Anngela Schroeder

Anngela has a degree in English with a concentration in British Literature and a Masters of Education. She loves to travel, bake, and watch college football with her husband of 23 years and 3 handsome sons. Her earliest memory is sitting on the kitchen counter, swinging her legs and regaling her mother with stories she dreamt the night before. Her weaknesses are yellow cake with chocolate frosting, her father's Arabic food (namely grape leaves, and falafel), and frozen Girl Scout Thin Mints. She lives in California where she dreams of Disney adventures and trips across the pond. When she is not writing, she teaches 12th grade English and Creative Writing, plans events for her high school seniors, and perfects her chocolate chip cookie recipe.

Most commented posts

  1. The Greatest Risk-Chapter 1 — 67 comments
  2. The Greatest Risk-A Work in Progress — 64 comments
  3. Upcoming Release- Chapter 1 — 53 comments
  4. The Beauty of Escapism — 49 comments
  5. Inspiration Strikes-An Excerpt from my Unexpected Current Work in Progress — 42 comments

Author's posts

The Greatest Risk-Chapter 3 (Excerpt 2)

“The Greatest Risk is to show others who we truly are.” ~Cinderella 2015   Happy Fall, dear readers. What a wonderful time of year. The leaves are changing, the weather is beginning to cool and holidays are fast approaching. As we prepare to spend time with those we love, I decided I wanted to share …

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The Greatest Risk-Chapter 3

“I am not at all in a humor for writing; I must write on until I am.” ~Jane Austen Hello, my dear readers. It sure has been a hot minute since I’ve shown my ‘face’ on this lovely site. Football is going well, so unfortunately both writing and Jane have taken a back seat. However, …

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The Greatest Risk- Chapter 2

“I am not at all in a humor for writing; I must write on until I am.” ~Jane Austen So here we are again, readers. Another day, another chapter. Once again, here is 2nd chapter of my work in progress, The Greatest Risk. I’ve thought about your comments and they’ve really helped me identify some …

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The Greatest Risk-Chapter 1

“I am not at all in a humor for writing; I must write on until I am.” ~Jane Austen Happy Thursday, dear readers! I hope your year is progressing nicely, as we’ve hit the half way point! Can you believe we are almost in July? Life has been busy for me as of late. If …

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God Save the Queen!

Sometimes, life has other plans for us, and no matter what time we set aside to accomplish our ‘goals’ we just cannot make things work. After my fun little post about Jane Austen’s love for the monarchy last week (God Save the King!), I was going to do a parallel post about Her Majesty Queen …

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God Save the King!

Happy post-Jubilee, readers! I hope you were able to experience the pageantry in one form or another this past weekend. Whether it was watching clips on the news, or as our own Joana Starnes, camping out to see the Windsors parade by, this American hopes all your royal dreams came true! With the onset of …

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The Greatest Risk-A Work in Progress

Years ago, while wandering through Google Maps searching for a particular spot in Canterbury, I came across an old abandoned abbey close to the cathedral. Scrolling through some pictures, there was a small alcove with a little ledge. I stared at the picture for only a moment when an image of Elizabeth Bennet sitting there …

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Rational Creatures Excerpt and Giveaway

“But I hate to hear you talking so like a fine gentleman, and as if women were all fine ladies instead of rational creatures. We none of us expect to be in smooth water all our days.” ~Jane Austen’s Persuasion   How marvelous would it be to traipse through a world with all our favorite …

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Having a Ball

This past weekend, I had the opportunity to do something I have done at least 21 times in my life…go to Prom. As a high school teacher, and the Senior Class Advisor, I have enjoyed numerous opportunities to jump into a Conga line, dance the Macarena and most recently do the Cha-Cha Slide, all while …

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Come Away With Me!

Continuing with my theme from my last post on escapism,  I wanted to take you on a journey. Recently I was able to attend a writer’s retreat in Monterey, California with a few members of my writing group. To say I needed the camaraderie and like-mindedness of other Janeites is an understatement. I think we …

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