Preview of Persuaded to Sail #1

Preview of PERSUADED TO SAIL, Prologue and Chapter 1 Greetings, everyone. Jack Caldwell here. As you may know, I’ve been working on a sequel to Jane Austen’s last published novel, the wonderful Persuasion. Many years ago, I came up with something I placed on the fan fiction boards. When I started publishing my works, I …

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Sanditon Group Read: Chapters 10 – 12

It’s time to look at the last section of Jane Austen’s final, incomplete novel: Sanditon. (If you’re just joining the Group Read today, you may want to review the Introduction here and Part One here, Part Two here, and Part Three here to get caught up.) Chapter 10 I had just been wondering what was really going on …

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Austen by the Fireside is this month’s theme, and it’s such a cosy one! Perfect for January. This is the time for cosiness, for wrapping up warm and curling up with a good book – or with several. It would be ever so nice if we could curl up before an open fire, but these …

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12 Days of Christmas – Day 12

  A performance! Twelfth Night was always a festive event for Jane Austen, her family and friends. They loved to brighten up the winter season and celebrate the traditional Epiphany with a variety of parties, balls, children’s festivities, and most especially theatricals. As we might expect, Jane Austen was at the heart of these activities …

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12 Days of Christmas, Day 11

Happy eleventh day of Christmas! If we were going by the famous Christmas carol, today’s gift would be eleven pipers piping… however I suspect that nobody has much use for eleven pipers (or even one) these days. 😊 However, in keeping with the auditory spirit, I’m giving away something that I hope will be a …

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12 Days of Christmas, Day 10, & Sanditon Group Read: Chapters 7 – 9

I trust you’ve been enjoying our 12-Days-of-Christmas posts with all the excellent giveaways! Here’s day 10, followed by the next installment of the Sanditon Group Read. You may have taken down your tree and moved on. But it’s still Christmas here at Austen Variations! We’re up to day ten, marked in the song by TEN …

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12 Days of Christmas, Day Nine by Nicole Clarkston

Welcome back to our Twelve Days of Christmas event! I’m hitting the dance floor today with nine Jane Austen ladies, but we have a twist. It’s Truth or Dance time, so help our ladies decide which would be the  most fun (or least awkward)! You can check out the results after you take the survey. …

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12 Days of Christmas – Day 8 & New Release!!!

Happy New Year! I hope your holiday season has been festive so far and that the New Year will bring wondrous things your way. I don’t know about you, but I’m happy to see the back of 2019. Here’s to 2020 and a glorious year! For my Christmas offering, I’m giving away a copy of …

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Twelve Days of Christmas, Day 6

On the sixth day of Christmas my true love gave to me… well, the song says “Six geese a-laying,” but what did Jane Austen give us that is in sixes? She gave us 6 wonderful novels. And we are so grateful for that, although we wished she could have written more!  For my post today, …

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12 Days of Christmas, Day 5

…5 WORD SEARCH PUZZLES! I’ve been pretty quiet around here this past year. More than a year ago, I started working at a bookstore, which I love, but there’s a long commute, which I hate. So basically an 8-hour work day becomes an 11-hour workday. Yikes. My reading has slowed, my writing has slowed, time …

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