Hi everyone! One more offering from me for your Advent Calendar fun! I hope you don’t mind that I decided to write a Christmas vignette to Confined with Mr. Darcy but I did. Hopefully, you enjoy it!
We’ll start with the vignette!
“Well, hello there.” Elizabeth bent down to the little grey kitten as it hissed and backed away. “Oh, you want to pretend you’re all grown up and intimidating?” A light giggle escaped at the raised hair along the kitten’s spine and bottle brush tail. She bit her lip while she watched the brave bundle, who plopped down in the grass and began licking its paw and dragging it across its face.
The poor dear was thin. “You wait there,” she said. Not that the kitten would listen, but she couldn’t stay out here. The nights were cold and the tiny thing couldn’t be outside all night. Before she could second guess herself, she jogged back to the house and made a beeline for the kitchen.
“Is everything okay, dear?” asked Mrs. Reynolds. She kneaded dough on the large island.
“I happened upon a small kitten near the front gates. I thought I’d bring a bit of Tilney’s food out and see if I could catch it.”
The older lady tutted and shook her head. “That’s always a shame. We’ve had the occasional dog or kitten dumped out there over the years.”
Elizabeth pulled a tin of tuna dinner from the cabinet and set it on the counter so she could open it. “What usually happens to them?”
“William usually ensures the kittens are vaccinated and neutered, then keeps them as barn cats. They help keep the mice and rats in check, and the stablemaster feeds them well. They have a good home. A few years ago, he liked one of them so much, he took it into his cottage.”
“At least they have a good home.” She lifted the now open can. “I’m going to see if I can catch this one. Wish me luck!”
“Good luck, dear!”
When she made it back out to the gates, the kitten was huddled against the stone wall, likely to stay out of the frigid wind. “There you are.” She approached, holding out the tin of food. “Are you hungry?” Once the food was on the ground nearby, the kitten dove for it, wolfing it down as fast as it could swallow.
Slowly, she extended her hand and stroked along the top of the kitten’s head. The tiny thing was too engrossed in the food to object, which allowed her to continue petting until she managed to wrap her hand around its thin body. A flurry of hisses and spits emerged from the little beast as she picked it up and tucked it into her coat.
“Shhh, I’ve got you.” Somehow, she managed to pick up the last of the tin and held it so the kitten could finish the contents while they made their way back to the Great House.
As she climbed the steps to the family living quarters, the door opened and William stepped outside. “Mrs. Reynolds said you found a kitten.”
“I did. Can we bring it inside? I fed it but I don’t want it getting cold.”
“What if Tilney objects?”
“He might have an issue at first, but I think he’ll be excited about playing with another cat, don’t you?”
William’s eyebrows lifted. “I’ll take your word on that. I’ll call Harry and see if he can come out.” Harry was the veterinarian the estate used for all of their animals. He’d come out to vaccinate Tilney a month ago.
The kitten purred, huddled in the warmth of her coat by the time she settled in front of the large fireplace in the kitchen. “Maybe some water?”
William brought her a small bowl of water, which she held up so the kitten could drink until she’d had her fill. As soon as she set it down, the kitten continued with those huge purrs that seemed bigger than its tiny body. Only a few minutes later, those tiny eyes drooped closed.
“I think you have a fan,” said William with a laugh.
“I don’t know about that. I was hissed and spit at without the food. I think it’s more interested in food and warmth than being afraid at this point.” She ran a gentle finger along the top of the head as a paw stretched from the protection of her coat, making her gasp. “William, look!”
“What am I supposed to be seeing?”
“She’s polydactyl. She has an extra “toe” on her foot. It’s trait she inherited from somewhere. Maine Coons have a fairly high incidence of polydactylism, but they neuter them because it’s not a “preferred” trait.” When she glanced up, William and Mrs. Reynolds looked at one another with matching expressions. “What?”
“Nothing. Let’s see what Harry says when he gets here.”
She narrowed her eyes while she continued stroking the kitten’s foot. “I don’t know that I believe you, but I’m going to let it go . . . this time.”
~ * ~
“Looks like you’ve got another winner,” said Harry Smith, Darcy’s veterinarian. “She’s really a cutie. Let me know what you plan to do with her so I can arrange for her follow-up vaccinations.” He laughed while he watched Elizabeth croon to the kitten, who screeched and hissed while Harry took her temperature. How Elizabeth hadn’t lost a finger was a mystery.
“Thanks.” Darcy followed Harry towards the door. “I’ll see about getting her out to the barn this evening.”
Harry laughed similarly to the way he had before, his mask muffling it a bit. “Good luck with that, mate. I’d bet my entire practice that girlfriend of yours has other plans. I hope you’re ready to share your bed with another cat.” He chortled, making Darcy roll his eyes. The kitten was cute, but if Elizabeth kept every kitten or cat that showed up at the gate, he’d eventually not have a place in their bed. Tilney took up a good amount of space without adding several other cats to the mix. When he returned to the kitchen, Elizabeth stroked the kitten while continuing to croon in its ear.
“Why don’t we take her down to the barn? I can make a call—”
“Oh, she’s so tiny and hungry. Can’t we keep her here for a little while? Maybe once she’s healthier. . .” Elizabeth’s voice trailed off.
No, Harry couldn’t be right! He’d never let William live it down if he was.
“Only for a few days,” he said slowly.
Elizabeth bounced up from her chair, the kitten still cuddled to her chest. “Thank you!” she exclaimed before plastering a big kiss on his lips. Well, maybe having the kitten inside for a while wouldn’t be such a bad thing—especially if Elizabeth kept kissing him like that!
