I am so enjoying writing this new work, and I am so grateful for all the fantastic feedback I’ve been getting, along with all your lovely ideas which I’m keeping a record of and hope to include as I go. If you’ve missed the beginning, here are Part One and Part Two. Last week, we left the story …
Reader’s Perspective by Evie Cotton
Poor Evie! She was kind enough to agree to step up and take over the Reader’s Perspective post at the last minute for Dave McKee, and instead of giving her a gentle start, we gave her a tough chapter to comment on. Fortunately, she’s a very nice person and will probably forgive me some day …
“I’d Like To Thank the Academy…”
This past Sunday night the Academy Awards were on and, as usual, I was glued to the screen for all of it. I didn’t watch more than 30 minutes or so of the Red Carpet interviews beforehand, but I did catch a handful. To me, the stars looked nervous out there. Distracted, jittery, nearly feverish…and …
Mr. Darcy’s Pledge: a WIP by Monica Fairview
I’m in the last stage of editing and revising my WIP “Mr. Darcy’s Pledge” and as usual there are a lot of last minute decisions to be made. For some reason, the first chapter of all my novels has been something I’ve always agonized over. In “Steampunk Darcy”, I must have re-written the first chapter …
The Cajun Cheesehead Chronicles – Mr. Darcy’s P&P POV (the abridged version) by Jack Caldwell
Mr. Darcy’s P&P POV (the abridged version) Part 17 Greetings, folks. Jack Caldwell here. This is Part 17 of my little work-in-process. So, you’re wondering: If Part 17 is at Austen Variations, where’s the rest of it? Good question! I like smart readers. All things will be revealed in the fullness of time. Or, at …
Guest Post: Reader’s Perspective with Dave McKee
Welcome back to Dave McKee, our Fearless Reader! He insists on giving Theo Darcy magnets to Eviejoanne, Deborah, Kathy, June, Sheila, Cindy, Sophia, SheliaLM, Luthien, Beatrice and Maggie, and the Theo tote bag goes to Eileen. WInners, please email me your mailing address so I can send your prize -abigail (at) austenvariations (dot) com. …
Another Place in Time – Excerpt by Mary Simonsen
In Another Place in Time, Mr. Darcy is not the only one who visits the future; Miss Darcy makes the journey as well. In the excerpt below, Georgiana Darcy and modern-day friend Chris O’Malley take in some of Baltimore’s sights: Prior to walking into Victoria’s Secret, Georgiana had been frugal with her brother’s money, but …
Information Brings Inspiration
In writing some of my books, doing research before (or even during) the writing process has led to a major (or minor) part of the story, sometimes actually changing the direction I was heading. When I was writing Darcy’s Voyage (originally self-published as Pemberley’s Promise), I did a lot of research on websites about traveling …
Jane Austen’s Jewel Box – Elizabeth Darcy’s Ring – Part Two – Jane Odiwe
Here’s Part Two of Elizabeth Darcy’s Ring – the first of a new collection of tales from Jane Austen’s Jewel Box. If you missed Part One you can read it here. I’m very grateful for all your suggestions and have edited the last part with some of them in mind! I hope you enjoy this …
Guest Post: Reader’s Perspective with Dave McKee
Welcome back to Dave McKee, our Fearless Reader! Today he’s doing double duty – first commenting on his reactions to Maria Grace’s Regency Interpreter, then on to the latest chapter of The Darcy Brothers. To help provoke arguments encourage discussion, there will be prizes for commenters on this week’s Reader Perspectives: a Theo Darcy tote …
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