Category: Lucy Marin

Excerpt from Mr Darcy: A Man with a Plan

Happy Friday! Somewhat in keeping with the monthly theme (‘Any Excuse Will Do’), I’ve pulled an excerpt from an older story of mine, ‘Mr Darcy A Man with a Plan’. In the story, Elizabeth and Darcy meet in town very soon after the failed proposal in Kent. He wants her to realise she was wrong …

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The Marriage Bargain Release Celebration

I’m pleased to announce that The Marriage Bargain, my latest ‘dear child’ is now released (via Amazon as paperback, e-book, and KU). To celebrate, I have one more excerpt for you. It picks up from my last, which you can find here. Let’s see how Darcy and Elizabeth’s first meeting proceeds, shall we? Chapter 3 …

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The Marriage Bargain Excerpt 2

Hello again! Thank you all so much for your wonderful comments to my last post. If you missed it, I posted the cover and first chapter from my upcoming release, The Marriage Bargain. I’m back with a bit more from the opening chapters today. I have part of Chapter 2 and part of Chapter 3. …

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The Marriage Bargain Cover Reveal and Excerpt

Hello everyone! I have a new book coming out in just two and a half weeks. It is called ‘The Marriage Bargain’ and is a Pride and Prejudice variation inspired by a novel by Georgette Heyer titled ‘A Civil Contract’. I came up with the plot years ago (while re-reading the Heyer story), and I …

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Being Mrs Darcy Anniversary Post

It’s hard to believe, but my first book baby is now a toddler. Being Mrs Darcy was released two years ago this month, and to celebrate, it is getting a new (lower) price. Since this month’s theme is merriment, I decided to post a merry–okay, what should be a merry–scene from Being Mrs Darcy: Elizabeth …

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Raffle Winners!

We did it! We managed to raise over $10,000 for humanitarian relief in Ukraine!! I’m so incredibly proud of our JAFF community. We had some very generous donations for our raffle, ranging from $5 to $400. Winners were chosen using a random number generator. This prize list doesn’t include the bonuses for donations of $100+, …

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The Darcys’ 15th Anniversary

Hello everyone! I wrote the following short story earlier this year and posted it online at A Happy Assembly as part of their 15th anniversary celebrations. I thought I would post it here too. In it, the Darcys celebrate their 15th anniversary at Pemberley. The story is entirely from Darcy’s perspective, and he is a …

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JAFF Loves Ukraine update

Wow! Our Austenesque community is so amazing!!! Between 35 authors and hundreds of readers, we’ve already raised over $7000  $8000 $9000 for humanitarian aid to Ukraine on our original fundraiser post! Give yourselves a big hand! But the need is far too great to rest on our laurels, so our authors have pulled out even …

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JAFF Loves Ukraine Fundraiser

New: There’s a new post with updates! Like most of the world,  we’ve been feeling heart-heavy over the tragedy in Ukraine, even more so as Elizabeth Adams, one of our authors, lived in Ukraine and is married to a Ukrainian.  We want to do what we can to help out, so we’re turning to you, …

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Siblings & Jane Austen

Hello everyone, The following was posted elsewhere, but I wanted to share it here too. I wrote it as a tie-in to my recent novella, Her Sisterly Love. Just this week, Her Sisterly Love was released on Kindle Unlimited. The audiobook version, narrated by the amazing Harry Frost, is also out, and you can buy …

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