Category: Maria Grace

Launch Day is Here! Remember the Past by Maria Grace

Launch day has arrived!   It’s a little hard to believe it has finally come.  So much real life has happened in the course of getting this one ready to publish it is a little difficult to believe it’s finally done! Remember the Past is available on Amazon Kindle, Nook and KOBO today. Paperback will be …

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Persuasion 200: Lady Russell Hints about Dangers of Mrs. Clay by Maria Grace

Will Lady Russell ever be able to have a conversation with Anne that is not painful and difficult? Lady Russell sipped her tea but Anne merely stared at hers. Something was on Anne’s mind—something more than the family’s impending change in circumstances, something very troubling. Perhaps she should mind her own business. That was an …

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Persuasion 200: Lady Russell and Anne Consult on Retrenchment by Maria Grace

The Elliots are in trouble and Lady Russell wants to help. Why was she forever having these difficult discussions with Anne? A god mother should anticipate her duties, enjoy pleasant intimacies with her goddaughter. Recently those moments seemed fewer and farther between, over shadowed by difficult and challenging issues that should have been a mother’s …

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Coming Soon: The Darcy Brothers

The Darcy Brothers will be coming to your favorite book seller later this summer! Here’s a very special (brand new) excerpt for your reading pleasure. To put it in context, this scene comes after Darcy reads Wickham’s letter to Theo about how he’ll be happy to “look out for” Georgiana since neither of them is in town.  …

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Persuasion 200: Anne Wonders if Wentworth Will Pursue Her Again by Maria Grace

All the news of Wentworth’s exploits has got Anne thinking… …plus a special cameo from our Jane Austen House Museum fund raiser… Anne lay the newspaper aside and maneuvered in the window bench until the sunbeam caressed her face. Such exploits, such bravery. Though there was not a soul with whom she could share it, …

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Persuasion 200: Lady Russell Decides to Persuade Anne to Break Engagement

In the absence of Lady Elliot, Lady Russell takes it upon herself to advise Anne on her engagement.  But first she must come to terms with her advice herself. Lady Russell dismissed her maid and sank down on the chair at her dressing table. Another curl, another tuck, none of it would make her feel …

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Addle-Pates, Gudgeons and Paper-sculls: Fools in the Regency Era

Since I am a writer, language captivates me, especially in the way it relates to a culture. With three teen aged sons living at home I get to hear a lot of the slang they encounter. I never cease to be fascinated by the terms that come up, and how often I haven’t a clue …

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2014 RONE Award Nominee

I am utterly gobsmacked to announce that ‘All the Appearance of Goodness’ was nominated for a RONE award! This caught me by complete surprise and I’m just tickled. Reader voting starts this week March 24-March 30. Here’s the voting link: Click here. Voting does require you register with the site. But you can also vote …

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A Sisterly Talk before the Wedding by Maria Grace

November 10, 1812 The evening turned cold quickly, and they all retreated upstairs somewhat earlier than usual. Elizabeth and Jane withdrew to Jane’s room. They sat together on the bed heaped high with pillows. Elizabeth brushed Jane’s hair in the crackling firelight. Her hair was so beautiful, shining like molten gold under the brush and …

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A locket and a Promise

Just a short piece from ‘Bits of Bobbin Lace’. What do you think, should I flesh it out into something more? What do you think the main romantic complications would be? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Send Charlotte, she is by far the properest person to go. Yes, yes, she has not a wife’s grief. Of course, send sensible, …

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