Leslie Diamond

L.L. Diamond is more commonly known as Leslie to her friends, Mom to her three kids, and servant to her three cats. A native of Louisiana, she has been a wanderer for the past 20 years, living in Mississippi, California, Texas, New Mexico, Nebraska, England, and Missouri before settling in Maryland. One day, Leslie may decide what she wants to do when she grows up but for now, she enjoys writing the stories that live in her head and coaching age group swimming. She has degrees in biology and studio art, certifications to coach swimming in the United States and Britain, and numerous fitness certifications. Leslie is also a member of the Jane Austen Society of North America. Her accomplishments include drawing, watercolor, and playing flute and piano, but much like Pride and Prejudice’s Elizabeth Bennet, she is always in need of practice! After watching Sense and Sensibility with her mother, Leslie became a fan of Jane Austen, reading her collected works over the next few years. Pride and Prejudice stood out as a favourite and has dominated her writing since finding Jane Austen Fan Fiction. Aside from mother and writer, Leslie considers herself a perpetual student. She has degrees in biology and studio art, but will devour any subject of interest simply for the knowledge. As an artist, her concentration is in graphic design, but watercolour is her medium of choice with one of her watercolours featured on the cover of her second book, A Matter of Chance. She coaches swimming and holds a variety of fitness certifications. She is also a member of the Jane Austen Society of North America. Leslie also plays flute and piano, but much like Elizabeth Bennet, she is always in need of practice!

Most commented posts

  1. Happy Anniversary Jane Austen Variations! — 111 comments
  2. Agony and Hope – Chapter 1 — 109 comments
  3. The 12 Days of a Jane Austen Christmas – The Christmas Wish — 108 comments
  4. Celebrating the Release of Particular Intentions! — 107 comments
  5. Particular Intentions Audio Book Release Day!! — 87 comments

Author's posts

2023 Wrap Up and What’s Coming in 2024!

Happy New Year! Yes, I am well aware we’re 10 days into the new year, and I’m running a bit behind. December was a whirlwind of good and bad. I am blown over by the reviews on Catching Lizzy. Thank you to everyone who read and reviewed it. It was definitely a mood booster while …

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P&P: The Untold Stories – Mr. Bennet at the Netherfield Ball

We’re up to November 26th and the Netherfield ball. Have you ever wondered what Mr. Bennet thought of the evening? Well, that was one of the questions I had the pleasure of answering. I hope you enjoy! November 26, 1811 The night had begun as most tedious social affairs for Mr. Bennet: his wife’s shrill …

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P&P – The Untold Stories: Elizabeth and Jane Leave Netherfield

Good morning! We’re up to November 17th, which is a fun day when you read P&P because Elizabeth and Jane finally get to leave Netherfield after Jane’s illness. Our dear author didn’t elaborate much, but Elizabeth was sure to have some very strong feelings about their last week and returning to Longbourn.   November 17, …

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Book Preview – Chapter 1 – Catching Lizzy

Guess what! I have a quick modern that started bugging me during A Worthy Woman, so I when wrote it, it just flowed out and it’s almost ready. I’m finishing up the final editing, and I have the cover, so I wanted to go ahead and share Chapter 1 with you. I’ll be posting the …

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P&P The Untold Stories: Jane’s Thoughts on Riding to Netherfield

We’re up to November 11th, and the second post of today. We all know that Jane was forced to ride to Netherfield by Mrs. Bennet, but how did Jane feel about that? Let’s find out. November 11, 1811 With a final tug to secure the ribbons of her bonnet, Jane glanced at her reflection in …

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Book Release Celebration and Giveaway: A Worthy Woman

So, a funny thing happened. I sort of finished the ebook for A Worthy Woman, so I just hit publish instead of sitting on it for a particular day or waiting for the paperback to be done. I would apologize for surprising everyone, but somehow, I don’t know that it will be necessary 😉 For …

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A Gentleman of Worth Audiobook release and Chapter 1 of A Worthy Woman

Good morning and happy Tuesday! I am so excited to let you know A Gentleman of Worth is out on audiobook! Deborah Balm offered to return to narrate the second installment of the Montford Cousins series, and she did a fantastic job as always. The audiobook comes out just in time since I’ve almost completed …

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Release day post – A Gentleman of Worth

A Gentleman of Worth is out on Kindle, KU, and paperback! l’m so excited to have Anthony and Amelia’s love story out there for everyone to read. So if you haven’t seen the blurb, I will put it below. Or if you just want to read about Anthony and Amelia, just click on the link …

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A Gentleman of Worth – Chapter 2

Happy Thursday! We’re on Chapter 2!  I’m going to throw out June 10th as a release day at this time. If things move faster than I think they will, then I’ll move that day up, but with everything going on, I am certain I can make the 10th (crossing fingers and toes!). If you missed …

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A Gentleman of Worth – Chapter 1

Hi all! I’m gearing up for a release! I don’t have a concrete day set (a lot has been going on here to keep me busy) but I thought I’d start sharing some chapters to let you know what’s in store. This is Book 2 of The Montford Cousins,  a sequel to An Endeavour to …

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