An Excerpt from ROSINGS PARK

Greetings, everybody! Jack Caldwell here. One of the first novels I wrote was the ground-breaking THE THREE COLONELS, a sequel to both Pride and Prejudice and Sense and Sensibility. It was also the first book in my Jane Austen’s Fighting Men Series. I’ve have released the second book in that series, THE LAST ADVENTURE OF …

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Changing House

We’re thinking of Netherfield in November, and today I have for you a “missing scene” derived from the last chapter of Pride and Prejudice.  In that epilogue-style chapter (which was my guide and jumping-off point when I wrote The Darcys of Pemberley), Jane Austen tells us quite a bit about what lies ahead for the …

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Angst Antidote – A Succession of Rain

It’s been an anxiety-provoking time in the Real World lately, so I thought it was time for a little happy escapism. Fortunately, I had just the thing. Years ago, I was challenged to write a story with no angst, no antagonist, no misfortunes or misunderstandings, no interfering relations or embarrassing scenes. Nothing bad happens to the …

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Sense and Sensibility – Location, Location, Location by Mary Simonsen

It’s almost a sacrilege to write about anything other than P&P, but I’ve been branching out and rereading some of Austen’s other works, most particularly Sense and Sensibility. Here is an interesting article I found regarding Austen’s first published work. * * * In my large family, at a very young age, I was made aware of the …

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Four Days in April by Maria Grace

Time for some relief from all the angst and bad news in the real world. Grab a cup of tea and enjoy the luxury of a little ‘what-if’ April 9, 1812 Darcy stalked from the parsonage in such haste the housekeeper barely opened the front door in time. The spleen of that woman! The unmitigated …

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An Exceprt from Dancing Through the Snow

As we move into November I thought it might be nice to start with a short excerpt from my Regency novella, Dancing Through the Snow, which is part of the box set with the Regency Romantics. Since it’s a box set, there’s no opportunity for me to have an excerpt on Amazon, so I’d like to share the beginning …

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Pemberley: Mr. Darcy’s Dragon Ch 5

In this final preview installment, meet Longbourn, the resident estate dragon who jealously guards Miss Elizabeth’s honor. The book is available tomorrow on all your favorite booksellers!   Click here to purchase on Amazon. Jane Austen’s Dragons, Book 1 Pemberley: Mr. Darcy’s Dragon Chapter 5 Bingley’s party returned from the ball in mixed spirits. Bingley declared he had …

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Fantastical Austen: The Devil and Mr Darcy

All Hallows Eve, or Halloween as we know it today, was not celebrated in Regency England. Although the ancient Celtic customs persisted in Ireland and in the rural North, elsewhere the night passed uneventfully. Let us imagine, then, a festive gathering held at Netherfield on All Hallows Eve, with Elizabeth Bennet and Mr Darcy in attendance, along with one very …

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Fantastical Austen – Happy Nutcrack Day

Happy Nutcrack Day! Doesn’t have the same ring to it as Happy Halloween does it? It has to be said this wasn’t a holiday particularly recognised by the Georgians, and almost certainly wouldn’t have been celebrated by a family as well-to-do as the Austens. However, the working classes, the Scots and Northern English, did celebrate …

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Fantastical Austen: The Evolution of Mr. Darcy, Vampire

Halloween is always a great time for a good and bloody vampire book, and what could be more delicious than a vampire Mr. Darcy? I do hope you enjoy these excerpts! With the release of Book II of The Confession of Mr. Darcy, Vampire ~ Dearest Bloodiest Elizabeth, one might ask how the sequel evolves from …

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