The Journey Home To Pemberley ~ Part Three

Hello again!

This is the third post I’m sharing this fine August, here and at the 10th Annual Austen in August hosted by

Hope you’re enjoying the Austen in August celebration of our favourite author and the world of her novels.


Thanks for reading the first two excerpts from my upcoming book, THE JOURNEY HOME TO PEMBERLEY and huge thanks again for your fabulous support! I really can’t tell you how much it means to me!! I wanted to make sure I’d be able to reply to your wonderful comments straight away, so that’s why I thought I’d better leave a gap between the posts (sorry about that!). I was away from home for a week and I wasn’t 100% sure I’d have signal coverage, so I thought I’d go for ‘better safe than sorry.’

This morning I’m thinking we might as well cut to the chase 😊. So let’s skip over the scenes where Elizabeth and Mrs Gardiner are having a heart-to-heart while they’re busily ruining some beautiful muslin bought on their travels and cutting it into strips to make bandages for Mr Darcy. We could also skip over the part where Mr Gardiner is getting ready to go off and fetch a physician (although it might please you to hear that he’s about to go on foot on a journey of five miles or so). We all feel sorry for poor Mr Gardiner, I’m sure, but it could not be helped. His own team was too weary to be put back to harness and the innkeeper could only offer him one of the riding horses in the stables (nags, he called them). Of course, there’s also Mr Darcy’s troublesome stallion that had just thrown him off. But Mrs Gardiner would rather her husband didn’t run the risk of being thrown off too. Besides, his guide doesn’t ride. And, first and foremost, we really, really need Mr Gardiner out of the way 😉.

Now that poor Mr Gardiner is negotiating the Struggle on foot (no mean feat, as Marrie could tell us) and Mrs Gardiner is asleep in her chamber, our dear Lizzy can afford to be a little sneaky. And she is. She has tiptoed into the small room where the innkeeper’s wife is keeping watch over Mr Darcy in his injury-induced stupor, or perhaps deep sleep.

Thankfully, the dear old lady wasn’t born yesterday and can read a thing or two in Lizzy’s reaction to Mr Darcy’s misadventure. It’s also quite fortunate that she doesn’t set much store by chaperones and ‘townish niceties’. So she has no qualms about going off to get a wink of sleep and leaving Elizabeth to watch over Mr Darcy by herself.

You can find the previous excerpts here and here, if you’d like a quick peek.

If you’ve been waiting for the TLC Chapter 😉, here it comes:





Elbow on her knee and chin in hand, Elizabeth sat guarding Mr Darcy’s sleep – if sleep it was – and barely troubled herself to question the acute need to be there. She had to assure herself he would recover, naturally. It was imperative to gain the earliest intelligence of it. She could not even contemplate seeking her bed and sleeping peacefully while his recovery seemed so dreadfully uncertain. Oh, if only that physician would make haste!

The long wait was increasingly unnerving as she sat, her eyes fixed on his flushed and immobile countenance. It was wrong in every way, profoundly wrong, to see him thus. Yet she was not thinking about the impropriety of her having tiptoed into his bedchamber to watch over him while he was sleeping. That was a different sort of wrong, but she was in no humour to dwell upon it now.

She knew all too well she ought not be grateful that Mistress Moll had retired and left them. Her aunt would not like it in the least. Yet grateful she was, for a moment’s peace – or if not peace, then quiet – that allowed her to explore the troubling mix of thoughts and sentiments that had beset her ever since Mr Darcy had been brought into the common room, inert and injured.

She would have liked to think she would have been equally affected, had it been anyone else of her acquaintance. Yet plain honesty compelled her to own that anyone else’s misfortune would have sparked concern and pity, but would have distressed her a great deal less.

How ludicrous and unaccountably contrary that she should have taken such offence at his proud stance and overbearing manner all those months ago, yet now she found herself wishing she saw him standing before her just as he was then – a tower of strength, however haughty and infuriating – instead of lying on a narrow bed, brought low by concussion and fever.

Should she try to wake him? Mistress Moll might have the right of it: of all the people gathered at the inn or yet to come, she stood a greater chance of reaching him in his stupor. Or should she heed her aunt’s advice and leave him be, to awaken when he was ready, and wait for the physician rather than rush in and risk doing more harm than good?

More harm than good!

Elizabeth sat up with a gasp, shocked at her own denseness when the notion occurred to her, unpardonably late in coming. Good heavens, how had it taken her so long to grasp that she would do him more harm than good if she should be the first person he saw when he came round? She must be the last woman in the world he wished to lay eyes upon.

‘…the last man in the world whom I could be prevailed on to marry.’

She flinched. What a cruel thing to say! Positively vicious. She had acted like a spiteful and petulant child. Her pride injured by his dismissive references to her station in life and her inferior connections, she had lashed out, fully intending to injure his pride too.

Yet even then she knew it for the deliberately harsh falsehood that it was. Of course there were far worse choices than he in the world. She knew it well enough, even before Mr Darcy’s letter had shocked her into the realisation that her sister’s chance of happiness with Mr Bingley had been more effectively ruined by Jane’s nearest and dearest than by him, and that of the two, Mr Wickham was the one who had acted dishonourably and with no humanity, not Mr Darcy.

