Happy 212th Birthday, Pride and Prejudice!!!

Hello, Janeites!  Romance is in the air on this world-wide day of love. And what do we love more than celebrating one of our favorite novels, Pride and Prejudice?   I am in the wonderful position of teaching the best and brightest in my little piece of the world through AP Literature, and decided to bring …

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P&P Prelude to Pemberley: A Collusion Takes Shape

Welcome to our Pride & Prejudice prequel! P&P: Prelude to Pemberley tells the story of the time leading up to the events of Pride & Prejudice, including what Darcy and Elizabeth were doing and thinking, Georgiana Darcy’s story, the events of Ramsgate, how Mr. Bingley came to lease Netherfield, and much more! Join us on …

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On Air: An Elizabeth and Darcy Story (Part 6) (edited)

On The Air Novelty Microphone Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0

Greetings! It’s another week — and so here’s another part of my Elizabeth and Darcy story, On Air! As usual, it’s unedited, and I didn’t quite manage to reach the true end of Part 6. But I thought I’d go ahead and post what I have and beg your forgiveness for all my shortcomings! (I’m …

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Release Day for Love Unfeigned

It’s here! The story I teased is ready, just in time for your weekend! If you missed the cover reveal on Facebook, never fear! Isn’t it lovely? The cover design is by Pemberley Darcy, and I am IN LOVE with it! So, what are you waiting for? Hop on over to Amazon and pick up …

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Celebrating Jane: Tempting Tea Parties for Non-Janeites

I wasn’t born into a family of fiction readers. My immediate and extended relations might skim articles about current news & events or flip through some nonfiction bestsellers with mild interest, but they’ve always been more inclined toward the math and science fields rather than  whimsical worlds or imaginary characters. Admittedly, I’d been drawn to …

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P&P Prelude to Pemberley: A Walk in the Park

Welcome to our Pride & Prejudice prequel! P&P: Prelude to Pemberley tells the story of the time leading up to the events of Pride & Prejudice, including what Darcy and Elizabeth were doing and thinking, Georgiana Darcy’s story, the events of Ramsgate, how Mr. Bingley came to lease Netherfield, and much more! Join us on …

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The Mr. Knightley Pageant

Who is your favorite Mr. Knightley? That’s a question I posed to the readers of my own modest blog (shannonwinslow.com) a year and a half ago, when I was trying to decide who to feature on my then-upcoming novel Mr. Knightley in His Own Words, presenting the question in the form of a pageant to …

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Surprise Incoming!

Good Morning! February is here, and with it I bring you the announcement! Last week, I had an idea for a Valentine’s novella hit me out of the blue. I dropped my other WIP and went at it, writing 30,000 words in two days. TWO DAYS! Oh, boy, my hands hurt SO bad, but it …

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On Air: An Elizabeth and Darcy Story (Part Five)

On The Air Novelty Microphone Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0

Happy last day of January, friends! What a long month it’s been! Certainly a busy one for me, so I apologize for offering this fifth part of “On Air”  a bit late — and unedited, as usual. If you’re interested in reading the earlier parts of this Elizabeth and Darcy story, set in 1939 New …

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P&P Prelude to Pemberley: To Come Out, or Not To Come Out

Welcome to our Pride & Prejudice prequel! P&P: Prelude to Pemberley tells the story of the 8 months before Pride & Prejudice begins, including what Darcy and Elizabeth were doing and thinking, Georgiana Darcy’s story, the events of Ramsgate, how Mr. Bingley came to lease Netherfield, and much more! Join us on our journey as …

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