M.J. Stratton

MJ Stratton is the best selling author of Austenesque fiction, also dabbling in poetry, fantasy, and contemporary fiction.

Most commented posts

  1. Introducing Author MJ Stratton — 64 comments
  2. Early Release Announcement! — 58 comments

Author's posts

Early Release Announcement!

GIVEAWAY WINNER: Mary Evan! Check your email for a notice from MJ Stratton! Good morning, everyone! I have exciting news! Yesterday, To Marry for Love released EARLY! I had everything ready, so why not? This book is a Darcy and Lizzy variation. Jane and Charlotte have a part to play, too! Here’s the blurb: Determined …

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Introducing Author MJ Stratton

GIVEAWAY WINNER ANNOUNCEMENT:  TC! Please check your email for information on how to claim your gift card! Good morning everyone! I can scarcely write–I am THAT excited to be introducing myself on Austen Variations today! It is a great pleasure and an honor to join this group of well-established and incredibly talented Austenesque authors. I …

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