Can you believe it is almost the end of May? I have had so much fun this first month after joining Austen Variations! I’ll admit, however, that I was more than a little daunted by the prospect of writing a vignette for this month’s theme, “A Mother’s Love.” Then I tried to imagine what, if …
Category: Christina Morland
Mothering Without Being a Mother
Love and Absence Here in the U.S. it is almost Mother’s Day—a holiday that inspires a complicated mixture of love and disquiet in me. The love is easy: I have an amazing mother and a delightful stepmother. Then there is the joy of celebrating the day with my ten-year-old daughter, who has hinted that I …
Introduction — and a Quiz!
Greetings! I am Christina Morland, author of several Austenesque variations — and the newest member of Austen Variations. I’m honored to be here among such talented authors and devoted readers! Marianne Dashwood may have found her felicity in walking through wind and rain — and there is much joy to be found in such a …
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