Category: Nicole Clarkston

Bess and the Highwayman Launch and Giveaway (and Nicole asks for story advice)

I’ve been threatening this story for over two years now. Well, guess what? It finally launches today! Bess and the Highwayman is–you guessed it–a story loosely based on that haunting poem by Alfred Noyes. Oh, I could sing Loreena McKennitt’s version right now! Show of hands? Yes? But I always thought there was something wrong …

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Mr. Darcy and the Governess Pre-Launch and Giveaway

It seems I’ve been storing it all up! I’m back today with an update about another Darcy and Elizabeth story that has me giddy and giggling. I do love a bit of good banter between these two. But here’s some news: Mr. Darcy and the Governess is scheduled to release on September 26!  This is a …

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Summer is Not Long Enough

I feel like this would be Elizabeth Bennet’s favorite time of year. The roads would be dry, she can keep her windows open at night to enjoy the cool breeze and the stars, and she could lie out on the grass with her favorite book. But I’m willing to entertain other notions. Let’s put it …

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Mr. Darcy Steals a Kiss + Giveaway

Mr. Darcy Steals a Kiss

Heigh-ho, and Merry Christmas (or Happy Hanukkah)! I’m back today with the final excerpt from Mr. Darcy Steals a Kiss, as well as a giveaway. But first, I thought I’d share a bit about the historical backstory. As you know, authors often get lost in this time-suck vortex known as the Research Rabbit Hole. Sometimes …

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Mr. Darcy Steals a Kiss, Cover Reveal

Hello, everyone! If you’re just catching up to this, my alter-ego Alix James (she’s the one with the short attention span who’s always trying to juggle fifty balls in the air) has a new story coming out! Check out Chapter One if you missed it, and then read on for the official blurb, Chapter Two …

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Mr. Darcy Steals a Kiss

I know what you’re thinking. Darcy is too much of a gentleman. He would never steal a kiss! Oh, yes, he would, and admit it–you’re dying to read all about it. Ahem, yes, here I am (waves apologetically). I’ve been MIA quite a bit this year, and I’m finally ready to fess up about some of …

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2022 Deck the Shelves in the Closet Book Sale

MERRY CHRISTMAS, EVERYONE! The Holiday season is in full swing. We’ve finished Thanksgiving (in the US) and Chanukkah, and Christmas Day coming fast. We’re decking our halls and wrapping our presents. How about something to tide you over in your quiet hours as you await New Year’s Day 2023? Like a great book! This is …

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A Proper Introduction

Well, hello, there! Yes, it’s been a minute.  I’ve been doing a lot of “momming” this year, and when high-schoolers start going in different directions, we turn into taxi drivers, don’t we? Plus, we start to see just how fast we’re going to lose them… I’m going to cry now. Okay, enough of that. I …

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Raffle Winners!

We did it! We managed to raise over $10,000 for humanitarian relief in Ukraine!! I’m so incredibly proud of our JAFF community. We had some very generous donations for our raffle, ranging from $5 to $400. Winners were chosen using a random number generator. This prize list doesn’t include the bonuses for donations of $100+, …

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JAFF Loves Ukraine update

Wow! Our Austenesque community is so amazing!!! Between 35 authors and hundreds of readers, we’ve already raised over $7000  $8000 $9000 for humanitarian aid to Ukraine on our original fundraiser post! Give yourselves a big hand! But the need is far too great to rest on our laurels, so our authors have pulled out even …

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