Category: Amy D’Orazio

It’s Release Day for A Short Period of Exquisite Felicity

Its Release Day for A Short Period of Exquisite Felicity! (OK well, sort of. It came out early on Monday but still…)  I have a little excerpt for you below as well as a chance to win a copy if you comment! Thanks for joining the party and have a wonderful Valentine’s Day ♥ Synopsis Is …

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Jane in January and You — Guess Who?

  Today I have a little game for you, just for fun! I have modernized a few of the secondary characters from Pride & Prejudice, Persuasion, and Emma below. See if you can guess who they are from the descriptions! The letters have nothing to do with their names so don’t let that throw you. …

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Jane in January and You – Who are your favorite Jane Austen couples?

Jane Austen wrote not only unique characters but some pretty interesting couples as well. Some of them were a product of the era they were written in (looking at you Charlotte Lucas) but others are just plain quirky no matter what century you put them in. Of course in my opinion (and I suspect for …

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Autumn Gone Awry: Part 3

This is the third and final installment of Autumn Gone Awry. The first two can be found by clicking these links : Part One: Owing Nothing  Part Two: Owing Something  Owing Everything Of course, he could not still love you. He would not yet wish to marry you. Now, more than ever, he must make …

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Autumn Gone Awry

Part Two: Owing Something  If you missed it, the first part of this tale is here     November 1814 “So tell me about her.” Darcy jerked his head around to find his cousin, Viscount Saye, studying him carefully, an air of eager anticipation about him. “Who?” “The lady sitting with my Lillian.” Saye gestured …

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A State of Inelegance

Hope that wherever this month finds you dear readers that you are keeping cool!  The end of July, Pemberley  As she walked across the lawn towards the river, Elizabeth turned back to look again at Pemberley, and while she contemplated it, the owner of it himself suddenly came forward from the road, which led behind …

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May Flowers – As Heard from Among the Lilacs

In the brilliance of the May afternoon, a young lady, slight but shockingly agile hurried towards a meeting with her lover. They had agreed on a particular place among the lilacs; Lady Catherine was well known for how much she disliked the smell of lilacs and could be counted on to abstain from intruding upon …

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While It Rained

I don’t know how many of you are as impatient for spring as I am but here in the northeastern US it seems like we’re getting an extra dose of winter this week! So hopefully this little bit of D&E fluff will bring some warmth to you! Thanks for reading!  The rain fell heavy and …

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Mistress of Longbourn, Once Again

Hi everyone, I am Amy D’Orazio, the newest member of Austen Variations and the author of The Best Part of Love, recently published by Meryton Press. The ‘about me’ part of these things is always tough for me so I’ll just make it quick and say I love me some Jane Austen (I mean, why …

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