Christina Morland

Author's posts

Part Eight of a Modern P&P Story

Happy September! So, I have good news and bad news. Good news first, right? In a previous post, I lamented the lack of a title for this story. Together, Alexandra and Adelle devised a suggestion I love: Strokes of Inelegance! What do you think? Alexandra came up with “strokes” (thinking of swim strokes and the …

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Part seven of my “short” story

Late summer greetings to you all! This month’s AV theme is inelegance –an intriguing motif for any writer! (Thanks to Diana and Joana for the theme idea, and thanks to Leslie for the graphic!) While I had aimed to include the word somewhere in this post, I’m afraid the only inelegance you’ll find is in …

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Part six of my never-ending short story…

Happy August to you! Will my modern take on P&P never end? Who knows! Given how I can go on and on, I will attempt keep this intro short, except to say the following: You all are the best! Thanks for continuing to read this still-untitled short story. (Any suggestions for a title?) You can …

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A P&P Short Story, Part 5

Happy Friday! It’s been a busy week for me, so I’m afraid I still haven’t finished this story…and this installment feels a bit raw and rushed. In other words, thanks for hanging in there with me! (If you’re new to this story and are brave enough to read the previous installments, here are parts one, …

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A P&P Short Story, Part 4

Here’s the fourth part of my modern P&P short story!

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A P&P Modern Short Story, Part Three

Greetings, friends! Long, long ago (in March), I posted the first part of a modern P&P short story. I began the project as a way to get out of my writing rut. While I can’t say I’ve accomplished that particular feat, I have managed to write another installment of the story! If you’d like to …

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Just the Day for a Wedding!

Greetings, friends! I have emerged from the other side of my term in the classroom. My students were fun, as always – but they sure kept me busy grading papers and developing lesson plans! I am back this month with two posts, both related to our monthly theme: today, I’ll post “Just the Day for …

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Spring Short Story, Part Two

Greetings! Today I’m posting the second part of a short story I started in March. As I mentioned in the last post, I began this story as a way to accomplish two goals: 1.) I wanted to give myself a fun writing challenge (especially because I’m struggling with writing these days!); and 2.) I hoped …

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The start of spring…the start of a new short story!

Happy spring! As I write this, we’re digging out from the most snow we’ve gotten all winter, so I’m all about this “rebirth and rejuvenation” theme! (Note: I originally wrote this post in early March. The end of March has actually been quite lovely here…except today it’s snowing again!) Because I had no idea what …

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When Darcy Met Bingley…

When We Were Young? Twenty-six years ago today, when I was a sophomore in college, I went on a date. It was…meh. Not a disaster; I mean, we had ice cream, and we laughed a little, so that’s good, right? But it wasn’t a miracle, you know? This was definitely not love at first date. …

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