Shannon Winslow claims she was minding her own business – raising two sons and pursuing a very sensible career – when an ordinary trip to Costco about fifteen years ago changed her life. That was the day a copy of the ’95 film adaptation of Pride and Prejudice fairly leapt off the shelf and into her oversized shopping cart. After watching the mini-series, Shannon was hopelessly hooked on the story, Colin Firth’s Darcy, and all things Jane Austen. One may guess what followed – compulsive reading, late-night trips to the library and video store, secret rendezvous with Mr. Darcy and Mr. Knightley. Finally, only one thing remained. Her dedication (or obsession, as it could more rightly be described) ultimately inspired her to begin writing her own stories a la Austen. Here's what Shannon says about her unique approach to writing JAFF: "Since I’m just sappy enough to believe there’s only one true story for the characters I’ve grown to love (and Jane Austen wrote it), I amuse myself with adding onto rather than varying from canon - expanding on what Jane Austen gave us and filling in the blanks in the record with prequel, sequel, and supplemental views. What was Mr. Darcy doing all the time he’s absent from the page? What happened to Colonel Brandon in India? And how did our favorite couples fare after the wedding? Inquiring minds want to know, and I’m happy to deliver the answers!"

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Author's posts

Why I No Longer Mourn Jane Austen’s Untimely Death

Tomorrow is a dark date on the calendar. It’s the 207th anniversary of Jane Austen’s premature death – tragic, really, when you consider how young she was, all the years of promise she didn’t get a chance to live out, and the stories she never had time to write. So sad! But I have good …

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Anne DeBourgh Crashes Georgiana’s Birthday Ball

This is a short story I wrote several years ago, when I was working on The Ladies of Rosings Park, but I don’t think I ever shared it here. It came about this way: When I mentioned on Facebook that I was writing the scene where Anne de Bourgh crashes Georgiana Darcy’s 18th birthday ball, …

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P&P The Untold Stories: Elizabeth Remembers

Going to Derbyshire? How can she without thinking of Mr. Darcy? May 20th, 1812 Derbyshire. That one word brought it all flooding back to my mind, all that I had so studiously endeavored to put from it. My heart had been set on seeing The Lakes, but my aunt’s letter two weeks ago not only put an …

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P&P The Untold Stories: What Was Wickham Thinking?

Do his charms still work on Elizabeth? May 18th, 1812 He was by no means discouraged. Mary King may have slipped through his fingers, but what did it matter? There were plenty more fish in the sea. And after all, it would have been selling himself pretty cheap to settle for a freckled face with …

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Preview of Coming Attraction

Today, I’m sharing an excerpt from my new P&P story!  At 63 pages, it’s either a very long short story or a short novella. It’s essentially finished, but since it’s presented in a Christmas framework, I will probably wait to publish it until closer to the end of the year. Technically, it’s fantasy, I guess …

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My P&P Trilogy

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Reviewing Hallmark’s “Lovuary with Jane Austen”

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Fun and Games: a Word Puzzle

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P&P The Untold Stories: Elizabeth Hears from the New Mrs. Collins

What does Charlotte say about married life?   January 16th, 1812 When Elizabeth had said goodbye to the former Miss Lucas at the church door, it had been with a heavy heart. The previous years of unreserved friendship, of easy intimacy were over. The fact that one was now married and the other not might …

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P&P The Untold Stories: Mr. Collins Applies to Sir William for Charlotte’s Hand

Can Charlotte contain her excitement? November 29, 1811 Mr. Collins could be no less satisfied with his own eloquence than with its effect. He had obtained his object and, there in the garden, the amiable Charlotte had promised to be his. The more he had thought about it, the more certain he became that his …

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