Travels in August: Mr. Darcy’s Parisian Adventure, Part 1

In this short story, excerpted from And This Our Life: Chronicles of the Darcy Family we find Mr. Darcy and his valet, Oliver, on their way to Paris under the Prince Regent’s orders to find and reclaim compromising letters his highness has foolishly allowed to fall into the hands of one of his minor amours…letters that could change the …

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Q&A Courtship and Marriage In Jane Austen’s World

courtship and marraige in jane austen's world

Courtship and Marriage in Jane Austen’s World is nearly ready for release.  It’s chock full of answers to some of the most burning questions about Jane Austen’s books. To whet your appetites, I’m opening up the floor to your questions. What do you wonder about in Jane Austen’s books? Why were the Dashwoods thrown out …

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Celebrating the Release of Particular Intentions!

It’s release day! I’m so excited and I hope you are too! To celebrate, I have an outtake! I’d like to thank my family, my friends, my betas, and the wonderful proofreaders (including my husband) who helped me along as I’ve written this and been a huge bear while editing it! My poor husband didn’t …

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Travels in August: Bingley & Jane’s Museum Excursion

Summer and fair weather is time for travels, near and far. Jane Austen’s characters see their fair share of travels. Elizabeth travels to Hunsford to see Charlotte. Catherine Morland treks to Bath. Frank Churchill journeys to Highbury. Captain Wentworth sails the seas with His Majesty’s navy. The Dashwoods sojourn to Barton Cottage after the loss of their home, thence to …

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Travelling… Or Not

This month we’re talking travels, and I’m having a bit of a hard time with this one. For a lot of people, summer means leaving home behind for camping, weekends away, family trips, or maybe that big one you’ve been waiting and saving for all year. For me, summer means watching everyone around me go …

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August Travels: Emma – Going Nowhere Fast by Mary Simonsen

Disclosure: I am not an Emma scholar. I have read the book only once. Even though some of Jane Austen’s best lines are in Emma,* I have a hard time liking a heroine who cannot understand, no less accept, the opinions of others. (Even Jane Austen anticipated my reaction.) However, I have seen the various …

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A Sister’s Contribution: How Cassandra helped Jane write The History of England – A guest post by Olga Palagina

Today, Olga Palagina shares with us her amazing research on Jane Austen’s fun juvenilia The History of England, and the collaboration between Jane and her sister, Cassandra. Thank you so much, Olga, for sharing your time and knowledge with us!       At a first glance, ‘The History of England’ appears to be an …

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Travels in August: Being Inspired by Venice

Summer and fair weather is time for travels, near and far. Jane Austen’s characters see their fair share of travels, whether to Hunsford, Bath, Highbury, Derbyshire, London, or sailing the high seas. What new expeditions have we authors in store for our favorite characters? Check in often through August to find out. Today, we’re visiting Venice with …

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Travels in August: Isles of Scilly

Summer and fair weather is time for travels, near and far. Jane Austen’s characters see their fair share of travels. Elizabeth travels to Hunsford to see Charlotte. Catherine Morland treks to Bath. Frank Churchill journeys to Highbury. Captain Wentworth sails the seas with His Majesty’s navy. The Dashwoods sojourn to Barton Cottage after the loss of their home, thence to …

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August Travels: Anne Elliot Goes to Lyme by Mary Simonsen

Jane Austen’s characters see their fair share of travels. Elizabeth travels to Hunsford to see Charlotte. Catherine Morland treks to Bath. Frank Churchill journeys to Highbury. Captain Wentworth sails the seas with His Majesty’s navy. The Dashwoods sojourn to Barton Cottage after the loss of their home, thence to London, while Sir Thomas Bertram voyages all the …

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