That was what she wished to tell him: that she was heartily ashamed of herself for abusing him in Mr Wickham’s defence and for blindly trusting that man in the first place. That she hoped his sister had recovered from the heartbreak the vile creature had inflicted. And, last but by no means least, that she also hoped Mr Darcy would find it in him to not visit her own failings upon Jane. Their history could not be forgotten, nor could the awful exchange at Hunsford, but Jane was not to blame for any of this, and should not be punished for it. She should have her chance with Mr Bingley. She deserved it. Jane had not burned her bridges in a fit of pique.

Elizabeth gave a quiet sigh. It would be uncomfortable in the extreme to have this sort of conversation with Mr Darcy even in private. Well-nigh impossible in other people’s presence – her relations, their hosts, the physician, the nurse Mr Gardiner was hoping to engage…

She frowned. What if the physician would not come? It was a disquieting thought, but rather than letting it take hold, Elizabeth chastised herself for foolishly seeking reasons to fret like a ninny. She should see sense and wait. In her own chamber, given her recent epiphany. But Mrs Timms had barely left. The poor woman should not be summoned back already.

It was a manufactured reason, and she knew it. Pure sophistry. But Elizabeth clung to it, unwilling to acknowledge that she could not bear to leave him yet. It was also false to claim, when she leaned forward and reached out, that she only wished to know if he was still feverish. He was, as it happened. His brow felt hot – or at least the narrow strip of exposed skin did, above the bandage Mrs Gardiner had wrapped around his head.

It was difficult to tell with the bandage in the way, another excuse sprang to mind; she had grown exceedingly adept at finding them. Nevertheless, she touched his cheek – cupped one side of his face in the palm of her hand – and found it was hot too, and ever so slightly rough, covered with the beginnings of a stubble. Yet no reason came – either valid or contrived – to explain why she allowed her hand to linger, and she made no effort to find one. Her hand remained lightly pressed against Mr Darcy’s cheek, and when it moved, it was only to slide up, so that she could stroke his temple.

The bandage was in the way again – it genuinely was this time, no two ways about it – so her fingertips skimmed over the familiar texture of fine muslin to reach up and learn the texture of his hair.

She did not run her fingers through the matted locks. Her hand remained motionless, his scalp warm under her fingertips, as she reeled in shock at her own daring – and no less at the bittersweet ache that surged from the pit of her stomach, startling her with its intensity.

She was no stranger to that ache – or rather to a version of it, incomparably milder. It had crept upon her oftentimes before, over the last four months, whenever thoughts of him had crept upon her. For she had thought of him. She could not help it, any more than she could help wondering what might have been, had Mr Darcy sought an introduction at the Meryton assembly. Had he stood up with her then. Had he told her what a practised deceiver Mr Wickham was as soon as the scoundrel had made an appearance in the neighbourhood. Had Mr Darcy avowed at the Netherfield ball that he ardently admired and loved her.

Oh, she could have come to love him too. She knew that now. She had known it for some time. If he had encouraged love to grow. If he had not interfered in Mr Bingley’s courtship. If he had not made it quite so plain that he disdained her unremarkable circle of friends and her graceless connections. If…

Even now, she could not possibly claim she was indifferent. Even now, despite their painful history, there she was, listening to the chorus of inner voices whispering ‘what if…’ and urging her to press her lips to his. Because he had once loved her with the utmost force of passion. Much as she had sought to dismiss that recollection, she could not. Least of all now. It was stronger than ever. If anything, it was gathering more strength as she sat frozen in place, watching him, the palm of her hand cradling his temple.

The utmost force of passion. She could almost hear the words uttered in his distinctive voice, deep and rich in timbre – which was patently absurd, because those words had never passed Mr Darcy’s lips. She had only seen them on paper – a blunt statement of fact with no embellishments, as though it were too natural and obvious to need elaboration.

At first, her eyes had dismissively skimmed over the avowal and, widened in outrage, had focused on the following phrases that roundly censured the want of propriety so uniformly betrayed by most of her relations.

Yet later, once she had grown reasonable enough to allow their justice, those very phrases could only make her flinch in profound mortification, for they brought to mind all manner of incidents, not least the Netherfield ball where, had her family actually conspired to expose themselves to ridicule, they could not have played their respective parts with more energy, nor finer success.

It was no wonder, then, that the focal points should be reversed, eventually. That she should skim over the phrases that made her cringe, and linger on other words instead: the ones that alluded to the praise generally bestowed on her and Jane for their deportment, their sense and disposition – and the ones that, devoid of artifice, spoke of his passion.

She had long established that it had been quite generous of Mr Darcy to praise her sense and disposition in his letter, when mere hours prior she had senselessly and intemperately abused him in defence of a villain. She would not be so mean-spirited in her turn as to harden her heart against the pity which his unrequited love could not fail to excite. Thus, that gentle sentiment had been permitted to gain purchase over time – only to take unfair advantage now, swell beyond control and claim full power over her.

It would, Elizabeth conceded, seeing as circumstances worked so blatantly in its favour. Regardless of the old spark of attraction on their first acquaintance, how could she not feel the deepest compassion for Mr Darcy, and tenderness too, when she beheld him thus: not the haughty embodiment of wealth and status – but human, injured, vulnerable and alone?

She blinked, tearing her eyes from his face, and her mind from such treacherous reflections. She did not succumb to the wild temptation to kiss him – the very notion was shocking, unmaidenly and utterly unthinkable – but, ungoverned by conscious thought, her fingers slowly found their way through the dark locks, to discover they were less tangled than they seemed, and a great deal softer than she had imagined.

