Category: Maria Grace

New in Audio: Dragons beyond the Pale

Dragons Beyond the Pale is now available in audio. Find it HERE. The incomparable Ben Fife has returned to narrate the next installments of Jane Austen’s Dragons!. Check out this sample:

Launch Day for Dragons Beyond the Pale

Lord Matlock warns Darcy, things are not what they seem.

Dragons Beyond the Pale Excerpt 2

Lady Matlock offers her (unsolicited) advice.

Cover Reveal: Dragons Beyond the Pale

Unveiling Dragons Beyond the Pale!

Introducing Jane Austen’s Dragons: Beyond the Pale

Dragons: Beyond the Pale The newest addition to Jane Austen’s Dragons is nearly ready to launch! Enjoy a first sneak peek at what’s in store for Darcy, Elizabeth, Wentworth and Anne. January 10, 1815, London “Elizabeth, Elizabeth!” No, please, just a little more sleep. A heavy, warm hand weighed on her shoulder, shaking her firmly …

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Of course, there were dragons

Of course there were dragons~explore the world of Britain’s dragon myths and Jane Austen’s Dragons.

Gossip and Scandal in Jane Austen’s World

The more things change the more they stay the same. Comeuppance in Jane Austen’s World could come in the form of  gossip columns.

Love, Hate, and a giveaway (with dragons too!)

There are a few love -hate relationships in this little outtake from my latest WIP from my Jane Austen’s Dragons series. Actually it is not quite an outtake, but a little scene I wrote to better understand what was going on in the characters and the world, and wow, did I get a big surprise …

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Be fiercely kind

I confess, after yesterday I wandered around at a loss of what to do. I’d been planning book related stuff for quite sometime, but somehow, it didn’t seem the time or place for light, fun stuff. This morning I ran across this on Facebook and it really stood out to me. Though your mileage may …

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Retrospective: Looking Back at Our 2020 Releases

Happy New Year! 2020 was a very difficult year for everyone, so I think it’s important for us to celebrate the achievement of all the authors who were somehow able to make their way through writing a book (or more than one, as it so happens!). It is no mean feat, I can tell you, …

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