The idea of pairing a classic literary figure or character with a compelling paranormal situation has been a popular narrative technique, as well as a delightful amusement (!!), for many contemporary writers. In my case, I was really taken with the fantasy of having Jane Austen herself as an advice-giving ghost in the mind of a heroine, which is one of the reasons why I originally wrote According to Jane. 😀
In this opening scene from my debut novel, my protagonist, Ellie, first realizes she has the spirit of Jane Austen in her head. If you’ve never read the story, I hope you’ll enjoy this snippet…and if you have, I hope you’ll have fun revisiting teen life in the ’80s with me!
I always thought Homer painted his character Odysseus as a real slow learner with that whole twenty-year-journey thing. I mean, what kind of an idiot needs two decades to understand a simple lesson like “Don’t be arrogant in the eyes of the gods”? Pretty basic, once you take out all the hard-to-pronounce Greek names, the weird epic-poem structure and everything that smacks of immortals playing with magic.
But who am I to talk? For so many years, I, too, thought I was clever. I, too, thought I was courageous. I, too, thought I’d figured out all my lessons but, as Jane would say, “I fear this is not so.”
See, until this moment, at my wise old age of thirty-four, I had a long-held theory about my own personal power. An erroneous belief that I had more control over my destiny than I actually have.
But, to prove my point, I can’t start explaining from where I am now. It wouldn’t make sense.
Journeys begin where journeys begin…and mine began with big hair, legwarmers and the musty smell of Mrs. Leverson’s English class, way back in the mid-1980s when I was all of fifteen.
I was in sophomore lit then–midweek, early November, daydreaming of life after high school–when Sam Blaine made his first move and Jane Austen made her first comment.
“Ellieeee,” the sinfully cute but annoying-as-hell Sam Blaine chanted softly from his seat behind me. “Ellllieee.” He walked two of his fingers up the imaginary ladder between my shoulder blades until I shivered.
My debut novel — released by Kensington Books in the fall of 2009.
I scooched forward, trying to focus on Mrs. Leverson’s nasal-toned wrap-up lecture of the novel we’d just finished, Childhood’s End. Although I was pretty sure my childhood had long ended, I resigned myself to acting polite and studious in class if it killed me. I had a reputation to uphold.
Sam, however, had no intention of allowing me to brush him off. Managing to keep his hand out of Mrs. Leverson’s line of vision, he snagged my shirt and bra strap with a pinch grip and pulled me back toward him.
“C’mon, Ellie. You know you’re as bored as I am.” Sam skimmed his fingertips over the spot where my bra’s back clasp bulged beneath the cotton fabric. “Tell me your fantasy.”
As our teacher gestured with her chubby arms up in front of our suburban Chicago classroom and performed other antics to entice student participation, I thought of my fantasy: Surviving adolescence. Maybe kissing Sam someday. Being a totally cool, in control, woman of the world.
Yeah, right. But I was an optimist in the ‘80s.
I did not, however, divulge these imaginings to the precocious dark-haired boy who, thanks to the eternal delights of alphabetical order, sat near me in five out of seven classes.
I might lust after Sam. A lot. But I hadn’t yet become self-destructive. I knew S-A-M was shorthand for D-A-N-G-E-R.
“In your fantasy, are you groping a guy in the dark, passionately, maybe under the bleachers?” Sam suggested, his voice low. His fingers massaged my spine, channeling toward me all the vigor of a testosterone-driven teen male.
I felt chills–equal parts anxiety and longing–at his touch. I tried to lean away from him again, but he drew me back with one swift motion.
“And are you feeling that guy’s hands rubbing your body, too? First, over your clothes and, then–” he paused to stroke his thumb down my bare neck, “underneath them?”
“Cut it out, Sam,” I whispered over my shoulder, finally breaking away despite my absurd desire for more. Since kindergarten he’d poked me in the back with his pencil tip and badgered me with pesky comments, but this was the first time he’d ever really touched my skin. I didn’t know what to make of it.
See, with anyone else I might’ve thought some tiny crush thing was going on, but I wasn’t dealing with a typical, gawky sixteen-year-old boy. This was Sam Blaine, a guy who exuded experience even then. A guy who’d morphed into a rare combination of good-looking, athletic, brainy and popular. Versus me, who was, well…just brainy. Or, at least, intelligent enough to know I wouldn’t rate high on Mr. Cool’s “To Date” list.

The P&P Peacock Edition — far nicer than the mass-market paperbacks that Sam & Ellie would have gotten in class, LOL.
I sighed, wishing Sam’s attentions were sincere, and watched as our teacher wrote the title of our new novel on the chalkboard. Pride and Prejudice. Then out came the big box of paperbacks, distributed to us like the slap of breaded chicken patties on our hot lunch trays.