Releasing an uneven breath, she stroked his hair again, deliberately this time. Stroked his face too, and incautiously allowed her fingers to wander back into his hair.

Incautiously, aye, for suddenly his head moved. So did his lips, to release an incomprehensible murmur, and his lashes fluttered – very long lashes, and very dark against his skin.

Yet that was inconsequential, Elizabeth thought as she withdrew her hand and shrunk back, vexed with herself for dwelling on eyelashes, when the material point was that she had awakened him after all. From sleep rather than stupor, if he could sense her touch.

Either way, Mr Darcy stirred with a muted groan, and his hand came from underneath the quilt to reach up to his temple, where her fingertips had been. He found the muslin strips there and, yet again, his head moved restlessly against the pillows as his fingers worked to push the thin fabric aside.

“Oh, don’t! Pray leave it be,” Elizabeth urged and reached out to clasp his wrist, before he removed the bandage altogether.

It had already slipped from its place, so she stood to lean over him and tug gently but firmly until she brought his arm down to his chest. Then she let go with a light caress, so that she could see to the muslin circle. She spread her fingertips around it and gently slid it back to where it was meant to be. But she must have inadvertently pulled his hair or pressed against the cut, because he winced and a low moan escaped his lips.

“Forgive me. I did not mean to cause you pain,” she ruefully whispered and stayed his hand when it came up again, lest he resume interfering with the bandage.

It was easier to dissuade him this time round. Rather than resisting the restraining hold, his hand closed around hers in a firm clasp and willingly came to rest atop the counterpane.

Elizabeth drew a shaky breath, and her eyes flicked from their joined hands to his face, steeling herself for the imminent moment of dismayed recognition, when partial awareness would give way to wakefulness and his eyes would open, to alight upon her. She sought to withdraw her hand, but the clasp of his fingers tightened.

“Don’t go, Elizabeth,” he whispered – and she gasped.

How long had he known that she was there? How long had he been awake?

Heat flared in her cheeks and spread from head to toe; a scorching blaze of shame at the mortifying notion that he might very well have been awake the entire time, while she had brazenly stroked his hair, his face – had come within an inch of kissing him!

Oh,” she gasped again and freed her hand with a forceful tug – only to find that, instead of opening his eyes to smirk at her or… or… goodness knows what else, Mr Darcy winced, and his hand moved. Reaching blindly. Searching blindly.

“Elizabeth…?” he whispered, still searching, eyes still closed – and she blinked once, twice, then released the lungful she had been holding, and regained the capacity to breathe.

Yet her heart kept pounding in her chest, as if after a long run, while she examined his countenance in earnest. Not the easiest task in the dim light of the fire and of the sole flickering candle. Not while he kept moving his head, and the play of light and shadow on his features seemed exactly calculated to confuse her.

It was the restless, searching hand that settled the matter and worked to persuade her that he was not awake. It also gave rise to the belated comprehension that, if he was not awake, he very soon would be, unless he found that which he was blindly seeking.

Her breath no longer coming in panicked little puffs, Elizabeth stepped closer and placed her hand in his. It was instantly clasped as firmly as the first time, and she stared in wonder at the long fingers wrapped tightly around hers. Strong fingers, and warm. Very warm.

The latter sensation should have told her that he was still feverish, and eventually it did, when she could guide her thoughts towards something other than the set of perplexing notions that had suddenly forced themselves upon her notice. Namely that, although far from conscious, Mr Darcy had recognised her voice or sensed her presence in some other manner, or simply wished she were the one watching over him; that he had called her by her Christian name; and that clasping her hand in his seemed to reassure him.

When she did grasp that his fever was still running high, Elizabeth pondered on the wisdom of having him take another dose of her aunt’s draught, but in the end decided against it. Firstly, because she assumed she ought to leave at least an hour and a half between the doses – just as her aunt had advised it be allowed between the first and second– and although she had no way of telling the time, it could scarcely have been more than three quarters of an hour since the last, which Mrs Timms said she had administered right before she left.

Elizabeth’s second reason for leaving the draught on the windowsill for now was less logical, but still valid: his rest would be disturbed if she withdrew her hand and sought to coax him into taking a few sips. Even her attempt to stretch towards the stool and draw it nearer was met with a disjointed protest, so once she had pulled it close and sat, she clasped his hand and reassuringly whispered, a soft smile on her lips:

“Sh-sh-sh. Rest. Rest now. I am here. I shall not leave you.”

“Thank you, my love,” the answer came in a sleepy murmur – four staggering words that robbed her of breath and brought tears to her eyes.

Tears still welled up, threatening to fall freely while, leaning against the stone wall behind her, Elizabeth dwelled with a brimming heart on a kaleidoscope of thoughts and sentiments, each clamouring for the greatest share of her attention.

She sought to hear them out, all of them, not just the most insistent, but it was no wonder that it should be the most insistent one which kept coming to the fore: the incontrovertible proof that, after all this time and despite everything, he still loved her and kept her in his thoughts. What avowal could she possibly trust more than one voiced subconsciously?

The wall behind her turned out to be dreadfully cold, and the protruding stone under her left shoulder was decidedly uncomfortable. Nevertheless, Elizabeth smiled to herself and did not leave her seat – just shuffled away from the wall and leaned sideways against the bed instead, one arm still draped over Mr Darcy’s chest and her hand in his, their fingers interlaced.

