The dragons are still running the show, running the plot off the rails. But they have permitted me to offer you this sneak peak of the new book–at least they haven’t insisten on changing the working title yet: Miss Georgiana and the Dragon.
Category: Maria Grace
Wedding gowns in Jane Austen’s Day
Though nearly all of Jane Austen’s works end with a wedding, she does not spend much time detailing the weddings themselves, much less the wedding dresses. Modern brides often spend a great deal of effort and money on the wedding dress and expect to wear it only once. Honestly, it is hard to imagine another …
Raffle Winners!
We did it! We managed to raise over $10,000 for humanitarian relief in Ukraine!! I’m so incredibly proud of our JAFF community. We had some very generous donations for our raffle, ranging from $5 to $400. Winners were chosen using a random number generator. This prize list doesn’t include the bonuses for donations of $100+, …
JAFF Loves Ukraine update
Wow! Our Austenesque community is so amazing!!! Between 35 authors and hundreds of readers, we’ve already raised over $7000 $8000 $9000 for humanitarian aid to Ukraine on our original fundraiser post! Give yourselves a big hand! But the need is far too great to rest on our laurels, so our authors have pulled out even …
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