Well, it’s finally happened. My second Pride and Prejudice variation is out in the world, TODAY! And what better way to celebrate than with another giveaway and one more excerpt from the book.
If you’ve been following along, I’ve already shared Darcy’s proposal (if you missed it, you can find it HERE), so today, I thought I’d share Elizabeth’s reaction, as she tries to puzzle out how to respond. This scene was a lot of fun to write, and I hope you have just as much fun reading it. Enjoy!
Faults of Understanding
Elizabeth awoke the following morning after a restless slumber. Today she was to meet with Mr. Darcy, and she was no closer to knowing what she should do. Glancing out her bedroom window, she could see the sun shining brightly on the autumn leaves, and she instantly felt an almost painful need to be out of doors. Quickly donning a simple morning dress, she gathered her pelisse and bonnet, hoping a long walk in the cool air would help her to sort her jumbled emotions.
As was often her habit, her footsteps carried her to Oakham Mount, to a favorite spot where a fallen log rested in the shade of a great oak. Taking a seat upon the rough wood, she untied the ribbons of her bonnet, setting it beside her and allowing the breeze to lift the curls at the back of her neck.
She should have refused him immediately. Why, oh why, had she agreed to her father’s demand to wait before giving Mr. Darcy her answer? Her mind had been quite made up on the matter, and surely giving any man false hope was unnecessarily cruel… On the other hand, if Mr. Darcy had only proposed to save her from Mr. Collins, why had he not withdrawn his offer once she had made it clear that she had no intention of marrying her cousin?
Suddenly restless, Elizabeth stood from her seat, beginning to pace the small clearing with rapid, urgent steps. Surely she was not actually considering marrying Mr. Darcy? It was unthinkable! Taking a calming breath, she attempted to order her tangled emotions. She needed to approach this in a rational manner. She would make a list! Yes, that was the way to go about it. She would catalogue all the reasons for and against marrying Mr. Darcy. Certainly, if she did that, she would see the overwhelming evidence supporting a refusal.
She looked around the small clearing, as if expecting a writing desk complete with parchment, pen, and ink to appear before her, then laughed at her own fanciful imagination. Well, no matter, the list would just have to remain in her head for now. She could commit it to paper once she returned to the house.
Making her way back to her log, Elizabeth sat. She would start with the “against” column. That would be easier.
Reason number one: Obviously, she despised the man. Elizabeth chewed her lip. Well, perhaps “despised” was a strong term. She definitely did not like him. He was proud and arrogant and overbearing.
Still… there were times when his behavior could be… almost agreeable.
Unbidden, a smile pulled at her lips as she remembered the way he had set down Caroline Bingley when she had asked him to pen her respects to his sister. He had been almost rude in his terse responses to Miss Bingley’s fawning, but the woman had been too insensible to notice.
And then there had been the way he had spoken to her during his proposal, his hand warm on her shoulder, his deep voice murmuring softly in her ear.
“You must know that I will treat you with kindness. I realize I am asking you to take a leap of faith, but I promise you will want for nothing. Whatever is in my power to give, you shall have.”
Elizabeth unbuttoned her pelisse as an unexpected rush of heat crept up her neck. She should not have dressed so warmly. The weather was clearly far more temperate than she had expected.
Right. Reason number two.
Elizabeth pondered. Surely there were any number of other reasons to support the fact that Mr. Darcy would make her a terrible husband! He was… he was… rude! Yes, that was it. He had insulted her on the day of their very first meeting in a most grievous manner, within earshot of not only herself but a whole roomful of her neighbors! Despicable!
Her brow furrowed as she remembered how she had paraded past him after his ill-timed comment, deliberately making eye contact so he could be in no doubt that she had overheard his cutting remark. Their gazes had only met for a second, but in that time, she had detected a look on his face that could only be described as profound regret and the deepest mortification.
Elizabeth shook her head, attempting to rid herself of the memory.
Well. Never mind about that now. Reason number three.
Elizabeth stared out at the horizon. Reason number three…
Oh, this was too difficult! Naturally, there were far too many negatives for her to sort through them all right this moment. Perhaps she should have started with the “for” column instead. Yes, that would be easier. Surely there were hardly any positives when it came to a match with Mr. Darcy.
Very well. For.