© Joana Starnes 2019

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Thanks for reading the third excerpt from The Journey Home To Pemberley. Please share your thoughts if you’d like. They’re hugely appreciated!

Thanks again for visiting, and while we’re still in August please visit and enjoy the celebrations at the 10th Annual Austen In August.





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    • Jan on August 23, 2019 at 12:35 am
    • Reply

    This story immediately pulled me in and becomes more compelling with each installment. It’s so difficult to wait for the next one.

    1. Good morning, Jan
      Thanks for following the excerpts. I’m so glad you enjoyed them! All the best and have a lovely weekend.

    • Beatrice on August 23, 2019 at 12:57 am
    • Reply

    So poignant & sweet, as well as beautifully written. I cannot wait for the release date. Thank you for the giveaway chances.

    1. Thank *you* , Beatrice, for following the story. I’m so happy you like it. Many thanks and best of luck in the giveaway.

        • Beatrice on August 24, 2019 at 2:36 am
        • Reply

        Thank you! I always love your stories. I should have mentioned above that I’m international.

        1. So wonderful to hear you always love my stories, Beatrice! Thank you!!

    • Teresa on August 23, 2019 at 1:43 am
    • Reply

    Oh, my goodness! I love it more with each installment! I love how Elizabeth’s mind worked throughout that scene, as well as – How Romantic! Even unconscious, he recognizes her!!!
    I can’t wait to read the whole book!!!

    1. Over the moon that you liked this scene so much, Teresa! Thank you!!
      I’m thinking of writing a vignette for the blog tour and turn this scene around, have it from Mr Darcy’s perspective (befuddled as he must be, and convinced he’s dreaming). About time his dreams came true for a change 😉
      Have a lovely weekend and thanks for reading!

    • Sara on August 23, 2019 at 2:12 am
    • Reply

    This is so sweet.

    1. So glad you liked it, Sara! Thank you!

    • Marrie on August 23, 2019 at 3:47 am
    • Reply

    Poor Mr Gardener, he will be soaked to the core.
    Another excellent installmemt, can’t wait for the next one.

    1. Yes, he will, poor soul, out there in the cold Lakeland rain that breaks through all barriers and soaks you to the skin 🙂
      You wrote so beautifully about the Lakeland and the Kirkstone Pass, Marrie! Thanks so much for sharing that. It’s wonderful to know it’s all so familiar to you and you can see it in your mind’s eye. All the best and thanks for following the story!

    • Sarah P on August 23, 2019 at 4:04 am
    • Reply

    Oh that was lovely, I agree with one of the other comments, this gets better with every instalment
    Can’t wait to read the finished book

    1. You’re so kind, Sarah, thank you! I’m so happy you’re enjoying it!

    • Roseanne on August 23, 2019 at 4:14 am
    • Reply

    Oh Joana this is just lovely, my heart is melting!! Sigh…. So looking forward to devouring it in one go when I get a copy in my hands!!

    1. I hope you’ll like the full story too, Roseanne. Thanks so much for the wonderful words, and especially for Lizzy’s wedding bouquet.
      Thanks to you, Mr Darcy went and gathered lots of lilies of the valley 🙂

      I don’t think I told you that I just loved the serendipity. I looked up the meaning of flowers and found that lilies of the valley are said to bring luck in love and symbolise the return of happiness. The perfect flower for ODC and the return of their happiness! Thanks so much for sharing your wedding bouquet story!

        • Roseanne on August 23, 2019 at 12:53 pm
        • Reply

        Awwwww Im so excited to read this part Joana! Our wedding anniversary is September 10th so perfect timing! I remember you telling me of the meaning before – it is a perfect flower for this isn’t it:) All that is left is for me to convince MY Mr Darcy to don some breeches (now there’s a thought…..) and pick some wildflowers for me!

        1. Have a wonderful anniversary on the 10th, Roseanne!

          🙂 Breeches, oh happy thought indeed!! 🙂 Best of luck in this worthy endeavour and I hope you and your Mr Darcy have a truly magical day!

          As for the language of flowers, dear oh dear, I must have lost my marbles 😀 . I had a look at our earlier chats and couldn’t find any reference to that, but I must have looked in the wrong place and then I went and wrote to you about it all over again. Hope you’ll like the meanings of the other flowers in the bouquet (unless I’ve lost the whole bag of marbles and I’ve already told you about them too 😀 ).

            • Roseanne on August 23, 2019 at 2:59 pm
            • Reply

            Oh no the rest of the bouquet will be a surprise for me, you didn’t give too much away:)) cannot wait! I still remember the smell of mine, tis so vivid, so I will have that happy thought in my head as I read and imagine Mr D roaming about in the meadow!!

            1. Lilies of the valley do have the loveliest smell, don’t they? Sweet and poignant but not at all overpowering. Wonderful! I think I read somewhere that one of the islands on Windermere used to be covered in them. Mr Darcy should have picked some for Elizabeth then too 🙂 . And then their addition to the bouquet would have been even more meaningful.
              Got to stop tweaking! Got to stop tweaking! GOT to stop tweaking 😀

              Thanks so much for this lovely chat, Roseanne, and for sharing your wonderful memories!