~ * ~
William gazed at Elizabeth and Ana as they played with the kitten on the floor in front of the Christmas tree. He should’ve known a week ago, when Elizabeth had begged him to let her keep the kitten in the house for a few days that it would mean more. Who was he kidding? He’d known that kitten would never make it out to the barn—at least on some level. That little charcoal grey kitten that had hissed and spit and made herself a regular nuisance, had become an integral part of Elizabeth’s day.
Elizabeth wasn’t the only one who adored “Evie” as she was now called. Tilney played with the tiny hell raiser, and she was a hell raiser. She slept in their bed with Tilney every night, she ate anything and everything put in front of her and attempted to steal their food as well as Tilney’s food as well, and she still hissed and growled, but only when Elizabeth took her to the litter box during the day.
“She’s simply adorable,” said Ana in a cooing voice, “even when she growls.”
“I’ve always wanted a polydactyl.”
Elizabeth had casually mentioned that fact a few days ago. He’d tried to pretend he hadn’t heard, but the thought of keeping the kitten in the house brought a light to Elizabeth’s expression that he knew he’d never be able to say no.
“I’m going to bring my pressies upstairs,” said Ana. “I’ll be back in a moment.”
Once Ana had disappeared through the door, Elizabeth rose from the floor and dropped into William’s lap. “Thank you for a lovely holiday. Christmas at Pemberley is truly magical.”
He brushed her curls behind her ear. “If you want to keep the kitten, you can.”
“Really?” Her smile was wider than usual and her eyes shone.
“Yes, really.”
“Thank you!” She pressed her lips against his, eventually adding her tongue in a way he certainly wouldn’t object to. “I’ll make sure to thank you in a more agreeable manner tonight.” If she was going to handsomely reward him for every kitten she brought into the house, he might have to move the entire barn of cats into Pemberley!

Gratuitous Evie Pic!
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Oh you do love your cats! Elizabeth can still have Darcy around her little finger no matter what century you write for ODC. So heart warming and lovely. Thank you and thank you for the lovely candle giveaway.
I like most animals, though I can leave rats and snakes for others 🙂 Thanks, Eva!
Ok so I don’t qualify for the giveaway but I did really love this vignette! I love the photo of your inspiration for this story and hope you don’t get hissed at now 🥰😳😉
It’s lucky Pemberley is so large if William is going to collect cats 😉, maybe a bigger bed? 😂🤣
I’m glad you enjoyed it! She is fun inspiration even with the hissing 😉 Thanks, Glynis!
A bigger bed, LOL! Glynis may have it right. At least Darcy can afford a bigger bed and a bigger barn if need be. What a fun vignette. That just made me smile from beginning to end. I figured out that Darcy was having another cat in the house way before he figured it out. He should have known. Bless his heart. Thanks for sharing such a cute story. Blessings, stay safe, and healthy.
I think he knew. He just hoped Tilney would be enough. Thanks a bunch!
So cute!
Thank you!
I love it when a cat gets added to the story!
Me too 🙂 Thanks, Kris!
Lovely story! I feel as you (and Elizabeth) when you rescue those bundles of fur, hiss, claws and purrs. Nothing warms your heart more than a head butt or a rough tongue cleaning your hand.
Thank you for sharing!
Definitely! Thanks, Carol!
That is sweet sweet story ❤. That is usually the way we get our kitties.
It’s definitely the best way! Thanks, Hollis!
I really needed a smile today and this vignette did the trick. Thank you! There is nothing quite like a D&E story to brighten my day.
I’m thrilled it put a smile on your face. I couldn’t resist when I had the idea. Thanks!
Cats can be picky. We always had cats and dogs while I was growing up. My mother said that if a cat chose your lap to sit or sleep in you should be honored. You didn’t date this vignette but it sounds modern. Thanks for sharing.
Yes, modern. Confined was my Covid lockdown story from this summer 🙂 Thanks, Sheila!
I loved the vignette, thank you for sharing it!
My pleasure! I’m happy you enjoyed it! Thanks, Robin!
Such a purr-fect Advent treat! Thank you.
I love glimpses of Elizabeth and Darcy ; her zeal and he, more mellowed by her return of affection.
🙂 Thanks, Darcy!
I had read your Confined book previously, and I really loved it. I probably will read it later in the winter. Thank you for sharing that excerpt and the chance to win the candle!
My pleasure! Thanks for reading and stopping by, Jen!
Evie is a cutie . . I wish that I could have the fun of a new cat without the work!
She is work, but definitely fun! Never a dull moment. That’s for sure! Thanks, Madenna!
What a wonderful surprise. Thank you for sharing. Merry Christmas
Thank you!
Amazing how a cat can worm it’s way into your heart and house! Lovely vignette! Smiled the whole way reading it. Happy holidays! Stay safe
A smile is lovely! As long as I get one of those, I can be content 🙂 Thanks, Shelley!
I enjoyed the excerpt!
Happy Holidays!
Happy Holidays to you too!
Such adorable scenes. Thank you for the giveaway and story.
Thank you!
Love the story and photos! Going to read again …
Happy Holidays to all!
Re-reads are the best compliments! Thanks, Linny!
I can’t resist a kitten story! We’ve been catless for the last few years & I can’t get my husband to agree to adopt another. 🙁
Oh! I’m sorry! Fortunately, it didn’t take much for me to persuade my husband this time 🙂 He’s more a dog person than a cat person, but he’s really enjoyed Evie so far. She has a huge personality for such a tiny thing. Thanks, Lois!
Another fun story. Thanks for sharing. Merry Christmas.
Thank you!!