It’s been quite a harrowing journey, but COVER REVEAL DAY IS FINALLY HERE!
Like Fitzwilliam Darcy’s and Colonel Brandon‘s books, for Mr. Knightley in His Own Words, I wanted to feature an artist’s interpretation of the title character as portrayed in one of the film adaptations. But which Mr. Knightley should I use? Whose face goes on the cover – Mark Strong? Jeremy Northam? Jonny Lee Miller? If you’ve been following along, you know there’s been a months-long, ongoing controversy about that – amongst readers and in my own mind! No consensus. No clear favorite. More of a 20-40-40% split. Not helpful.
I took polls. I held a Mr. Knightley Pageant. I made multiple Cover Prototypes. And still no clear winner emerged between the top candidates. So, putting off the decision as long as possible, I produced a total of 4 portraits to see which would turn out best. That would decide it: the best painting instead of the best man. Finally, I had a winner! The best of those 4 attempts has become the cover for Mr. Knightley in His Own Words! Publication day is just a little over a month away now: October 5th.
So whose face is on the cover? Here’s the official book blurb followed by the cover at last:
Mr. George Knightley. According to Emma Woodhouse, you won’t see one in a hundred who is so clearly the gentleman. Respected by all, he’s kind, unpretentious, and scrupulously honest, with an air so remarkably good that it’s unfair to compare other men to him. We also know he’s been his “own Master” from a young age. But Jane Austen tell us little more.
What were his early years like, and how did he lose his parents? A man in his mid-thirties, he must have had at least one romance along the way. Did it end badly? Is that why he’s never married? When and how did his relationship with Emma shift from friendship to love? And what can explain his incredible forbearance towards the eccentric Mr. Woodhouse? Now, Mr. Knightley reveals these answers and more in His Own Words.
This is not a variation from but a supplement to the original story of Emma, chronicled in the hero’s point of view. Two-thirds completely new material, it features key events in Mr. Knightley’s past – events that still haunt him and yet have shaped who he’s become, the superior man Emma can’t help falling in love with.
So there it is!
I hope at least most of you are pleased with the cover. My apologies to Mark Strong and Jonny Lee Miller fans, but blame the artist. Jeremy Northam’s painting simply turned out the best!
As I said before, Mr. Knightley in His Own Words goes live on October 5th (paperback and Kindle) with audio to follow. To receive your Kindle copy without delay, preorder now at Amazon!
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Yes my favorite congratulations. I’m so excited
Glad you’re pleased, Wendy, and excited!
Oh Pooh! I’ll just have to think Johnny Lee whilst reading this very much looked forward to novel.
It is a lovely cover. I really did like him as Mr Knightly but then Johnny came along. Tough decision but fairly gained. Well done.
Thanks for not holding it against me, Tricia! And yes, you’re free to think of anybody you like while you read the book! 😀
I think my main objection to Jeremy was the fact that I didn’t like Gwyneth Paltrow as Emma, this is probably the reason for my preference for Mark as I think Kate Beckinsale was the best Emma! Oh well Congratulations on the decision anyway, it is a good painting. Good luck with this one 🥰
Thank you for your well-wishes, Glynis!
Congrats! Love the Cover!
Yay! Thanks, Julie!
What a lovely cover! Jonny Lee Miller was my favorite Mr. Knightley but Jeremy Northam is gorgeous. It is not his fault that Gweneth Paltrow is cringe-worthy as Emma making it my least favorite version. I will just keep JLM in mind when reading your new book. I look forward to its release as I enjoy all of your books!
I thought I was the only one who hated Gwynnie’s portrayal of Emma! I love her in most things, but not that one.
You’re very kind, Sandy. Yes, please to think of whoever you like while reading the book, and thank you for your support!
Nicely done, Shannon. I was hoping for another, but this rendering looks great and your talent shines through. Wishing you every success with the novel too!
Thanks, Marie! Much appreciated. 🙂
There was no wrong choice really, so all is excellent!
Anxiously awaiting….I haven’t read fiction since your last publication.
I knew I could count on your support, Vicki! You might consider re-reading Emma while you’re waiting though. 🙂
Love the cover! He was my favorite by far. I have long thought Mr Knightly is seriously underrated as an Austen leading man. I look forward to reading his story from you!
Love your comments, Catherine. Mr. Knightley certainly IS a worthy hero and deserves more attention. I hope this book will help. So glad you like the cover!
Ooh, yay! Johnny Lee is my fave Knightley portrayal, but I agree than Jeremy is probably the most handsome. Can’t wait to read it!
So glad you’re looking forward to the book, Amanda! You have my official permission to think of JLM the whole time you’re reading it. 😉
I love it! Plus it was my pick! Yay!!!! It looks great.
Whoohoo! Glad you like it, Kristin
The cover looks great!
Thank you! So glad you like it. 🙂
Yay~ our cover boy!!
Thank so much!
You are such a talented artist, Shannon! Congrats on the upcoming release!
Thank you, Christina! You’re very kind. I’m less than confident about my artistic abilities, but I was pleased (finally) with the way this one turned out.
[…] Strong solidly in third. So my quest for the winner of the cover continued on (read more here and here, if you’re interested in the lengths I went to!). As you can see, Jeremy Northam ultimately […]