I picked up my copy. A second later I felt Sam trace a pattern on my arm with his pinky, and I rolled my eyes. Guess he was more bored than usual. Just as I was about to tell him to knock it off yet again, I heard the first tsk.
In a panic of self-consciousness, I dropped the book back on my desk and glanced at our classmates. No one seemed to be paying any attention to us in the far-right row. Everyone looked lost in their own daydreams or make-out fantasies or whatever.
But I heard more tsking.
“Who said that?” I asked Sam, shooting a look behind me.
“Who said what?”
“The ‘tsk, tsk’ noises.”
Sam’s forehead crinkled. He motioned me closer and I bent back toward him, a mere three inches away from his mocking blue eyes and those ever-smirking lips. I tried hard to keep my view of him peripheral. Gazing head-on at Sam’s striking features always made me sweat.
Another tsk came from somewhere in the room.
“That! Did you hear it?” I asked, swiveling around in my seat until I faced him. My eyes darted around in hopes of spotting the tsker.
But Sam didn’t seem to have heard it. Instead he simply grinned, his hand nudging my left shoulder until I made full eye contact with him. “Must be your subconscious speaking. It’s saying–” he tilted his head to the side and squinted as if in deep concentration, “‘Ellie Barnett needs more sexual experience…or she’ll die a virgin.’”
Then his hand slipped lower.
He covertly grazed the side of my left breast with his palm, his fingers daring to dance along the bra’s underwire before breaking the connection between us.
I stifled a gasp and stared at him, my mouth agape. For a split second I thought, Did he mean to do that? Was he seriously making a move on me? Then common sense took over, and I knew this had to be one of his little jokes. Sam loved games.
He sent me a smug, defiant look. His hand, an inch away, was still poised for grasping.

This is when I finally got to visit Chawton in 2012…a highlight of the year for me!
Before he could try that trick again, I seized his wrist with my long, strong, meticulously polished fingernails, and I used them as pink claws to dig four crescent-shaped notches into his hairless inner arm. Deep, darkening imprints against that pale skin.
Sam grunted and pulled away. Unfortunately, his moan elicited the attention of our teacher.
“Miss Barnett. Mr. Blaine.” She elongated her syllables with believable menace. “Please flirt on your own time.”
The class snickered and my face burned, making me wish I could bolt out the door and hide in the girls’ bathroom. I stole a glance at Sam. He didn’t quite have the decency to blush, but he slunk down in his seat, obviously displeased at getting caught.
With her reprimand delivered, Mrs. Leverson busied herself locating the handouts for our next novel.
The second she turned her back, Sam hissed in my ear, “Shit, Ellie. Are you trying to scar me for life?” He pointed to the marks on his inner wrist and had the nerve to look indignant.
I fought for a retort that wouldn’t get me in trouble. All I could come up with, though, was the really bitchy glare my sister had perfected on my parents, my brother and me.
“Leave me alone, Sam,” I managed to say, attempting to replicate the glare. “I mean it.”
Of course, I didn’t mean it. And Sam knew this.
He was too bright not to have noticed the way I’d studied him all semester, how I sparkled like a mirrored disco ball whenever he paid attention to me. Even getting to second base might’ve been okay if his interest in me were genuine. And if we were somewhere private.
But Sam did not exude earnestness of any kind, and his motives were nothing if not a complete mystery. He had what the adults called “an attitude,” and he was copping it big time that day.
“You…don’t…want me…to…touch you?” Sam said, his tone indicating disbelief. He knew I knew that virtually every other girl in our grade would’ve gladly agreed to be manhandled by him.
But I whispered, “No.”
As if guessing the hypocrisy of my words, he narrowed his eyes and opened his mouth. I turned away before he could speak.

Journey’s popular “Escape” album, released in July 1981.
Why? Because even then I craved this silly romantic thing. Craved it despite knowing it was stupid. I wanted my first real boyfriend to write me love notes that I could hide in my pocket and reread later. Or hold my hand and dance with me to the latest Journey ballads. Or refuse to tell his friends the exciting things we might do in the back row of a dimly lit movie theater.
I didn’t want some guy playing with my emotions for in-school entertainment, especially not the very guy I’d had a secret crush on for eons. No. I wanted pure romantic fantasy. And I got it.
But not from Sam Blaine.
“Our next novel is Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice,” Mrs. Leverson informed us, waving her handouts in the air before plopping them on Tanya Hammersley’s desk and motioning for her to distribute them. “While Tanya passes these out, take a moment to look at your new novel.”
I picked up the book again, flipped to the back cover and scanned it doubtfully: “The romantic clash of two opinionated young people in nineteenth-century England provides the sustaining theme of PRIDE AND PREJUDICE.”
Oh, ugh. This hardly sounded like high conflict, but I forced myself to keep reading: “Vivacious Elizabeth Bennet is fascinated and repelled by the arrogant Mr. Darcy, whose condescending airs and acrid tongue have alienated the entire neighborhood.”
