Category: Lucy Marin

Being Mrs Darcy Audiobook Now Available!

Hello everyone, I am so excited to announce that the audiobook for Being Mrs Darcy is now available on Audible. (And for those of you not in the US, it is available at and Being Mrs Darcy is a forced marriage scenario that starts before canon. The blurb describes it well. One distressing …

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Elizabeth Elliot Seeks a Husband Part I

When I first heard the monthly theme of “After the Wedding,” my mind immediately flew to a Persuasion plot based on Elizabeth Elliot deciding she’s had enough of being single. It’s a different take on the theme, meaning it is not a couple’s honeymoon, but I hope you enjoy it nevertheless. This is part one …

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Ignatius Sancho

I was looking for a British composer from the late 1700s or early 1800s to use in a short story recently and came across a man by the name of Ignatius Sancho. He wasn’t what I was looking for—I needed someone who was not as popular or as well-known long after his death—but what I …

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Introduction & Book Launch

Introduction and Book Launch Good morning! I am so thrilled to join Austen Variations! Since this is my first post, I thought I would tell you a bit about myself. I also have an excerpt to share from my new novella, Mr Darcy A Man with a Plan, now available in Kindle and KU. First: …

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