Christina Morland

Author's posts

On Air: A New E&D Short Story! (Part One)

Hi there, friends! Long time, no see! I have much to say, but not much time to say it, so I’ll just get right to the point: I’m writing yet another E&D short story, and here’s Part I! Hope to post Part II in a fortnight. I haven’t edited this part yet, so you’re getting …

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P&P The Untold Stories: Postponing the Northern Tour

What led the Gardiners to choose Derbyshire instead of the Lake District for their summer travels with Elizabeth?

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P&P The Untold Stories: Darcy Undone

A heartbroken Darcy returns to Pemberley.

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Georgiana and Darcy, an excerpt from Seasons of Waiting

Seasons of Waiting

Have I mentioned that I love Austen Variations’ monthly themes (brainchild of the amazing Joana Starnes)? This month’s theme is “Under May’s Changing Skies.” Looking up at the bright blue ether now, I am so happy to welcome the changing skies of late spring to New England! (We’ve had some very gray days around here …

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“Tomorrow,” an Elizabeth and Darcy short story

Happy April! Today, I offer a sweet and silly short story based on this month’s theme, “Arts and Allurements.” That phrase comes from Lady Catherine’s speech to Elizabeth outside of Longbourn (the same speech in which she calls Elizabeth an “obstinate, headstrong girl”):   “This is not to be borne. Miss Bennet, I insist on …

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“Shattered” — a new Elizabeth and Darcy short story (complete)

Happy February 29, that rarest of days! This month’s theme is “Alone Together,” so I thought I’d finish a short story from a few months ago, one that seemed relevant to this theme. But when I read back over the story, I didn’t like it–and so I started anew. The idea for this story is …

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P&P Untold Story – Jane’s reflection on Caroline Bingley

“After waiting at home every morning for a fortnight, and inventing every evening a fresh excuse for her, the visitor did at last appear; but the shortness of her stay, and, yet more, the alteration of her manner, would allow Jane to deceive herself no longer.” — Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice (Chapter 26) Early …

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Variations on the theme “All Was Joy and Kindness”

I love this month’s theme, chosen by the wonderful Joana Starnes: “All was joy and kindness“! We could always use more of that in the world! When I first saw the phrase, I thought immediately of the holiday season; only later did I realize, with chagrin, that it’s a quote from Pride and Prejudice. (How …

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Spiteful Spirits: A Top “Five” List of Spiteful Characters in Austen

What would Jane Austen have thought of our modern obsession with Halloween? Would she have ditched her Twinings tea for a pumpkin spice latte? Would she have given out unhealthy quantities of candy to trick-or-treaters—or would she have sent them home with nothing more than a witty insult? Somehow, I don’t think she’d be in …

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Strokes of Inelegance: the final part of a modern P&P story!

Greetings, friends! It’s almost the end of a “scandalous September.” (Did you do anything scandalous this month? For my part, I turned another year older…very scandalous indeed!) In March, I began an untitled P&P short story to help me get out of a writing funk. Now, as we approach October, I have finally finished! (Well, there’s …

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