Mary takes refuge at the library and finds more than she expected. Part 1 Mama trundled into the parlor in another one of her flurries. Mary slipped a ribbon into her book and set it aside without sighing. That was an accomplishment all told, considering the regularity of Mama’s flurries. There was really no point …
Category: Maria Grace
How Jane Austen Kept her Cool Book Launch
Surely you saw this coming right? After a month devoted to ice cream, a book had to follow! Congratulations to Robin, winner of the ebook. The giveaway is now closed. Now available on Amazon and Kindle Unlimited! …In the meantime, for elegance and ease and luxury, the Hattons and Milles’ dine here to-day, and …
A Proper Introduction…to Dragons Launch
I’m thrilled to announce that A Proper Introduction to Dragons, prequel to Pemberley: Mr. Darcy’s Dragon to now available on Amazon and Kindle Unlimited! Find it HERE. To be honest, this book kind of took me by surprise. I didn’t really set out to write it. There were just a few short stories in my …
A Proper Introduction…to Dragons part 1
Apparently when dragons move in, they aren’t apt to retreat easily, even in Jane Austen’s world. Such is the case with these. For those of you who have asked if there will be more dragon books, the answer is yes, one rather sooner than I expected. A Proper Introduction to Dragons, a prequel to the …
Release the Dragons!
I’m utterly tickled to announce that the Pride and Prejudice arc of my Jane Austen’s Dragons series is complete with the release of Netherfield: Rogue Dragon. Now wait, I can hear you muttering and rolling your eyes, “Dragons? Really? Seriously—dragons? Why—just why?” Trust me, you’re not the first to roll their eyes at me and …
Now available for Pre-Order!
I’m delighted to announce, your patience and perseverance have finally paid off! Netherfield: Rogue Dragon is finally ready for pre-order! Elizabeth Bennet thought she was prepared to do anything to make the Dragon Conclave accept her beloved young dragon, Pemberley, into the Blue Order, but she had not anticipated it would leave her banished from …
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