  1. So lovely! I’m really looking forward to reading this book.

    1. Thanks so much, Ceri, for your wonderful support! Still tweaking the epilogue, but I shall conquer this, I shall!! 😀
      I’ll get on with it already and I’ll keep you posted. All the best and have a sunny & happy weekend.

      • Tish on August 25, 2019 at 11:53 pm
      • Reply

      Written so beautifully, I love all your books and am loving this one so far. Such a great premise for a story, hmmm I wonder how Lizzy is going to explain her actions to her Aunt and Uncle😁 thanks for a awesome story so far.

      1. Oh dear, yes , Tish 🙂
        Can you imagine Mrs Gardiner looking all solemn in a “I’m so disappointed, Lizzy!” kind of way? Worse than Mrs Bennet’s screeching 🙂

        Thanks ever so much for the kind words about my books! I’m so happy you loved them all and that you’re also loving what you’ve read of this one so far. Hope you’ll enjoy the rest as well. All the best and thanks for reading!

    • Alison on August 23, 2019 at 6:19 am
    • Reply

    I’ve waited rather impatiently all week to read this but it was worth the wait! Looking forward to publication. Thank you for sharing

    1. I’m so happy you thought it was worth the wait, Alison! You’re ever so kind to let me know. Thank you! All the best and I hope you’ll like the full story too.

      • Carol hoyt on August 23, 2019 at 5:58 pm
      • Reply

      Unbelievably sweet! This brought tears!!
      It’s difficult to read sometimes when such loss and pain is well written . Thank you for another installment!

      1. It’s so kind of you to write and let me know you found it so moving. Thanks ever so much for your wonderful words, Carol, and for coming to read this installment too.

    • Danielle C on August 23, 2019 at 7:11 am
    • Reply

    I love love love this story! And this installment, especially the comments about the eyelashes, is even better than the first two! Can’t wait to read the whole story!!!

    1. Awww, Danielle, I’m sitting here grinning like a mad thing because you said you loved the comments about the eyelashes! Huge thanks, I’m over the moon that you love the story. Have a great day and a fun weekend!

    • Glynis on August 23, 2019 at 7:33 am
    • Reply

    I loved this chapter when Elizabeth realised that Darcy still loved her!
    No matter how unconscious he might be he still recognises Elizabeth’s presence and care (sigh)
    Such love and devotion! 😍😍
    Thank you again Joana, I can’t wait to see the cover you have chosen 😘

    1. Thank *you*, Glynis, for your wonderful support! Your messages always put such a huge smile on my face!
      So, so happy you love the story!! Take care and I hope you’re having a lovely and sunny day in Derbyshire today.

    • AnitaP on August 23, 2019 at 7:53 am
    • Reply

    Very nice. Can’t wait to read this story.

    1. So glad you’re enjoying it, Anita. All the best and thanks for reading!

    • BeckyC on August 23, 2019 at 8:57 am
    • Reply

    Wonderful! I can’t wait to read the whole story! Thank you for the very generous giveaway!

    1. Thank *you* for following the story, Becky! Best of luck in the giveaway and have a lovely weekend.

    • NANCY L DUELL on August 23, 2019 at 9:05 am
    • Reply

    WOW. Great story. I can’t wait to the read the complete story. Great giveaway as well.

    1. I’m so glad you liked the excerpt, Nancy! Thanks for coming back to read it. All the best and good luck in the giveaway.

    • Pam Hunter on August 23, 2019 at 9:41 am
    • Reply

    Absolutely wonderful! I cannot WAIT to read this, Joana!

    1. Happy dance 🙂
      I’m SO glad you’re enjoying this, Pam!
      All the best and thanks for coming back to read this excerpt too.

    • KaraLynne Mackrory on August 23, 2019 at 10:06 am
    • Reply

    I succumbed and glad I am that I did. But now I have to wait til September!!! This is too delicious.

    1. Thanks so much for succumbing, KaraLynne 😀 . Over the moon that you thought it was delicious!! (And sorry about the wait. I’ll tweak-tweak-tweak as fast as I can!)

    • foreverHis on August 23, 2019 at 11:10 am
    • Reply

    Another stimulating chapter in a “must read” book. Congrats on publishing another variation for those of us who love JAFF.

    1. Wonderful to hear you found it stimulating, foreverHis! Many thanks for following the story and all the best!

    • Ann on August 23, 2019 at 11:10 am
    • Reply

    What an amazing story Joana . Thank you for writing this version of the what if the Gardiners did not travel to Derbyshire. I feel lucky as I have been away and so read episodes 1, 2 and 3 in one giant gulp and enjoyed it no end. So now to wait until September to read what happens next? But I worry about Darcy and the fever and Mr Gardiner and the journey to fetch a physician and Mrs Gardiner asleep while Elizabeth (Shock Horror) is alone with Mr Darcy and soothing his hot brow.

    1. Shock Horror indeed, Ann!! My oh my, what would Lady Catherine say? Not to mention Miss Bingley and all the other ladies who have set their caps at Mr Darcy. Mmm, Miss Bingley would loooove to have him at her mercy & subject to machinations and compromise.

      Please don’t worry, Miss Bingley is in a galaxy far, far away and everyone’s safe, both from her and from the elements (even if some are more lost to the world than others 😉 ). I’m so glad you enjoyed the story in one giant gulp :)) . Hope you’ll like the rest too. Have a lovely weekend and thanks for reading!

