Shannon Winslow claims she was minding her own business – raising two sons and pursuing a very sensible career – when an ordinary trip to Costco about fifteen years ago changed her life. That was the day a copy of the ’95 film adaptation of Pride and Prejudice fairly leapt off the shelf and into her oversized shopping cart. After watching the mini-series, Shannon was hopelessly hooked on the story, Colin Firth’s Darcy, and all things Jane Austen. One may guess what followed – compulsive reading, late-night trips to the library and video store, secret rendezvous with Mr. Darcy and Mr. Knightley. Finally, only one thing remained. Her dedication (or obsession, as it could more rightly be described) ultimately inspired her to begin writing her own stories a la Austen. Here's what Shannon says about her unique approach to writing JAFF: "Since I’m just sappy enough to believe there’s only one true story for the characters I’ve grown to love (and Jane Austen wrote it), I amuse myself with adding onto rather than varying from canon - expanding on what Jane Austen gave us and filling in the blanks in the record with prequel, sequel, and supplemental views. What was Mr. Darcy doing all the time he’s absent from the page? What happened to Colonel Brandon in India? And how did our favorite couples fare after the wedding? Inquiring minds want to know, and I’m happy to deliver the answers!"

Most commented posts

  1. Happy Anniversary Austen Variations! — 72 comments
  2. Cover Prototypes for “Mr. Knightley in His Own Words” — 69 comments
  3. Persuasion 200: Beginning with an Ending — 67 comments
  4. “The Persuasion of Miss Jane Austen” Debuts! — 60 comments
  5. Pleasure in a Good Novel, with Reader’s Poll — 58 comments

Author's posts

Persuasion 200: Is Mr. Elliot As Charming As He Thinks?

The handsome and charming Mr. Elliot is very pleased with his progress and considers that he has Anne exactly where he wants her – eating out of his hand. But then, just when he’s about to close the deal, something goes awry. Unbeknownst to him, Anne has now learnt his true character by her visit …

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Happy Anniversary Austen Variations!

Whenever you set off on a new adventure – be it a trip to a foreign land, a business enterprise, or even a marriage – there’s always a little anxiety mingled with the thrill of anticipation. Will it turn out to be everything you’d hoped and planned? Will you get along well with your traveling …

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Jane in January – P&P Missing Scene – Elizabeth Hears from the New Mrs. Collins

We’re in week 3 of our ‘Jane in January’ event and hope you are enjoying our special focus on “Pride and Prejudice.” Christmas is over and the Bennet household has shrunk from a large, merry party to a small, subdued family group. The Gardiners have left Longbourn to return to London, taking Jane with them. And now …

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Miss Darcy of Pemberley

I spent the past year delving into Jane Austen’s own life and her book Persuasion for my recently released The Persuasion of Miss Jane Austen. But now I’m returning to my first love – Pride and Prejudice – for my next novel. Even though I’m only 10 chapter in, I’d like to share a taste of …

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Persuasion 200: Captain Wentworth Brings News

Soon after returning from the tumultuous visit to Lyme, Anne must leave Uppercross for Kellynch Lodge, her company claimed by Lady Russell. But Anne’s thoughts are with her absent friends. Fortunately, a note or two from Lyme manage to find their way to her, ‘she could not tell  how.’ (Persuasion, chapter 13) Captain Wentworth came …

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Persuasion 200: Wentworth Becomes a Frequent Visitor to Uppercross

After their initial meeting, Anne hears from her sister that the captain has slighted her, and yet she must steel herself for seeing him again and again: From this time Captain Wentworth and Anne Elliot were repeatedly in the same circle… Whether former feelings were to be renewed, must be brought to the proof. (Persuasion, …

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Persuasion 200: Captain Wentworth Hears News of Kellynch

We are told in chapter 3 of Persuasion how the Crofts learned Kellynch was for let, but we are not told how Captain Wentworth heard they had taken it. Presumably, it would have been in a letter from his sister, and would have come as quite a shock. It arrived in the morning post – …

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“The Persuasion of Miss Jane Austen” Debuts!

Drum roll, please! I’m thrilled to announce that at long last my new novel, The Persuasion of Miss Jane Austen, is finally finished, officially launched out into the world, and immediately available! It’s by far the most complex book I’ve written so far – weaving back and forth in time and between two interconnected stories. It …

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Cover Reveal: The Persuasion of Miss Jane Austen

Coming soon from Shannon Winslow: For every fan who has wished Jane Austen herself might have enjoyed the romance and happy ending she so carefully crafted for all of her heroines… What if the tale Jane Austen told in her last, most poignant novel was actually inspired by momentous events in her own life? Did …

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Persuasion 200: Anne Tells Lady Russell of Charles Musgrove’s Proposal

Anne listened to Lady Russell’s counsel three years ago, turning down Captain Wentworth’s offer of marriage. Now a second man has proposed. What will Lady Russell’s advice to her be this time, and will Anne take it? (referenced in chapter 4 of Persuasion) “Charles Musgrove proposed?” asked Lady Russell eagerly, leaning forward now with heightened …

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