Reason number one: He was rich. Not that money had ever been much of an inducement for Elizabeth. She would much rather have affection. Still, money purchased peace of mind. Security. And not just for herself, but for her entire family. If she married Mr. Darcy, they would be well provided for, even if something happened to her beloved father. Mr. Darcy had been very clear on that. He even planned to have it written into the marriage articles. And as for herself, she would want for nothing. Never again would she have to make over last season’s gown because her younger sisters were still growing and had the greater need for a new wardrobe. Or gaze longingly at the latest novel that had come into the bookshop, knowing her remaining pin money was not enough to purchase it. Elizabeth sighed. As much as she hated to admit it, it would be a vast relief to be free of her mother’s constant wailing about their circumstances and her non-stop machinations to marry her daughters off to the highest bidder. Perhaps if her mother could be assured of their protection, she would cease her worrying and allow Elizabeth’s sisters to marry where they pleased…
Which immediately brought her to reason number two: Jane. If ever there was a soul who deserved to marry for affection, it was her beloved sister. Never had Elizabeth seen Jane look on any gentleman as she did Mr. Bingley, and although her sister did not put her emotions on display for all and sundry, knowing her as Elizabeth did, she was convinced that Jane was deeply and profoundly in love. But now Mr. Bingley had gone away. What would happen if Elizabeth refused Mr. Darcy? He too would go away, and likely persuade his friend to steer clear of Hertfordshire and those detestable Bennets. Perhaps Mr. Bingley would give up the lease on Netherfield, and Jane would never lay eyes on him again! For while she believed Mr. Bingley to be partial to her eldest sister, she had also noticed a certain laxity in his character. Even Mr. Darcy, one of his closest friends, had admitted that Mr. Bingley could be easily led. Would Mr. Bingley’s nascent feelings for Jane be enough for him to stand up to his sisters and his friend if they conspired to keep him away?
Elizabeth blew out a weighty sigh. Very well… reason number three: Her future marital prospects. Her father seemed to feel that refusing both Mr. Collins and Mr. Darcy would materially damage her chances of receiving another proposal of marriage. And as much as she hated to admit it, it was possible he was correct. Hertfordshire was not exactly teeming with eligible bachelors as it was, and her portion was practically non-existent. Not to mention the fact that she already had a reputation for being impertinent and outspoken.
Of course, Mr. Collins had not actually proposed, but he had certainly been vocal about his intentions. If word got out that she had refused both her cousin and Mr. Darcy, would she be setting herself up to a life lived on her own, forever dependent on her father, and when he was gone, on her sisters’ husbands… assuming her sisters were able to marry men with the inclination and means to care for her?
Elizabeth grimaced. Reason number four. Well, as much as she was loath to admit it—and she absolutely would not admit it to anyone, not even her beloved Jane—Mr. Darcy was quite pleasing to the eye, especially when he was not frowning. He was tall, with a full head of curly hair, and a noble mien. And dark intense eyes, that seemed to look right into your soul when he spoke to you.
Suddenly, Elizabeth’s entire body grew warmer still, and she unfastened the remainder of the buttons on her pelisse.
Harumph. Reason number five. While she had not dwelt upon it overmuch, it was clear that Mr. Darcy was intelligent. He was well-educated. He liked books, and was no doubt well-read. She had heard him speak rationally on any number of topics. And unlike most gentlemen of her acquaintance, he did not seem to think it unusual for a woman to have thoughts and opinions of her own. In fact, he had seemed almost eager to engage her in philosophical discourse during the time they had spent together at Netherfield. How many men would welcome such conversations with their wives?
Elizabeth jumped to her feet, snatching up her bonnet and jamming it back on her head. This was ridiculous! She was making no progress at all. It had been silly to try to conjure up a list in her head. She would do much better to return to Longbourn and seek out pen and paper. Yes, if she had the correct materials at hand, surely she would be able to see that the reasons against marrying Mr. Darcy far outweighed those in favor.
She would return to Longbourn directly and commit everything to paper. Then she would have irrefutable proof that to wed that gentleman would be a frightfully bad idea.
~ Book Description ~
When Fitzwilliam Darcy makes an impetuous offer of marriage to Miss Elizabeth Bennet, he is convinced they have as good a chance as anyone for a harmonious life together. That is, until an overheard conversation changes everything, and Darcy realizes he is now joined in perpetuity to a woman who loathes the very sight of him.
Elizabeth Bennet’s expectations for matrimonial accord were never very high, having accepted Mr. Darcy’s proposal in a fit of pique, not love. Still, she is determined to make the best of her situation, despite having tied herself to such an arrogant, disagreeable man.
But life at Pemberley is not at all what she imagined, and Elizabeth soon finds herself with more questions than answers about the enigmatic gentleman she agreed to wed.
Trapped in a marriage founded on misunderstandings, Fitzwilliam and Elizabeth Darcy struggle with deepening attraction while confronting self-doubt and old betrayals. But is love enough to heal the wounds of the past? What will it take for two people bound by duty to find their way home to one another?
I hope you enjoyed that final sneak peek. If you’d like to enter the giveaway, please leave a comment below. I’ll be drawing another winner for a copy of the Kindle edition on June 4th. But, if you can’t wait to get your hot little hands on the book and start reading RIGHT AWAY…. you finally can! Click HERE to purchase your very own copy.
The ebook is out now, paperback coming soon. And if you want to catch up on any of the blog tour, the schedule and links to the posts are below. Thanks for reading!
~ Faults of Understanding Blog Tour ~
April 29th – Austenesque Reviews: Cover Reveal, Giveaway
May 6th – Austen Variations: Excerpt, Giveaway
May 14th – Babblings of a Bookworm: Author Interview, Giveaway
May 20th – From Pemberley to Milton: Excerpt, Giveaway
May 27th – Austen Variations: Book Release, Excerpt, Giveaway
Until next time!
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That was a fun scene! I’m looking forward to reading this book!
