Mr. Collins’ Proposal

  Was Mr. Collins’ proposal as outrageous as modern readers believe? Believe it or not, it contained all the hallmarks of a proper Regency era proposal. How is that possible? Check out this article on Random Bits of Fascination and find out.    

Last excerpt from my new book!

Welcome to the sixth and final excerpt from my Pride & Prejudice alternate history! If you missed the earlier chapters, please, please, please read them first: Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5 Ready? Here we go! Chapter 6 Darcy was no nearer to a solution by the time he reached Netherfield. His neck was unpleasantly sticky underneath …

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Jane in January: Lady Catherine’s Treasure

In honor of our Jane in January Scavenger Hunt, I present you with a Quiz, and a Story!  Quiz first.  Can you name the books from which these quotes about “Treasures” came from? (I prefer to use the word Treasure in this exercise, because Jane Austen never does seem to use the word Scavenger.) Some …

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Jane in January Bumper Stickers

Are you ready for a fun adventure? As part of the Jane in January Scavenger Hunt, I am inviting you to visit my website to see if you can determine which bumper stickers would be on the carriages of which Jane Austen’s characters. Most are from Pride and Prejudice, but there is at least one …

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Snowbound at Hartfield Ch 6~ Maria Grace

Snowbound chapters have moved to my website. You can find the next chapter here: Snowbound Chapter 6 . Subscribe to the website using the form in the sidebar to get email notifications of new chapters so you don’t miss any!  

January Scavenger Hunt #1 – Quotable Words

As you know, here at Austen Variations we’re doing a month-long scavenger hunt. Today, I’m kicking off the theme with a fun little game. Below are nine Jane Austen quotes, each with one underlined word for you to unscramble. Make a note of those nine words, put them in your pocket, and then hop on …

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Fifth excerpt from my new book!

Welcome to the fifth excerpt from my Pride & Prejudice alternate history! Next Tuesday, January 9, will be the final episode, so be sure to come back to find out the answer to your biggest questions. If you missed the earlier chapters, here they are: Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4   Chapter 5   Darcy was spending far too …

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Jane in January 2017 Scavenger Hunt

   Happy New Year!  Welcome to 2017 and to a New Year at Austen Variations! We are kicking off the new year with a special Jane in January event! This year it’s going to be more like a Scavenger Hunt. Some of our authors will be posting here on our blog, but others will be taking you …

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Snowbound at Hartfield, Chapter 5-Maria Grace

Howling winds buffeted Elizabeth Elliot’s window and shattered away the last vestiges of sleep. She pressed her head into the pillow and stared up into the bed curtains. Had last night actually happened? Yes it had. Colonel Fitzwilliam, second son of the Earl of Matlock had sat with her half the night. Perhaps he was …

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Fourth excerpt from my new book!

Welcome to the fourth excerpt from my Pride & Prejudice alternate history! My plan is to post the first quarter of the book in weekly segments. That’ll take you through the point which will answer some of your biggest questions. If you missed the first three chapters, here they are: Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3   Chapter 4   Elizabeth …

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