Darcy’s next move 😉 . Like you, I’m waiting to see what will happen!!
Marilyn, thanks for the kind welcome!
Some of the posters previously have been mentioning a move to London as wanted – following Theo basically. Plus get Anne away from mum. Anne being a rich heiress, novice to the London ton ways, what adventures could she get into? With lots of Darcy clan help! And Col Fitzwilliam making moon eyes at her before? Oh well, suspect we will get there eventually, but no hurry! Keeping the whole group in a single location can cause lots more interactions!
That brings up the thought, is Theo going to stay at Darcy House in London? Not sure how most of the readers feel about a change of location – any advantage to staying at Rosings – or would London be a better choice?
Well, I don’t get to write for a few weeks, but back in the beginning of the book it’s mentioned that Theo has bachelor quarters in London and Darcy rarely sees him. Judging from the latest letter in the blog, it would probably take quite a bit to get Theo to go around to Darcy House!
Thanks Abigail – both for this opportunity and the bachelor quarters info. No allowance, he may have to give them up and live in that Inn used by single barristers? I would vote for Anne, Georgiana, and Elizabeth conning Theo into Darcy House then locking the two brothers in a room for days. Anne would say, “Hey it worked before!” Well, not “Hey”…
Cool! Just saw Theo’s new letter to Georgiana! That clears up my question on Theo’s ability as a barrister – he is talented. His total lack of perception regarding Darcy had me questioning his overall cognitive abilities. Now it appears he only wears perception blinkers regarding his brother and vice versa. This also sets him up where it is obvious he can make a decent living in London on his own. Wonder how Darcy will react to this information? Should Georgiana tell her brother, or Elizabeth? For each question answered, several more questions pop up!
I think Elizabeth should, in the end accept a secret engagement with stipulations and set a time limit for Darcy to prove himself worthy of her. I also believe his Aunt may be a fly in the ointment about keeping it secret because she is so furious. She reacts instead of thinking it through. He needs o explain why he’s so hard on Theo and his dealings with Wickham and offerto show poof that he paid Wickham, I feel Elizabeth should let him sweat it out before the end of the chapter and Anne should explain what she knows of Darcy, and his good qualities to help her accept. As for Theo’s court case I’m not sure. He was only held up for a short time. I think Anne needs to move her mother to the Dower cottage and restrict her ability to socialize until all is worked out. (I know 2 different ways for Catherine to act) or maybe her opening her mouth is what gets Anne to move her/
Oh, yeah…and offer to show Elizabeth copies of debts he owes to merchants ass well as gambling debts
Hi Deborah! Our lines of thinking are following the same path! Elizabeth was horrified at his blaming Theo about Sebastian’s death – those words cannot be taken back – he will have to explain to her all the backstory that we learned in early chapters. And more explanation about Wickham. And more explanation about Bingley. And…. Darcy is going to be busy, busy, busy explaining – they better order supper! 😀
Only having been aware of this site and the ongoing book for a week and a half, I am pleased to have a chance to make comments. Nice to see a reviewer putting so much thought into the action and sharing. I got off FB several years ago due to privacy issues and I don’t have a blog. I will now have to go and read Theo’s letters. I do not think that Elizabeth would have buckled to pressure. She is one very stubborn lady despite society’s rules. Marilyn, I have read your one book, am following the other WIP and reading The Road to You. And just read some of Marilyn’s books – I am not a shopper either, Marilyn: but do love book stores, which put a dent in my budget. With so much coming at me, at times it is hard to keep straight “now which story was that in?”. Not many male readers commenting so I find Dave’s entries interesting. Too bad I can’t follow FB. Now that I am retired this is occupying a lot of time I didn’t have before but keeping my mind active. Good?
Theo is so different from the others in his immediate family. I am still trying to decide what I think about him. He seems to be a very good man at heart but the relationship with Fitzwilliam and the loss of their brother puts a different slant on where things might go and each’s interpretation of the other’s actions. At this point I think Theo might not want to be staying anywhere that Darcy might show up; I believe Theo wants some space and he has to attend to business. And Anne finally has a personality in this book. I don’t see her moving to London so quickly as it is not at all in the realm of her experiences. If she did go there it would be with someone who would be a guide and a protector. Lady C. will do everything to prevent D & E becoming engaged. We’ll see what the next chapter brings.