    • Hollis on August 23, 2019 at 11:15 am
    • Reply

    Oh baby, what a chapter!!! Elizabeth alone with Darcy with her arm across her chest with her hand clasped within his. What will be the reaction when Aunt Gardiner orUncle when they arrive with the doctor??

    1. One shudders to think, Hollis 🙂

      Hmm, would you be fine with a tiny little baby spoiler?

      (If not, pls close your eyes and scroll down).

      They’re not the problem (they’re all late in turning up). Although I’m guessing that both Elizabeth and Mr Darcy might have wished they *were* found in such a compromising situation. An urgent marriage would have made their lives an awful lot easier. But it would have made the story very very short 😉

      Hope you’ll like the different twists and turns when you get to read about them. All the best and thanks for coming back to read this excerpt too.

    • Sara on August 23, 2019 at 12:12 pm
    • Reply

    Thank you dear Joana for this flawlessly flowing and truly glorious piece of writing. Excellently executed and too soon interrupted. The psychological study of Elizabeth ‘s shifting feelings was masterfully done and you somehow managed to bring moonlight and rose petals to that little, dingy room at the inn!

    P.S, I’m still hoping for an earlier release date😉

    1. Thank *you* Sara for your wonderful words! You’re ever so kind! Thank you!!

      Thanks too for putting up with the gap between the posts and for coming back to read Part Three.

      🙁 I’m so very sorry about the mismatch between the date of your flight and the release date, especially as it finally dawned on me (when I stopped counting days between the cover reveal and the launch whatnot, and I looked at the actual dates) that 11 Sept is so not the day for releasing a book about Mr Darcy’s love life. Hope you won’t mind reading it on the return flight (unless this is going to be the return flight 🙂 ). Happy travels, and I hope you’ll like the book even if it’s released a bit later.

      All the best and thanks for reading!

    • Amanda on August 23, 2019 at 12:26 pm
    • Reply

    Love to see Elizabeth coming to understand her feelings 💘 Beautiful writing, as usual!

    1. I’m so happy you loved the premise and the story, Amanda! Thanks for stopping by to read the post!

        • Amanda on August 24, 2019 at 12:17 pm
        • Reply

        It’s so sweet of you to take the time to personally respond to everyone’s comments and reactions—I’m sure I am not alone in feeling touched by this generosity of time and spirit! Thank you 😊

        1. Good morning, Amanda
          Not at all, it’s a great pleasure! I wouldn’t miss it for the world, this lovely chance to chat with you and all the other wonderful people who stopped by to read the snippets from my book and kindly took the time to comment on the thread and let me know they enjoyed them. So thank *you*! Much, much appreciated!

    • Lisa Hatfield on August 23, 2019 at 12:42 pm
    • Reply

    That was absolutely beautiful!!! Darcy knew that she was there and he didn’t want her to leave him…so very heartwarming! She knows now that he still loves her…I just hope they can speak honestly with each other when he wakes up. A wonderful beginning to a story with so much promise! I’m hooked!! I love it!!

    1. Thanks so much, Lisa! I hope you’ll like their conversation when he wakes up 🙂 . There must be some advantages in Mr Gardiner having to walk a long, long way in the rain and Mrs Gardiner being overcome by fatigue 😉

      I hope you’ll enjoy the rest of the story too. All the best and thanks for reading!

    • Amanda on August 23, 2019 at 12:59 pm
    • Reply

    Fun premise and I like that Elizabeth is seeing herself clearly early on rather than remaining obstinate. Looking forward to reading more. 🙂

    1. I’m so glad you’re enjoying this, Amanda! Thanks for reading, and I hope you’ll like the rest as well.

    • Ginna on August 23, 2019 at 1:28 pm
    • Reply

    It looks like she’s drawn to him, whether she realizes it or not. Of course, WE know that. Looking forward to seeing how it plays out.

    1. Yes we do :)) .
      I’m so glad you liked to read about Elizabeth starting to discover that too. Thanks for coming back to read the third excerpt, Ginna!

    • Peggy on August 23, 2019 at 2:39 pm
    • Reply

    I cannot wait for this book!

    1. Thanks, Peggy! I’m so glad you liked the excerpts!

    • Linda A. on August 23, 2019 at 3:01 pm
    • Reply

    Very nice chapter. Thank you for sharing!

    1. Thank *you*, Linda, for stopping by to read it. All the best and have a lovely Friday!

    • Eva Edmonds on August 23, 2019 at 3:07 pm
    • Reply

    Oh, Joana, I could sense Elizabeth’s longing to touch Mr Darcy and to make things right. Subconsciously, I hope he heard what she said. It was a perfect ending when Mr. Darcy asked her to stay. Thank you for these excerpts and giveaway.

    1. Who could resist him, Eva 🙂 ? Elizabeth would have to be made of stone and be an obstinate, headstrong girl indeed 😀
      Thanks for coming back to read this excerpt too. I’m so happy you liked it. Best of luck in the giveaway and ‘see’ you soon!

        • Eva Edmonds on August 26, 2019 at 10:49 am
        • Reply

        Thank you for responding. It is very thoughtful of you. Will there be an audiobook?

        1. I do hope there will be an audiobook too, Eva. As yet, I’m not sure when that would be released. Not with the eBook though. That will come first, then hopefully the paperback a few weeks later, and I’m hoping the audiobook will follow. Thanks for asking and have a good week!