I imagined using the word “acrid” in a sentence. Like: Sam Blaine deserved to be locked up in a dank dungeon until his groping fingers and his acrid tongue disintegrated. Nice, huh?
The passage continued: “Darcy and Elizabeth’s spirited courtship is conducted against a background of assembly-ball flirtations and drawing-room intrigues…” And blah, blah, blah.
I decided to go ahead, against all clichéd warnings, and judge a book by its cover. It was written too long ago to be any good, despite boasting a vivacious heroine who had a name similar to mine. And, anyway, between dealing with the rest of my schoolwork and just making it through the day, my attention span was limited.
Our teacher droned on about the setting and the political climate of Regency England and how dear old Jane spent her days confined to doing dull things like strolling in the park and writing letters because that was what fine women did back then.
I listened, more or less. But then Mrs. Leverson began telling us about the principal characters in Austen’s novel, and the weirdest thing happened.
“Along with Darcy and Elizabeth, George Wickham is an important character to study,” she said. “He’s a militia officer and his regiment is stationed near the Bennets’ family home. As you read your first assignment tonight, pay special attention to the way Austen introduces him and describes his actions.”
I was seized by a curiosity I didn’t understand about a character I’d never heard of before.
As Mrs. Leverson moved on to secondary players in the story, I flipped through the novel, reading random paragraphs until I saw the first mention of the Wickham guy on page 63. I skimmed the section, getting the flavor of this man who, since he didn’t wind up with the heroine at the book’s conclusion, couldn’t really be as admirable as he seemed, when I heard a lady’s voice in my ear.

This just might be my favorite Halloween comic ever!
Beware, Ellie, the voice said before following this up with a decided tsk or two. Sam Blaine is your Mr. Wickham.
Fear seized my throat and all-out panic gripped my stomach. Okay. Who said that?
I blinked then glanced wildly in every direction. Even Sam was keeping his distance, for once.
“What?” I said aloud to the unidentified voice. A few students nearby turned their heads to shoot me an odd look.
Sam, sounding sulky, muttered, “Don’t look at me. I didn’t do anything.”
I squinted at him, suspicious.
You would do well to heed my advice, friend, said the voice, and I could’ve sworn I heard an ironic little laugh right along with an unmistakably British accent. I am well acquainted with men of his ilk, and they are disinclined to be honorable. You had best keep your distance.
Not that I doubted her words or anything–she’d nailed Sam’s character in a sentence–but this whole hearing voices thing seriously freaked me out. I considered the possibilities:
Maybe I’d been whacked in the head one too many times with a volleyball that week. Gym class had been brutal.
Maybe my depraved sister had slipped some acid into my lunch. My turkey sandwich had tasted a little off.
Maybe I’d been studying too hard. After all, keeping up a 4.0 GPA was draining. Or, maybe–
You are neither ill nor suffering from head injuries, Ellie, the lady’s voice said, her tone still amused.
I couldn’t believe I was going to respond to this but, hey, it seemed my life wasn’t weird enough already. Even if replying put me into the Potentially Insane category, I needed to know who this woman was and what she was doing in my head.
So I asked, in silence this time, Who are you?
I heard the twittery laughter again, but not one of my classmates had uttered a sound.
Why, I am Miss Austen, of course, the voice replied. But you may call me Jane.
*** (end of excerpt) ***

I’d love to try to recreate this jack o’lantern…
I’ll admit, much as I would’ve loved it personally, I’ve never heard the voice of Jane in my head…or that of any other author, LOL. But I’d often wondered as a teen and, later, as an adult what she might have said in a number of situations. Writing According to Jane was like an extended session of asking, “What would Jane Austen do?” and imagining the result. 😉
Have you ever wondered what advice Jane might give you at a given moment? And do any of you have special plans for Halloween? Hope you’ll have a wonderful one!!
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I haven’t seen this book but I do like this excerpt so will definitely be checking it out. I have the ebook of Perfect Match which is on my TBR list but I admit I do love actual books. I don’t have any plans for Halloween although it is my birthday and I am retiring. I don’t really like big celebrations and as my daughter and family live in Australia and my son and his wife have 9 week old twin boys who were actually due on my birthday neither will be able to attend a party. I am going for a meal with some friends and family which is my idea of a good birthday. I will get to cuddle my newest grandsons and I will Skype my other two little boys in Australia – always a pleasure 😊 thanks for this post and the lovely giveaway.
Glynis, first and foremost, Happy Birthday early and HUGE congrats on your new grandsons!! I always prefer intimate gatherings with just a few friends/family for my birthday, too. I hope your celebration will be an especially lovely one this year 🙂 .