Hi Sheila! Am glad you were able to post – have seen several of yours here and there – always insightful!
Abigail posted above that Theo has bachelor quarters in London. It is easy for me to forget Theo’s age and how much growing he has left to do. It seems he places so many expectations on himself. As long as these two brothers keep expecting the worst from each other, is there hope for reconciliation?
I suspect Anne has a lot of resentment of her own. Will she put the blame for losing so many years of life on her mum? Will she overreact and go a bit wild? – that is adventuresome wild I mean. She does not have the skills that young ladies of the ton possess. How would she fit in, or does a heiresses money fix everything?
Eventually we should find out answers to so many questions! It will be great that we readers will get to direct the lives of cherished characters!
Just wanted to comment here and say thanks for reading my stories and so many others by the authors here!! I’m certain that everyone appreciates that as much as I do 🙂 .
And Dave,
I’ve continued to enjoy your thoughts and story analysis here on this page! Again, many thanks for sharing them!!
Oh yes…..
How could I forget Darcy’s being involved in breaking Jane’s heart. that’s going to also take some doing. perhaps dinner and a midnight snack for this one.
LOL If they keep at it till breakfast, that would narrow their options to a special license and married tomorrow. 😉
Too true. it’ll be interesting to see how the author work this out
I enjoyed of all the comments, and It is very interesting for his ideas David. I am agreed with Elizabeth not to accept Darcy’s hand in marriage. Our proud gentleman has that win the heart of our heroine, even.
Reader perspectives are great innovations!!
Thank you, Austen Variations, wonderful work!!
Hello Warmisunqu! You have a very nice web page!
Yes, it appears Darcy will have to set aside his pride to win his lady. Elizabeth will challenge him to justify his past actions. He must have good answers to every question in her mind or she will have difficulties accepting him. It seems very early in this story for an engagement – I suspect the writers will throw many more obstacles in their path to the alter!
Thank you for taking the time to comment!
Thank you for your observations! I can’t actually remember what I voted at this point — I think that the sentiment behind wanting Elizabeth to accept is that we all expect that to happen eventually. And so if she accepts, and they get married, then they can get the the fuss and trouble of having the wedding out of the way! But I agree that her refusal would be more in character at this point in their relationship because she’s just not thoroughly convinced of Darcy’s merits. In the “normal” course of things, she’s so set against him that there has to be a major, overwhelming evidence for her to accept him (and to really be totally embarrassed by her past opinions). She’s just not there yet!
I’m looking forward to seeing Anne develop into a more active member of the family, and ditching her mother in the process. Now I need to go check out Theo’s correspondence…
Hi Kathy! That is an interesting point about getting the wedding done and out of the way so we are into uncharted waters and not tied to the Original Story any longer. Sure, there have been numerous novels dealing with that time period, but they did not have Theo nor a group of weekly voting fans who are comfortable shooting the heroine! Wherever would we end up? LOL The writers may be rubbing their hands together in glee, anxious for such a chance! Or is that wringing their hands 😉
Before that can happen, lots of questions to be answered – many of them by Darcy himself! Let’s hope he is up to the challenge! Superbowl Sunday evening, fifty three hours and counting! In my home it is known as Theo Wednesday. Thanks for commenting Kathy!
Dave, I’m with you that E should have said no, but I have noticed during these stories that most of the readers like things to go smoothly. Rarely does the rough path get chosen. Too bad for me, I like the stories to go on for a long time. I SO look forward to Wednesdays. The good thing about Theo cutting himself off is that he can no longer loan money to Wickham. I can’t see D ignoring Theo if he really gets in financial dire straights, but it is time for Theo to do a little growing up, I guess the time is now. I, for one, am glad to see that Theo is showing some independence. On a personal note, I have noticed that you have some awesome insight on many of these stories and posts, not just this one. I am happy that they are taking advantage of it. I look forward to more…
I agree that Anne should leave Rosings and go to London with the Fun Bunch, and ditch Lady Cat who can whine to Collins.
Now, Dave…. when do YOU write a story?
