This is a short story I wrote several years ago, when I was working on The Ladies of Rosings Park, but I don’t think I ever shared it here. It came about this way: When I mentioned on Facebook that I was writing the scene where Anne de Bourgh crashes Georgiana Darcy’s 18th birthday ball, …
Category: Shannon Winslow
My P&P Trilogy
There is a certain mystique about a trilogy, and I think most novelists dream of writing at least one – one that’s important, acclaimed… and preferably available as a beautifully boxed set! That was my dream. Actually, when I wrote my first Pride and Prejudice sequel, I didn’t know there would be more. The goal was just to carry Darcy and Elizabeth …
Fun and Games: a Word Puzzle
I hope you have your wits about you today, because I have a game for you! Or maybe it’s more like a puzzle to solve, using Jane Austen quotes. It was actually part of a “Scavenger Hunt” theme we did here at Austen Variation over seven years ago, but I thought it would be fun …
Now in Audio: Mr. Knightley in His Own Words!
Just a quick blast to let you know that Mr. Knightley in His Own Words is now a available in audio! – as well as Kindle, Nook, and paperback. Yay! If you’re as big a fan of audiobooks as I am, perhaps you’ve been waiting for just this minute to sink your teeth – well, …
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