Congratulations! I am looking forward to reading it. The reviews are so good.
Will this be issued as a paperback also? Or only as an ebook?
NM, (forehead slap) I saw at the bottom that it will be released soon.
I am in ruptures! A gentle hand on her shoulder, a soft deep voice in her ear…oh!
I can’t wait to read more!!
Lizzy certainly appears to be losing the battle against herself! Please enter me in the giveaway.
Congratulations on your latest release. Can’t wait to read it. Great snippet.
What a beautiful excerpt! It sounds like Elizabeth might convince herself to say yes to Darcy’s proposal.
Congratulations, Jennifer!!!
Enjoy your release day!
(I already spotted a #1 New Release ribbon
I’m so excited to read this! I have been dying for a second book by Jennifer Altman since I finished “To Conquer Pride” and now it’s finally here!
Congratulations! I hope your new book does well. Loved the excerpt.
LOL! The against list didn’t get very far did it? While the for list would probably take several sheets!

I wonder whether she ever actually does write a list? I also wonder what finally makes her say yes!
It’s a shame Darcy overhears the conversation as I don’t suppose that will lead to marital felicity!
Looking forward to reading this. Thank you for sharing this excerpt.
That was a very telling excerpt. She is so stubborn she was refusing to acknowledge her own points. Her ‘to marry’ list was longer than the ‘not to marry’ list and she was too headstrong to own it. What fun. I look forward to reading this. Blessings on the release and success of this work. Thanks to Jennifer and her publisher for the generous giveaway. Good luck to all in the drawing. Everyone, stay safe, and healthy.
Lizzy is fighting a losing battle to convince herself why she should not marry Darcy. You have given us an insight that all does not start out well. I am anxious to see how they will work things out. Thank you for the giveaway opportunity. Best of luck with the release.
Lizzy is a master at deluding herself. And to think that she is going to hurt Darcy with unkind words! The girl has some serious explaining to do.
Can’t wait to read this one, Lizzy is fighting her own inclination (and rationality) as always…LOL. This will be a crazy ride and I look forward to it.
I love a woman who makes lists!
Congratulations on your release, Jennifer! The novel sounds lovely, and I’m very much looking forward to reading it!
I love how Elizabeth can more easily come up with reasons for than reasons against, and yet still believes there must be more reasons against. Our poor, deluded Elizabeth! Thank you for the excerpt and good luck with the release.
I love the excerpt and am looking forward to reading this novel. Lizzy loves to debate normally with others but she sure can debate with herself quite well but didn’t get anywhere this time.
Sounds like Elizabeth has more reasons to accept the proposal versus declining it. I Iook forward to reading this book to find out how this marriage works out for the both of them.
Stubborn – thy name is Elizabeth.
Looking forward to reading this.
Hah, that was fun; thanks. I’ve been enjoying the blog tour, and look forward to reading the book.
This will clearly be JAFF which compels rereads. Thank you for the pleasure of these pages!
Congratulations on your book release! I hope to read it soon.
That list is definitely not going Elizabeth’s way! I can’t wait to read more!
Congratulations and every success with your new book! The excerpts and peeks you’ve shared have been fantastic – thank you! Of course now I simply must know all
Enjoyed your first book, and I am looking forward to reading this one!
Congratulations! Can’t wait to keep reading!
Congrats on the new book! I so enjoyed To Conquer Pride, can’t wait to read this. It sounds like a page turner. Thank-you for the giveaway as well.
Fantastic book if haven’t yet read it fabulous fabulous fabulous.
This sounds like a fun read. Oh the trouble these two will get themselves into.
What a wonderful scene! I am looking forward to the full story. Congratulations on the release!
Rush of heat indeed! Man, I really need to read about this proposal. Then Lizzy trying to make a list to talk her self out of what she clearly is noting is a good choice. I wonder what Darcy overheard her say and how heartbreaking it must of been. I can see him sliding on a mask after. Both are always so stubborn. So worth the journey.
Sounds interesting and I read two other good reviews. Good luck with the release. I have it marked as “want to read”.
This premise really sounds interesting! I hope I get lucky!
Congratulations on the release of <i>Faults of Understanding</i>, Jennifer. After reading this brilliant excerpt, I’m definitely curious how Elizabeth agrees to become Darcy’s wife. And how she came to fell in love with her husband. Thanks for offering a Kindle copy.
Thank you for the excerpt. Clearly the “fors” outnumbered the “against”.just a stubborn Elizabeth. Thank you for the chance to win a copy
Hilarious! Of course only the lack of the correct writing materials is to blame
, because this is indeed a page turner – and a very long one too… not that I’m complaining, it’s been great so far…
Don’t enter me in the drawing, as I already won a copy.
Now you are to blame that I don’t get any housework done (and don’t sleep very much either)
That was quite a good excerpt with Lizzy, in her debate over marrying Mr Darcy, realizing that maybe…just maybe…then go back to hating him! Ouch! Thank you for sharing this and the chance at the giveaway.
Congratulations on your new story! I love the beautiful cover. Looks g forward to reading.