Entwined Magic is coming! A Sneak Peek from Book 4 of Mr. Darcy’s Magic

As you will have guessed from the title, Book 4 of Mr. Darcy’s Magic is ready to go. Just a few more days and it will be in your hands, gentle readers, and I can’t wait to hear your reactions!

In my humble opinion 😉 this is the best book in the series, even better than the first one, Dangerous Magic. Especially since this is the final book in the series, with Elizabeth and Darcy finding their happy ending at last!

As I finish the final edits on Entwined Magic, I can’t help feeling torn.  I am thrilled for our dear couple, of course.  But I’m also a bit sad because this means saying goodbye to this magical world I’ve lived in for three whole years. I’ve been immersed in Darcy and Elizabeth’s Regency magic for so long now, it seems like a part of me. So much so, that sometimes I forget it doesn’t exist! The other day, I even caught myself googling some specific information about Napoleon’s mages, and I was puzzled when I couldn’t find any!! 😀

Fortunately, there’s nothing more satisfying than typing the words: THE END and knowing that Entwined Magic will soon be available for my readers to enjoy. I’m so excited for you to start reading the book.

In anticipation, here is a short excerpt from the novel.

After a brief interval, they walked slowly back, side by side, their shoulders rubbing, their fingertips touching as they moved. Elizabeth soon returned to the subject of Lady Catherine de Bourgh. She was curious to learn what Darcy’s relationship with his aunt was like. He had never mentioned her, nor had he mentioned wanting to see her.

“So does your aunt live close by?”

“Not at all. Rosings Park is about three hours away, near Westerham, but the inn at Bromley was a regular stop every time we traveled.”

“Are you close to your aunt?”

Darcy snorted. “My aunt is not the kind of person you can be close to. Mostly, she barks out orders and expects everyone to obey them.”

“She sounds terrifying.”

“As long as you don’t let her intimidate you, you’ll be fine. She likes to manage everyone around her. She interferes in every detail of their lives. I have even heard her give one of the tenants instructions about how to arrange her shelves.”

“Goodness! I would not like that. How did you put up with it?”

“She was kind to me when I was orphaned. She could have sent me to an Academy straight after my parents died. Instead, she trained me herself. Perhaps she had reasons of her own for doing it, but at the time, I was grieving the loss of my parents, and I was grateful that my mother’s sister took me in. If I had gone straight to an Academy, I might have likely been bullied by my fellow apprentices who did not understand what I was facing.”

“Very probably.” No matter how hard it was to imagine Darcy as a young boy at the mercy of the

other children, she could see why his aunt’s intervention had been important.

“When did you last see her?”

He looked uncomfortable. “Just before our wedding. We— had a falling-out.”

Elizabeth vaguely remembered Lord Matlock saying something about Darcy and his cousin. At the time, she had not paid much attention to it, but now she remembered something about marriage expectations.

“Was it because she hoped you would marry your cousin?”

Darcy winced. “It was more than that. When you and I met, Anne and I were engaged.” Darcy’s tone was clipped.

Elizabeth felt as though a large stone had lodged in her stomach. Why had he not mentioned it before? She had never considered that he might have been attached to someone else. No wonder he was so hostile when they were first introduced.

Her mind spun with the implications. Breaking an engagement was a very serious matter, particularly for a well-bred young lady. What impact did it all have on Miss de Bourgh? Young ladies who were jilted were often ostracized by society.

“So they made you break the engagement?” She could not keep the outrage out of her voice.

“There was no need to. It was never made official. There was no announcement.” He looked down at his hands and sighed. “I’m sorry I never told you. I have not thought about Anne for a very long time. It did not seem important.”

A heavy silence hung between them.

She hesitated, then decided to ask the question that was on her mind. “Did you care for her?”

“I cared for her, of course. We spent two years together as children. It was a good match. It was planned by our mothers in the cradle. We grew up with the expectation that it would happen one day. My aunt was bitterly disappointed when the Council decreed otherwise.” He paused. “We are none of us the masters of our fate. But if you are asking whether it broke my heart to be separated from Anne, it did not.”

His answer mollified her, but not completely. “Do you wish it could have been otherwise?”

She held her breath. She knew Darcy well enough that he would answer honestly. Did she really want to hear his answer?

He leaned forward and brushed his lips against hers. “And miss the opportunity to fall in love with such a Talented and beautiful young lady?” He pulled her against him and kissed her deeply, the passion in his kiss leaving no doubt in her mind. Then, as he drew back, he added. “If only we had our freedom, you would quickly learn how fortunate I consider myself to have found such a wonderful bride.”

I hope you enjoyed this small peak into the book! Entwined Magic will be coming out on October 15th, and is available now for pre-order.


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    • SamH. on October 10, 2024 at 7:08 am
    • Reply

    So excited about this!! Congratulations!!!

    I will read it on KU, but I have the first three on Audiobook and hope to add this one to my library too.

    1. I’m thrilled to hear you have the audiobooks, SamH. Thank you for stopping by.

    • wendy m luther on October 10, 2024 at 7:09 am
    • Reply

    I can’t wait!!!

    1. Let me know what you think, Wendy!

    • Carole in Canada on October 10, 2024 at 11:38 am
    • Reply

    I cannot wait!! Congratulations on completing such an amazing series! You deserve all the accolades!

    1. Very kind of you to say so, Carole! 🙂

  1. Awww! Such a tender moment between them! Congratulations on finishing the series, Monica! Wonderful work!

    1. Many thanks, Christina!

    • Glory on October 10, 2024 at 2:38 pm
    • Reply

    YEAH!! I can’t wait to see how it all ends

    1. Thank you for stopping by, Glory. I think you’re going to enjoy this! 😉

    • Satu on October 10, 2024 at 11:57 pm
    • Reply

    I read the first in the series but have been holding on the others waiting for the whole series to be available. I’m such an impatient reader/person that I didn’t want to have the long wait with all the suspense in b the background. Now as I was diagnosed with breast cancer a month ago, had surgery yesterday and attritional treatment to be determined and scheduled I may but the rest of these books to read to take me to an alternate universe where my worries and concerns can be left aside for a short while.

    1. Satu, I am so sorry to hear about your diagnosis. I hope your treatment is going well and you are not having bad side effects. My thoughts are with you.

      I hope the books help you through this difficult time.

      Warm hugs,

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