    • Patricia Edmisson on August 23, 2019 at 4:14 pm
    • Reply

    Oh how lovely. What will happen next? I eagerly await the next chapter.

    1. Next someone really needs to wake up, I think 😉

      Thanks for reading, Patricia! I’m so glad you liked it.

    • DarcyBennett on August 23, 2019 at 4:46 pm
    • Reply

    This was so sweet and romantic.

    1. So pleased you liked it, DarcyBennet! Thanks for coming back to read this excerpt too.

    • Deborah on August 23, 2019 at 11:16 pm
    • Reply

    So lovely to come along as
    Elizabeth’s heart recognizes her “only the deepest love”…. Please do write this scene from Darcy’s perspective too!! I’m excited for all yet to come 🙂
    Hearing your thoughts, reasoning and delightful comments as you share the first excerpts is fascinating. I have never participated in anything like this before. Thank you!

    1. Thanks so much for reading the excerpts and the comments, Deborah, and for sharing your thoughts! It’s wonderful to see you here and I’m ever so glad you enjoyed taking part. I hope you’ll come along for the cover reveal and the blog tour and that you’ll like the rest of the book too 🙂

    • Michelle H on August 24, 2019 at 2:04 am
    • Reply

    That was so beautiful. HUGE sigh… Like all your others I know this book will be wonderful. I so love your writing. It’s going to be hard to wait for the release, as I’ll have to wait until after a trip to read it. I don’t dare buy it before we get back. I’m not self disciplined enough not grab it and shut out everything and everybody else. :/ But that will give me something to look forward to when we get home instead of the usual ‘back from vacation slump.’ When I can then savor it as it deserves.

    1. Thanks so much for your wonderful support, Michelle, and for your ever so kind words about my writing! I’m so happy you liked my books and that you enjoyed these excerpts too. So lovely to hear that you’re looking forward to reading the full story when you get back! Have a great time on your trip and thanks for reading!

    • Sheila L. Majczan on August 24, 2019 at 6:47 pm
    • Reply

    I am swooning here – just so beautiful. As she said – the subconscious tells so much. How can she not fall in love with that man? Loving this story and so ready to read…the rest of the story. Thanks you for sharing your talents. As I have said in the past you write such beautiful prose. Do you speak this way with your friends and family or do you become another person when you write?

    1. Thank you, Sheila!! You’re so kind to write this wonderful comment!! I’m over the moon that you liked the excerpts so much! I hope you’ll like the rest of the story too.

      My thoughts entirely, *how* can she not fall in love with that man 🙂 ? ?

      LOL I’ve been known to lapse into Regency speak with my family and give them a giggle or have them staring at me like I’d lost my marbles (which, let’s face it, I probably had 😀 ). ‘The pox on that’ came out once and my husband was in stitches, and I often catch myself speaking to normal modern-day people without contractions. I’ll think of some more examples (because I’m sure there must be more) and I’ll come back to jot them down and give you a few giggles too.

      All the best and thanks again for your wonderful support!

    • Sophia on August 24, 2019 at 6:48 pm
    • Reply

    Oh what an avowal of their feelings in a desperately less than proper setting! But gosh it made me smile 😃 Sigh what a romantic scene!!! Loved it and can’t wait to get my hands on it fairly soon I hope! I am volunteering for book tour just saying 📚

    1. LOL I loved that so much, Sophia! ‘…in a desperately less than proper setting!’ Wasn’t it just! I’m so glad the scene made you smile and that you loved it and thanks so much for volunteering! I’ll message you about it. All the best and have a fun weekend!

    • J. W. Garrett on August 24, 2019 at 9:35 pm
    • Reply

    Heavy sigh!! Joana, this excerpt was simply beautiful. I love the part where he was reaching out for her in his delirium and called her ‘my love.’ Even with his eyes closed, he could sense that she was nearby. Swoon. Love it. Blessings on the launch and success of this work.

    1. Thank you, Jeanne, for your fabulous support all these years! I’m so happy you’re enjoying this book too and that you liked this scene so much!

      I’ve been playing with a vignette for the blog tour (this scene from the PoV of a feverish & delirious Mr Darcy). Still, he manages to make some sense of the situation and gets his point across pretty coherently too . Hope you’ll be pleasantly diverted 😉

      Have a lovely weekend and thanks again for your wonderful words!

    • Sabrina on August 25, 2019 at 1:50 am
    • Reply

    I love these excerpts so much I feel like a drug addict waiting for the next injection! I hope the book won‘t be too long, because I’m sure I won‘t be able to put it down. Your writing is just perfect! Thank you so much for sharing these beautiful excerpts. I would love to read Darcys perspective!

    1. Thank *you* Sabrina, for the kind words about my writing and for reading the excerpts. So wonderful to hear you liked them so much! Looks like the book is going to be around 126,600 words, give or take. I’m still tweak-tweak-tweaking, but I hope I’ll manage to actually stop one of these days 😀 (this is my addiction). But I shall conquer this, I shall :))

      All the best and have a lovely weekend!

    • Joan on August 25, 2019 at 11:32 am
    • Reply

    Yes, now Elizabeth has confirmation that Darcy still loves her and probably always will. This chapter was beautifully written.

    1. Thank you, Joan! I think so too, that he probably always will 🙂
      I’m so happy that you liked this chapter! Have a nice and relaxing weekend and thanks for reading!

