Category: Nicole Clarkston

Raising the Stakes Launch and Giveaway

Well, here we are at the end of February, and I am happy to wave goodbye to this month! My town has been experiencing hurricane warnings, flooding, power outages… all par for the course for late winter/early spring in our area, but I’m happy to be putting it behind us. Just 3 more weeks and …

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All Bets are Off

Happy 2025! I’m kicking off the new year with a plot I’ve actually been playing with for almost a year and a half. What if Elizabeth took a bet that she could win Darcy, just so she could have the pleasure of rejecting him as soon as she had won him? The shoe would be …

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P&P The Untold Stories: Newlywed Darcys Arrive at Pemberley

A Long-Awaited Homecoming 23 November 1812 Elizabeth Darcy alighted from the carriage with a sense of wonder that even she could scarcely suppress. She tilted her head to survey the grand façade of Pemberley once more, now a place not merely of awe but of belonging. The late afternoon sun cast a golden light across …

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The Scotsman’s Ghost Launch Party

If you live in the States, this is a… kind of crazy week. You know what I’m talking about. But let’s not worry about that here, right? Because the one thing we can ALL agree on is that Darcy is delicious when he’s out of his element. And does it get more out of his …

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The Measure of Honor Launch and Giveaway

The last of The Triplets is going live by tomorrow! If you preordered The Measure of Honor, start watching your device, because it’s landing soon! This series has been so much fun for me. That should tell you something about me… Torturing Darcy appears to be my idea of “fun”. You should feel sorry for …

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Date correction

You just received an email announcing the release of The Measure of Honor “tomorrow”. Ah…. My mistake. I’m not sure how that date moved on me. Happy thumbs, perhaps, or a bit too much astigmatism as I squinted at the scheduling calendar. That post was supposed to go live NEXT Sunday, October 13, because  The …

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P&P The Untold Stories: Bingley Hears Darcy’s Confession

Darcy Spills the Tea 23 September 1812 “Elizabeth, with a triumphant sensation, looked towards his friend. He bore it with noble indifference, and she would have imagined that Bingley had received his sanction to be happy, had she not seen his eyes likewise turned towards Mr. Darcy, with an expression of half-laughing alarm.” Bingley dismounted …

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P&P The Untold Stories: Darcy Walking in the Grove

“I Shall Never See Her Again.” 10 April 1812 Dawn’s dew rolled off the polished leather of Darcy’s boots with each meticulous step. He had paced this path in the grove twenty-three times already, but in such a straight, methodical trail that there was but a single line of steps between the ancient oak and …

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The Measure of Love Launch

I keep a little running list of plot threads that tickle my fancy. I think most authors do, and like most, that list is so much longer than the list of stories that will ever get published! Sometimes a couple of threads work together to turn into something bigger than either idea was on its …

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The Measure of Love: Chapter Two

How are you settling into February so far? Wait, it’s almost over? Goodness, how did that happen so fast??? I’m back with Chapter Two of The Measure of Love. I’ve been sharing about it in my newsletter, but not as much here. I’ll start catching up! (Read Chapter One Here.) When I first posted this …

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