Category: Amy D’Orazio

Cover Reveal and Excerpt from Wits & Wagers

Its the cover reveal for Wits & Wagers!  I hope you’ll all forgive me, for I promised to draw a name at the end of September for someone to win a copy and then… I forgot.  But pretty please leave me a comment anyway and I will make good on both prizes at once,  I …

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New novella coming soon! Wits & Wagers

Hey all, I have a new novella coming soon (well, it’s 45K words, so not sure if its a novella or a mini novel but you get the point, haha!). Wits & Wagers is currently available for preorder will be out at the end of November. In the meantime I hope you enjoy an excerpt …

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An excerpt from The Best Part of Love focusing on Growth in Adversity

This month’s theme at Austen Variations is Growth in Adversity  (shout out to Joana Starnes who keeps us all well supplied with thought provoking themes!)  I happen to really enjoy thinking of new forms of adversity/torment for Darcy and Elizabeth! The following is a scene from The Best Part of Love, the first book I …

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A Folly of Youth Cover Reveal

A Folly of Youth is coming soon and I have a beautiful cover to show you! First–here’s an excerpt I hope you’ll enjoy. You can preorder A Folly of Youth by clicking HERE! Leave me a comment below and you might just win a copy before you could purchase it! Small homes and likely even …

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The Cajun Cheesehead Interviews Amy D’Orazio

The Cajun Cheesehead Interviews Amy D’Orazio Greetings, everyone. Jack Caldwell here. As you may know, we’re doing a round-robin interview series here at Austen Variations. The lovely Lucy Marin was kind enough to do a video interview of yours truly; it can be found HERE. (It’s my fault it’s so long. You can’t keep a …

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Coming Soon! A Folly of Youth

Hey there P&P fans! It feels like it’s been a very long time since my last release but I hope it’ll be worth the wait! The reveal will be here on April 12 and release day is May 8 and you can preorder it here! Special thanks to ❤️ Jeannette Kleman❤️ and ❤️ Paige Hale❤️ …

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Excerpt from A Short Period of Exquisite Felicity–the Thaw!

The theme of the month is The Thaw and it recalled me back to one of my older books, A Short Period of Exquisite Felicity. February of 1814 there was a Frost Fair in London and Darcy and Elizabeth meet there (in my book) and the thaw begins, even if the temperatures were sub-zero! Hope …

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2022 Deck the Shelves in the Closet Book Sale

MERRY CHRISTMAS, EVERYONE! The Holiday season is in full swing. We’ve finished Thanksgiving (in the US) and Chanukkah, and Christmas Day coming fast. We’re decking our halls and wrapping our presents. How about something to tide you over in your quiet hours as you await New Year’s Day 2023? Like a great book! This is …

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New release-The First Moment of Their Acquaintance

I love a good short story, especially at this time of year when reading time gets more scarce! I hope you all do, too, especially when you see what great company my little tale finds itself in! An Inducement Into Matrimony was released today and includes the First Moment of Their Acquaintance, in which Darcy …

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release-Happiest Couple in the World

Good morning! It’s release day for The Happiest Couple in the World and I have another excerpt for you to (I hope) enjoy! You can get a copy here: It is available in ebook and in KU or in a paperback. The other excerpts I posted are at these links: Excerpt #1: Excerpt …

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