    • AMY ZELENKA on August 26, 2019 at 5:40 pm
    • Reply

    Love these excerpts. I am so looking forward to this book! Cant wait. 🙂 ~ Amy Z

    1. Hi, Amy! Thanks for stopping by to read the excerpts and for letting me know you loved them! I do hope you’ll love the full story too. All the best and thanks for reading!

    • Diana Shand on August 26, 2019 at 7:20 pm
    • Reply

    My word, you’ve done it again. Each installment/chapter draws me in with a greater force than a powerful magnet. It is so unbearably hard to wait for the publication of a work one just needs to read now. I love the way you always manage to describe the chemistry in the room. So delicious.

    1. So very sorry about the wait, Diana! (Got to stop tweaking, GOT to stop tweaking :))) ). Over the moon that you found this excerpt delicious! I’m so looking forward to us meeting at the Kirkstone Pass Inn one day! I wonder what the owners would make of my love for their delightful inn and its location, so full of possibilities 😉
      Have a lovely end of summer and thanks again for your wonderful words about this book and all my other ones!

    • Kattia Campos Zamora on August 27, 2019 at 11:29 pm
    • Reply

    I can not wait for the launch day. Thank you for sharing.

    1. Apologies for the late reply, Kattia! We were off camping with the kids for the tail end of the school holidays.
      Thanks for following the posts. I’m so glad you’re looking forward to launch day! Hope you’ll like the full story too. All the best!

    • Laura H on August 30, 2019 at 11:19 am
    • Reply

    Thanks for sharing with us. I really look forward to reading these as part of my morning routine. I am looking forward to the next chapter. Thanks again!

    1. Thank *you* Laura, I’m so glad you liked the posts so much! Hope you’ll like the book. All the best and sorry about the late reply (off camping for the last bit of the school holidays 🙂 ).

    • Tac/Theresa on August 31, 2019 at 3:25 am
    • Reply

    This story is so well written. Your telling of Lizzy’s remorse with Darcy’s thoughts is so touching and beautiful I can feel the words. I can’t wait till the next chapter. Thanks!😊

    1. Huge thanks for your wonderful words, Theresa! I’m over the moon that you liked those scenes! More to come on the blog tour and also a vignette from Mr Darcy’s PoV because he really should have a share in the conversation 🙂

      Sorry it took me so long to reply (away from technology for a bit and camping in the woods :D). All the best and thanks again for reading!

    • Buturot on August 31, 2019 at 3:47 am
    • Reply

    Another wonderful excerpt.
    Thank you Joana for sharing it with us. Can’t wait for the book release. I want to know what happens next

    1. I’m so glad you enjoyed the excerpts, Buturot! Thanks for following the posts and sorry about the late reply! (Off camping for a week 🙂 ).
      Best wishes and I hope you like the full story too.

    • Regina on September 1, 2019 at 11:32 am
    • Reply

    This novel just keeps getting better and better! Is it currently available for pre order?

    1. I’m so happy you think it’s getting better and better, Regina 🙂 ! Thank you!!
      Sorry, no, I haven’t put it on pre-order because then it couldn’t be updated for a minimum of 2 weeks before the release date, and I’m usually tempted to tweak till the last minute. But I’ll make sure that all the buttons are clicked in time for a 12 Sept release and hope that all the cogs are turning swiftly. All the best and thanks for following the posts!

    • Claire Axcell on September 1, 2019 at 4:35 pm
    • Reply

    I thought the book was out tomorrow and was looking for a preorder link, oh well, only another 11 days to go.

    1. No pre-order link, Claire, sorry 🙁
      I was just saying to Regina that books put up on pre-order can’t be updated for a minimum of 2 weeks before the release date, so that means no last-minute tweaking, which is very hard, very hard indeed 🙂
      Hope you’ll like the book when it comes out on 12 Sept and sorry about the late reply (off camping with my family for the last bit of the school holidays). Best wishes and thanks for reading the posts!

    • Lynley on September 4, 2019 at 4:58 am
    • Reply

    As a few have already said, this story gets better with every post. Definitely one to blow my book reading budget on!

    1. Thanks, Lynley, I’m ever so glad you liked the excerpts! I hope you’ll like where the story’s going when you read it. All the best and thanks for following the posts!

    • Nicola on September 5, 2019 at 7:23 am
    • Reply

    Oh, I can’t wait to read it all! What will Darcy say when he wakes up and discovers Elizabeth with him?

    1. LOL yes indeed,Nicola, *what* will Darcy say? 🙂 There’ll be something about that in the cover reveal post at Austenesque Reviews on Monday (9 Sept). Have a peek and I hope you’ll like it 😉
      Best wishes and thanks for reading and leaving this lovely comment!

  2. I totally adore this excerpt, Joana. Darcy deserves to be love and who better to nurse and comfort him than his Elizabeth. Thanks for skipping a few scenes to get to this point. Can’t wait to see how their love story turn out.

    • Muriel on September 7, 2019 at 9:42 pm
    • Reply

    This chapter is so heart-meltingly touching and poignant. Well-written, as always.
    Can’t wait for the release!!! Thanks Joana!

    • Wendy luther on September 10, 2019 at 2:31 pm
    • Reply

    Will they’re be a way to preorder by the way I was just at the peaks 3 weeks ago we stayed in Bakewell it was beautiful

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