Hi June! Am sure this group of writers will take good care of a healthy Anne – with our help!
Will not write a full story myself – waaay too much work! Will happily weave my scenarios without lots of detail, and leave the hard work to the professionals.
June, I do enjoy your posts! We have a long way to go with Theo!
Thank you Kari – kind words well appreciated!
One thing drilled into me from painting classes – you must have dark to see the light. You are right, for these stories, angst is necessary for the needed emotional stirring. I suspect Theo will find much in London to stir all of us! We all insist on Elizabeth and Darcy to be a couple, but where is Theo in this mix and what will be his part in the family group?
It would be a wonderful part of the story if he were instrumental in the couple’s happiness. Then there is the new Anne and confident Georgiana – so many inter-weaved lives! Is an early wedding a help to the other parts of the story? It is so cool that the readers will have a say in all their destinies!
Had to wait until after the Superbowl halftime show is over before posting – Susan Mason-Milks would consider that as sacrilege! 3:) Thanks for posting Kari!
A delight to meet you, Dave [and the intro to your FB connxn!]
Always up for lovely UK photo albums =) Many pleasurable moments to remember of being there..
TY for sharing with us!
Hello Sharon! My wife and I have taken a few trips over and have loved every one! Warm people and so much history!! Oklahoma, USA where I live became the 46th state in 1907. Of course the Indian tribes were here long before – my wife and I both have some Indian heritage, but mostly Scots-Irish Touching the Stonehenge stones was a special treat for us.
Hopefully you and I will be sharing Theo posts for a long time!
Thanks for sharing all your great ideas, Dave. Your post was fun to read as were the comments from other readers. I’m always learning about the characters!
Thank you Susan! Did enjoy myself immensely and the other posters seemed to have a good time too!
Regina posted in the middle of these posts today that Darcy’s fate is proofed and locked, ready to reveal on Wednesday!
Will have to stay up late to see what happens to the poor guy – his brain is mush and his life MAY hang in the balance based on one conversation. Maybe… 34 hours and counting! 🙂
Congratulations to ‘your’ Seahawks – a decisive win!
LOL! That is great – get out the pitchforks and torches! I am so glad this site is here I really missed reading all of these posts 🙂 Thank you!
Great post, Dave, and the comments going back and forth are priceless!!! Almost makes me glad I turned up late [actually no, not quite :)]
I’m all with you, Elizabeth wasn’t ready to say yes yet and much as I feel for poor POOR Darcy to be shot down in flames in front of the entire family and esp. Lady Cat, I can’t help thinking he deserves better than a reluctant bride, even if he hasn’t managed to get the Master of Pemberley mask off yet 🙂
On the other hand, if he gets to come up with something sweet and sensitive as he tries to get her to change her mind then yay, mask half off!
Can’t wait to see what happens next [off right now to see what’s midnight EST in British money 🙂 – thanks for that Abigail BTW, never knew exactly WHEN on Wednesdays it was posted)
OK so now I’ll go to join the hour-counting club!
Go, Regina and thank goodness it’s almost Wednesday – TGIW for short 😀
Hi Joana!
Well, with Regina “Queen of Angst” doing this week’s chapter, suspect Darcy is in REAL trouble! LOL
We have been teasing around about the hour counting, (7:05 to go) 🙂
Since we got to shoot Elizabeth before, will be interesting to see how everyone votes this time!
At least we are positive Elizabeth and Darcy will eventually be a couple, so a little/lot of angst is not troubling!
Thanks for posting!!
Hi Erika!
Only slightly singed and one small bandage! Everyone was very kind – we had a great time strategizing. Looks like the next Darcy Brothers – Theo post will be in less than eight hours and we get to start all over!
Hope to see more of your posts soon!
[…] chapter. We are also trying out a new feature: Dave McKee, one of our devoted readers, offered a Reader’s Perspective on The Darcy Brothers last Sunday which provoked lots of interesting discussion, and he’ll be making a repeat […]
[…] chapter. We are also trying out a new feature: Dave McKee, one of our devoted readers, offered a Reader’s Perspective on The Darcy Brothers last Sunday which provoked lots of interesting discussion, and he’ll be making a repeat […]