Category: General

A Summer Picnic with Emma, Mr. Knightley, and Someone Unexpected…

What’s not to love about picnics?! Typically, there are friends or family in attendance, baskets packed with delicious food, the beautiful outdoors (hopefully, Mother Nature is behaving herself!), and lots of fun to be had.  😎 Several years back, I wrote a whimsical short story about Emma Woodhouse, Mr. Knightley, and a fairy named Sylvia…who …

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A Picnic at Pemberley

  It’s picnic time! June is a great time for picnics, with or without our Regency glad rags on.   I love writing about picnics. In The Second Chance there’ s one at the seaside (but on a pebbly beach and sitting on deck-chairs, so hopefully they didn’t have to worry about sand in their …

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A Lady’s Reputation Chapter 3

Lots of excitement this week! The ebook of my first book, The Best Part of Love is returned to Amazon and KU as of yesterday! And the cover reveal for A Lady’s Reputation is here next week. Hope to see you there! There just might be a giveaway! Chapter Three The Gardiners received the express …

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A Picnic in Venice (Part 12 of Byron and the Darcys series)

Lady Catherine was in a very bad mood. As she seated herself at the breakfast table, arrayed in her richly and stiffly embroidered morning dress with its tight lace collar Elizabeth and Darcy could see, by her black looks, that her temper, so far rigidly held in, would not be so for long. She began …

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Mountaintop Picnic

If you follow me on Facebook or Twitter at all, you know I’ve been travelling this summer. In a fit of insanity, my husband and I planned an entire summer spent in Europe – WITH our three children. It started with 2.5 weeks in Germany. We participate in a home exchange group and a German …

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The Newlywed Tilneys with a View to a Picnic

Picnics! What a fun theme! Only one problem; I didn’t have a single picnic scene in any of my books to share… so I wrote one for the Northanger Abbey sequel I have underway (working title: Murder at Northanger Abbey).  It fit nicely into the first chapter where I’m giving a snap shot of Catherine …

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Food ~ the Glorious Food of the Georgians

They say never go shopping for food when you’re hungry. Writing a post on Georgian dishes when you’re hungry isn’t the best idea either. Luckily, I can’t nip into the kitchen to snack on plovers’ eggs, Nelson’s pudding or oyster patties, so I’m probably safe, at least for now. These were just a few of …

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The Darcys and Lord Byron in Venice Part 11 – Diana Birchall

“My dear Lord Byron,” wrote Lady Catherine, then laid down her quill to gaze dreamily out at the canal with a romantic expression that on her normally hard and imperious face, would have been deeply disturbing if any one had been there to observe it.  But she was alone in the palatial chamber that Darcy …

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The Persuasion of Miss Jane Austen – Wrapping It Up!

Don’t you wish Jane Austen could have enjoyed the same kind of romance and happy ending she carefully crafted for each of her heroines? Perhaps she did after all! This was my inspiration for The Persuasion of Miss Jane Austen.  I also drew a bit of inspiration from this photo, which I took of a …

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The Darcys and Lord Byron in Venice – Part 10

Lord Byron was writing. It was a good night for it, for the moon was full above the Grand Canal, and he occasionally looked up from his ornate desk in his long salon at the Palazzo Mocenigo to gaze for a moment at the shadowy fanciful shapes of the palazzi opposite, candelabra flickering from deep …

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