Hi Marilyn. Thanks for such a generous giveaway and for making open to those of us who live overseas. Thanks also for sharing some of your book with with us. It sounds amazing! I have to confess that I haven’t read this one but it sounds right up my street, mixing JAFF with something a little paranormal.
In my profession as a community pharmacist, I sometimes have to deal with people who are being, shall we say…..difficult. Sometimes, it’s understandable, after all they wouldn’t be in a pharmacy if they didn’t have a problem/problems. Other times, it seems as if they are being awkward just for the sake of it. At times like those, it’s be lovely to have Jane whispering advice to me on how to be perfectly polite whilst giving them a set down.
At Hallowe’en, we won’t be doing anything special ourselves as our family is grown and left home, but we have quite a lot of small children living nearby, so I don’t doubt we’ll have visitors during the course of the evening and are well prepared for it!
Anji, thanks so much for taking the time to read my post and share your thoughts! I can imagine that pharmacists must be asked quite a few unusual questions…and I’d bet Jane would have some good comebacks, LOL. 😀 I’d love to hear a few of her responses, too!
Good morning, Marilyn. Contemporary romances are not my favorite, but I really enjoyed according to Jane. On October 31 I am going to be grateful to get home from 10 hours with my preschoolers, put up my feet, watch a movie, and be in my bed by 8:30. Thank you for this generous give away.
Deborah, I’m thrilled you enjoyed According to Jane!! And, ohhhh, I know a day of Halloween excitement with a group of preschoolers has to be a LONG one! (It was tough trying to teach 2nd and 3rd graders on holidays, so I can imagine how much goofiness you’ll have to deal with on Monday…) Sending you hugs!! xo
Hi Marilyn, I’ve read “According to Jane”, a long time ago. But “Pride, Prejudice and the Perfect Match” is currently on my wishlist. Thanks for the awesome giveaway!
We don’t do anything special for Halloween, other than prepare for trick-or-treaters. My boys were there not so long ago, so we always have pizza for a quick easy meal. And then off we’d go. But now, we just enjoy the pizza while waiting for the doorbell.
Ginna, pizza on Halloween sounds like an *ideal* dinner plan!! (I may just have to do that, too. 🙂 ) And thank you for having read According to Jane and wanting to read Pride, Prejudice and the Perfect Match!
Thanks for sharing this excerpt with us, it sounds great. Thanks for the giveaway.
You’re welcome, Michele!! Thanks for stopping by 😉 .
Oh, this sounds fantastic! Thanks for the excerpt and the giveaway!
So glad you enjoyed it, Anna!! 😀 Many thanks!
It is fun to revisit According to Jane. It had been awhile since I reread. Thank you for the generous giveaway. What a great bunch of goodies!
Becky, I’m so glad you enjoyed revisiting my first book — thank you! — and I’m delighted you like the giveaway, too!
Well I have just added According to Jane to my wish list. Thanks for the giveaway
Yay!!! Thanks, Vesper! I really hope you’ll like the story 🙂 . xo
Love the excerpt…makes me want to go back and read again. You are well aware that yours are on my re-read often shelf. I would have *loved* to have the voice of Jane in my head at Ellie’s age. I also loved Emilie Loring books at that time and her voice would have been cool as well. Very different from Jane’s but cool none the less. I was very much nose-in-book girl and only popular with those that made other people’s lives miserable, so advice at that point would have been priceless. 🙂
This will be the first year we’ve lived “in town” and I’m hoping I can successfully hide from trick-or-treaters. This introvert just wants to lay low. LOL
LOL about being an introvert during Halloween, Stephanie!! I hear ya. I’ve been so thankful in the past few years that my very extraverted teenage son *loves* to open the door and hand out candy 😀 . He was an insatiable trick-or-treater when he was little (we’d be out for HOURS!) and he gets into the spirit so exuberantly now. Next year, when he’s away at college, my husband and I will be back on duty again… I’ll be thinking about you on Monday night and hoping it’ll be a fairly quiet evening for you!! xox
me, me, me, pick me!!!!!
Sounds very neat, Marilyn
Hollis, LOL!! Thank you 🙂 🙂 .
Oh my word, look at that giveaway pack!! Thank you for your generosity! I love fantasy novels, especially JAFF with a fantasy twist.
Thanks so much, Priscilla! I love fantasy, too, and of course anything involving Jane… 🙂
Love the excerpt.
Love your other books.
Love the cartoon.*
Love to win the prize.
*Now to see if I can copy it to share and save.:)
Awww, Betty, thank you!!!
So glad you love my stories and that the cartoon made you laugh, too! It’s one of my faves 😀 . xo
Wonderful excerpt, and wow….what a great prize package! Thanks for both! 🙂
You’re most welcome, Pam!!
And I’m so delighted you enjoyed the excerpt 😉 .
As a I was a teen in the 80’s, you had me at Jane Austen, big hair, and leg warmers ;-). Very interesting premise and well written. Thanks, as always, for sharing your talent with us.
