Swap Meet, Chapter 3

Happy Thanksgiving! Sneaking this in for those of you reading in bed after a day of indulgence. 😉 Find chapter 2 here. 3 They left the restaurant and walked several blocks to a chocolate bar and ordered a few different desserts that they all shared in addition to another round of drinks. At some point …

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Nosy November ~ Who’s the nosiest of all?

So, Nosy November… 😊. Three cheers for Amy D’Orazio for suggesting such a fun theme for this month! ‘Follies and nonsense, whims and inconsistencies do divert me, I own, and I laugh at them whenever I can,’ Elizabeth said to Mr Darcy, and we have good reason to believe that Jane Austen shared that view, …

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To Conquer Pride One Year Anniversary Celebration!

“It is above eight months. We have not met since the 26th of November, when we were all dancing together at Netherfield.”  – Pride and Prejudice, Chapter 44. Yes, that’s right – it’s November 26th, the anniversary of the Netherfield Ball! However, on a more personal note, I am also celebrating a milestone of my …

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Swap Meet, Chapter 2

Here’s chapter 2! Find chapter one here. 2   “Lizzy!” She looked up when she heard her name called. Charles Bingley was making his way across the room toward her. “Hey, Charlie!” They kissed each other’s cheeks and he placed a hand on her elbow and guided her to the corner. “How long do you …

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The Knight Before Christmas – Book Release Celebration!

Dear Austen Friends, It’s been over two years since I released a new novel…but I’m absolutely thrilled to share this Austen-inspired Christmas romance with you all! I’ve wanted to write a story with a modern Emma & Knightley for ages—there’s just something deliciously fun about an independent woman who has almost everything, except for the …

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Swap Meet Chapter 1

Hello, all! This story has been hanging around my hard drive unfinished for a couple of years now, and I’ve finally decided to finish it and let it see the light of day. It’s a modern comedy and eight short chapters that I will post relatively quickly. Happy reading!   1 From: Elizabeth Bennet To: …

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Nosy November-behind the scenes with audio books

What goes into producing an audio book? Benjamin Fife, narrator for my dragon books gives us a look into the process.

Nosy November at Northanger: The Making of a Blog Tour

With my first published book (Onoto Watanna, a biography of my novelist grandmother, in 2001), there was no such thing as a blog tour in existence, so I was innocent of the subject. The book was published by a university press, and since my grandmother was something of a pioneer, being the first Asian American …

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Falling for Mr. Thornton

I’ve been awfully quiet here lately, but if you’ve been following some of my Facebook posts, you’ll already know why. Today is the launch date of a brand new North and South anthology, Falling for Mr. Thornton! Both Melanie Stanford and I contributed, along with ten other fabulous authors. Some of them you already know …

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It’s Always Been You and Me Release Celebration!

  It’s Release Day!! I’m so excited for you to read Charlie and Jensen’s story! If you have read any of the Wedding Planners books and enjoyed them, please review them on Amazon! I’d love to know what you thought! Meanwhile, you can buy your copy here!!!!       Thanks for stopping by and …

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