Debbie, ha!! I’m so glad I’m not alone in remembering big hair & leg warmers!! Thank you so much for your kind comments, too — I truly appreciate them 😉 .
I haven’t read this book yet – I need it!!! I love your writing!! As for Halloween here, now that my children are older I’ll just be hanging out at home handing out candy to the adorable kids who come trick or treating, while my husband tries to keep our dogs contained downstairs so they don’t scare the children! Oh, and this weekend my youngest daughter (a high school senior) is hosting a Halloween get together for her friends at our house.
Stephanie, ohhhh, thank you!! I’m thrilled you loved the writing. Makes my day 😀 . xox My son is a high school senior, too, by the way! How fun that your daughter is hosting a Halloween party for her friends. Hope they’ll have a wonderful celebration!
I’ve read According to Jane, and really enjoyed it. My Halloween plans are to take a five year Darth Vader and five year old Chewbacca trick or treating. LOL At least I think that’s what they want to be (this week). Thanks for the chance at a great giveaway.
Oh, Kris!! What a fabulous age that is for trick-or-treating! I’ll bet your little Star Wars fans will look absolutely adorable… Hope you’ll post pics on FB 🙂 .
Great giveaway. Thanks for the chance Marilyn
You’re so welcome, Brandy!! Glad you stopped by! xo
Loved the book, and posted a review. I am meeting Claudine in NYC on Sunday so I consider that my Halloween Treat!!! We live in a condo so get hundreds of children coming by on Trick or Treat night. When I was young you only went to houses in which dwelt people you knew and they invited you in and tried to guess which neighbor you were. We got lots of apples and homemade popcorn balls. But then we lived way out in the country side with few neighbors close enough to walk to. Now you don’t invite children in plus apples or homemade treats might hide pins or needles so they are not given out. Pleas count me in this lovely and generous give away.
LOVED your review, Sheila!! Thank you again for your very sweet words… xox Really enjoyed reading about your trick-or-treat experiences growing up. I remember the days of apples and homemade popcorn balls! And how fun your trip to NYC will be!! Hope you & Claudine will have a wonderful time 🙂 .
I’d love to have Jane Austen whispering in my ear! I could have avoided so many problems haha 😀
LOL, Laurie!! I agree with you 😀 . Oh, to have had Jane sharing advice, especially during those young adult years…
great giveaway – love the teapot!! not many of those seen around my area lately!
Thanks, Teresa!! I thought the teapot was so cute ;). Reminded me of the ones I used to see at small-town diners!
Thanks for the opportunity!
You’re welcome, Tina! Glad you stopped by 😉 .
Wow — I suppose most of us had a Wickhamesque character in our lives at some point, and it surely would have been a boon to be the recipient of Jane’s help and advice. I admit that I did not know of this book before, but am now going to seek it out (unless I’m lucky enough to win your very generous giveaway!). And altho’ I would not want to re-live the 80s (well, maybe if I could have big hair this time around!) I look forward to the fun reminders of what a strange decade it was. Many thanks for the tantalizing excerpt.
Hallowe’en here is rather tame; we live in the Southlands where it’s not a popular holiday. And as our home is in the middle of nowhere with few neighbours, we have never seen a trick-or-treater. Before we moved here we lived up North, where Hallowe’en was lots more active and lots more fun, with people wearing costumes to work almost everywhere. (Altho’ I’m glad they don’t take part in Cabbage Night around here either!)
Janis, I’m so pleased you enjoyed the excerpt and that it brought back a little of the ’80s! I agree with you — it was definitely a strange decade, LOL. It’s been fun to talk about those years with my teenage son, who considers that time period to be almost as foreign to his experience as WWII or the Civil War 😀 . Wishing you a relaxing (and Cabbage-free!) Halloween night!!
Thanks for sharing this excerpt with us. What a great idea to have Jane Austen as a cautionary voice in Ellie’s head. The time frame for the story brings back many memories for me as well. I can relate to the big hair and legwarmers. I think I still have a pair somewhere, too. I’d love to be included in your giveaway. Thanks again!
Laura, I must admit to having *loved* my legwarmers back in the day (!!), and I wish I still had a pair of them around here, so I envy you that 🙂 . Many thanks for taking the time to stop by and read the excerpt!
Hola!!! Gracias por el sorteo y que sea internacional. Besos
El gusto es mío, Laura!! 🙂 xo
What an interesting excerpt. Will have to go check it out as I, too, went through the 80s. Wearing leg warmers was the only time my ankles were warm. I think I have a pair stashed somewhere that I should dig out… Thank you for the chance to win some fun stuff!
Oh, Linda, thank you! I’m so glad you enjoyed the excerpt!! With winter coming soon to Chicago, I truly wish I still had some legwarmers in the house, LOL! Hope you pull out yours and stay warm for the both of us 😀 .
What a great giveaway! I discovered a new read!
Thanks so much, Sally!! So pleased that you liked both the story & the giveaway 😀 .
From the excerpt, I suddenly recalled reading this book a long while ago. I remember that I enjoyed it thouroughly. I think it will have to reread it soon.
Lynn, thank you!! I’m thrilled to hear you enjoyed According to Jane when you first read it! Hope you’ll like it as much (or more…) the second time around 🙂 .
I loved the excerpt and now I need to add According to Jane to my wish list.
I have no idea how I didn’t read it yet since I enjoyed every book I read by you so far.
Thank you for the chance to win 🙂
Moran, thank you, sweet friend! Your kindness always brings a smile to my face 😉 . And I hope you’ll like my debut novel!! It’s been seven years since its release, which is hard for me to believe… xox
Wonderful author, great excerpt, fabulous giveaway and so fascinating.
Oh, Anne, thank you!! So kind of you! 🙂
Love the excerpt, and would love to win! Thanks for sharing!
My pleasure, Laura!! 🙂 And I’m delighted you loved the excerpt from According to Jane — thank you!
Your novels are enjoyable and special. Thanks for this beautiful feature and giveaway. We love giving out the treats to the little ones in their adorable costumes. Not as many kids in the neighborhood as it matures.
Ruth, what a lovely thing to say — thank you!! And I appreciate your stopping by to read and comment on my post! Wishing you a wonderful week 🙂 .
What fun to have Jane Austen in one’s head especially when she is warning you off from Wickham. So, I wonder who Ellie’s Darcy will be? Thank you for the giveaway – so generous!
Eva, thanks so much for your comments on the excerpt!! Yes, the big question in According to Jane is exactly what you said: Who is Ellie’s Mr. Darcy?! 😀 She spends the whole book trying to figure that out, LOL, and eventually she does! xo
Yay! So happy to see this book and author out and about the blogosphere. I had such a great time through the pages of this one… and hardily agree, others will too! One might wonder if the sage advice of our favorite authors or characters would help or hinder us in times of need… but sometimes the wonder or fictional adventures are more than enough. After all, it gets crowded enough up there without adding ANOTHER voice! 😄
As for Halloween, never been the party person or anything, but I do get to dress us to give out the candy at our house. Started for fun but the one year I was rushing home from work and didn’t have time, the neighbors were all…”aren’t you dressing up this year?”. LOL. Happy reading everyone!
Gina, thank you so very much, my friend!! You know I’m always delighted to see you around the ‘net 😉 . One day, I hope our paths will cross in person… Thanks for being so supportive & have a wonderful Halloween! xoxo
Thank you for the excerpt and giveaway! I know I will enjoy reading.
Many thanks for saying so, Sandra!!
🙂 🙂
This was hilarious! Please pick me.
YAY!! Thrilled it made you laugh, Anne! 😀
Marilyn, I can’t wait to read this one. Sounds great. My sweet Keeshond puppy was named Ellie. And I collect teapots. So, a great giveaway as far as I’m concerned! Thanks for offering it.
You’re most welcome, Bonnie, and I’m so glad you’re looking forward to reading the story! LOVE the name Ellie 🙂 . Thanks so much for stopping by!
What an amazing giveaway!!
Thanks so much, Lori!!
Love Jane Austin and thanks for the excerpt–need to save it for now to reread. Lovely giveaway. Keep on writing.
Many thanks for your kind words, Sue! I’m so pleased you enjoyed it 🙂 . xo
Thank you Marilyn for your generosity. I’m dressing up at work on Halloween, and when I get home I’m handing out candy. Thank you for this chance!
Thanks for reading my post, Robyn! I’m so glad you came by and took the time to comment ;). Hope your Halloween will be a fun one! xo
Wow great article and that giveaway sound so cute. Good luck to everyone and congratulation to who ever wins.
Thanks so much, Brooke!! 🙂
You know I love all of your work!!! Keep them coming!!
Carletta!!! Thank you so much, sweet lady 🙂 . Lovely to see you here! xox
Love the excerpt. It is a very generous giveaway! I will be working on Halloween, selling candy to last minute parents.
Kristine, I’ll probably be one of those parents running to the store for more candy Halloween night ;). And thank you! I’m delighted you loved the excerpt!! xo
According to Jane is one of my favorite books EVER!! I want to say this book was the book that led me to more and more JAFF that I LOVE and to a friendship with the wonderful Marilyn Brant!
Ohhhh, Margie!!! LOVE *YOU,* my dear friend!! And I’m so honored to know that According to Jane led you on the path to more JAFF 😉 😉 . *smooooch!* xox
Awesome contest! Love your writing!
Thank you, Karen! That means a lot to me 🙂 .
Sound like a great book! Will need to get it soon!!
Thanks, Desiree! I truly hope you’ll enjoy it ♥.
What a brilliant idea!! As soon as I have funds and time I will get it and read it!
In the meantime, I hope I get lucky and win your wonderful prizes!!!
Thank you, tgruy!! I’m delighted to hear that you enjoyed it so much 😉 . Wishing you a wonderful week!
I love your books–wish I was blessed with your creativity. Keep up the great work–you give much pleasure to many people.
Joanne, thank you! I can’t express how much your kind words about my stories mean to me ♥. It’s because of lovely readers like you & all of our Austen friends here that I keep on writing 😉 .
Wow, Marilyn, I love this excerpt! I will definitely have to get my hands on According to Jane! I’ve only read some JAFF (mostly Pamela Aidan and Abigail Reynolds) and as a former mid-80s teen, I can see I’ll relate well to your story. 🙂 Thanks so much for offering such a great giveaway! I love being reminded that there are many out there who love JA as much as I do. <3
Christine, thank you! I’m always so excited to hear from others who grew up in the ’80s & share memories of that wonderfully goofy time! And I’m delighted you enjoyed this excerpt 😉 .
Love this! I can’t believe I haven’t read According to Jane yet – I love your other books! xoxo
Clara, oh, my sweet friend, thank you! And you know what a fan I am of *your* books ♡. Cannot wait for Aftermath’s release!! XO
Thank you for such a fabulous giveaway offer, Marilyn! Those are some lovely items.
I have not read According to Jane but it does sound great. I must read it soon. 🙂 I”m behind on all my reading at the moment.
I do not have plans for Halloween but will probably have my grandchildren come by for treats. I live in the country so they are usually the only kids I have visit. We might to to trunk or treat at church but don’t know yet. Then again, I will probably stay home and work on one of those handsome ‘Austen Men in Film + 2’!
Janet, Austen men in film — Yay! This sounds like a very productive use of one’s time!! 🙂 Thanks for your kind comments — I’m so glad you stopped by!
Such a fun excerpt–and a wonderful giveaway! The cartoon was hilarious, too!
And I have a pendant replica on a black leather cord of the Peacock edition of P&P, a Christmas gift from my daughter. I love all of the literary jewelry on Etsy and also at Hot Topic where I got my Sherlock Holmes pendant. 😉
Thank you for posting for us, Marilyn!
Susanne 🙂
Susanne, what a fabulous and thoughtful gift from your daughter! And I didn’t know about the Sherlock pendants… I’ll have to scope those out 😉 . I love the creative literary items available now! Thanks for your lovely comments about my post, too — I so appreciate them ;).
I’d love to have Jane Austen’s voice in my head. I feel like she’d be the ultimate “people-watcher” and would have great things to say, and wisdom to impart.
I doubt I’ll do anything Halloweenish on Halloween unless I tag along with my nephew for trick or treating [he’s going as a zombie baseball player]. I do want to carve a jack o lantern this weekend, too.
Monica!!!! So wonderful to see you here — thank you for popping by 🙂 . I haven’t been on Twitter much lately… I’ve missed chatting with you ♥. Love the sound of your nephew’s costume, LOL. Hope you go with him & that he shares some good treats!
I love the Oldies,but Goodies. And Tea for One, even though I enjoy tea with my best friend.
Thanks, Deborah! Tea with good friends is the best 😉 .
This will be a lovely package for someone. 🙂
Thanks, Darla! I really hope that the person who wins it will enjoy it!!
Hi Mariilyn, that’s a fun-tastic excerpt! Enjoyed it to the core.Will definitely read the whole novel. Your style is so simple and chatty.You do observe ,pretty well, the mischievous maneuvers of teens in an English classroom!. The idea of Jane Austen as the ghost adviser is marvelous.The Elizabeth-Darcy pair parallels ironically with Ellie and Sam!I suppose Wckhams are common in the modern world and of which young ladies must beware.
In Bangalore( India), Halloween is enjoyed in just few pocket areas. Mine does not fall into it.
Wish you an exciting Halloween.
Thanks for the absorbing read and the great giveaway.
Prabha, your comments were such a delight to read! Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts (and “first impressions” LOL) of According to Jane 🙂 . I’m so pleased you enjoyed the excerpt! Thank you for the Halloween wishes as well. We don’t celebrate quite as much as we did when our son was little, but it’s still a night of fun… and candy!
I am so happy I found out about your page! I love everything Jane! This is amazing! thank you so much! I believe that Jane was a woman ahead of her time. She had such insite and independence. I have always loved her and I have always admired her, she is my hero!
Latonya, YAY! I’m so glad you found our page too! You’re in good company here with your admiration of Jane — I agree with you that she was a woman way ahead of her time 😉 . Thanks for commenting!
Love anything Austen, especially a wonderful giveaway!!
Thanks so much, Ann!! 😀
What a wonderful giveaway! Thanks for the chance! And I love your page!
Delighted you like it, Pat!! ♡
Hi, Marilyn,
I hear you Chicagoans have been having a lovely autumn. I miss it.
You are a generous soul! What a lovely and bountiful giveaway opportunity. I like Hollis’s ‘Pick me. Pick ME. Pick ME ME ME.’ lol
Very cool to read from your first work; as I’ve mentioned before, or meant to, I am dazzled by your creation of a writer’s life – all the way up to ‘All the News That’s Fit to Print- – WOW. My bonnet is off to you. Fun to sample your first – how fun – and satisfying – knocks my socks off – you and the likes of Ada and Cass – ‘Wow’ is my banal but, in this case apropos, refrain. You should be so PROUD.
Very cool twist, btw, having Jane a whisper in your character’s ear. So refreshing. I have talked to her, more than I should mention (lol), but I am now inspired to listen for her talking to me!
Love the pic of you at Chawton, too. Brings back the nearly spiritual experiences I had there. Mecca.
Well, I’m glad to see you’re enjoying your fans. What a delight. Congratulations. And thanks. Karylee
It’s so lovely to see you here 😉 . Thank you for taking the time to stop by & comment on my post…and my heartfelt appreciation goes out to you for your sweet words about my stories. Truly, it means the world to me! xox I love what you wrote about Chawton being a nearly spiritual experience — YES!! Couldn’t you almost feel Jane’s spirit hovering in that room (probably shaking her head at all of the crazed tourists and chuckling with her sister in disbelief 🙂 )?! She’s never spoken to me, but I do play this game where I’ll ask Jane a question and then flip P&P open to a random page to see what she’s answered, LOL. It’s like a JA version of the Magic 8 Ball 😀 .
Are you a Cubs fan? I’ve never been one for sports, but even I have been happier than a hog in mud, watching from San Diego. Oh, JOY. My son is in heaven. WrigleyHeaven. 🙂 Take care, Kbm
Wonder what JANE would make of baseball… ha….
Just about everyone within a 200-mile radius of us is a Cubs fan right now!! I’ve never seen so many Cubbies t-shirts. 😀 My husband was born in the Chicago suburbs and has been a die-hard supporter of the team since he was a preschooler, though… So, even though my ability to intelligently follow a baseball game is pretty limited, we’ve *all* been watching them play, especially through these last big match-ups (Giants and Dodgers) and, of course, the first 2 World Series games against the Indians. I get so anxious when the score is close that I have to go to another room and pace every few minutes. That’s been my “exercise” for the week, LOL. ♥
thanks for the opportunity. good luck to everyone
Thanks for stopping by, Romina!
What a wonderful giveaway! I love Jane!!! Thanks for the chance! I am so happy I found out about your page! Good luck to everyone!
So glad you found us too, Simona 🙂 . Thank you!
I loved the book when I first read it and after seeing this on Facebook I read it again and enjoyed it even more. You write some of the best, most engaging novels. Thank you for the enjoyment you bring to us.
Joanne – you made my day! ♥♡♥♡♥
Thanks for the beautiful opportunity. It’s a great giveaway!
You’re welcome, Sara — good luck!
I don’t know what I’m more excited about, a giveaway that’s for us international readers or a book of yours that I’ve not read!! Sitting here, this side of the pond, experiencing probably the most beautiful Autumn that England has had for a good few years, a new story will keep me from ,issing my travelling husband and two kids who are now both at university. I can look out of the windows into my autumnal garden and read. Thank you.
Oh, Debra, thank you so much! I truly hope you’ll enjoy According to Jane, and I can absolutely relate to wanting to delve deep into a novel when the family is away… My son will be starting at the university next fall and already I can feel how much I’m going to miss him ♥. Sending you good wishes for more beautiful autumn weather! 😉 xo
Too many books, too little time! I have pre-ordered Mr. Darcy’s Dragon. Love these stories, keep them coming!
😀 😀
Hi Marilyn! Happy Halloween! I loved this excerpt and think the idea of having Miss Jane in my head would be pretty awesome. I love your books, thank you for writing and sharing them with us. Amazing giveaway, you are a very generous lady.
Thank you SO much, Megan!! ♥ I’m thrilled you loved this excerpt and truly appreciate your sweet words! xox Happy Halloween to you, too 🙂 .
****Drawing time!**** Congrats to Debbie Aldous – you just won my P&P autumn Austen giveaway! I’ll email you in the next day or two to find out your address (or you can send me a private message: MarilynBrant AT gmail DOT com).
And a HUGE thanks to everyone here for commenting on my post. I loved hearing your thoughts!!! Wishing you all a wonderful November. ♥
Congratulations, Debbie. Enjoy…I did.
Sheila – ♥♡♥!!