Jane in January: Answers to “How Well Do You Know Your Jane?”

How well did you know locations from Jane Austen’s life and locations from Austen adaptations? Answers for the Austen Variations portion will be here and the answers for part two will be on my blog at lldiamondwrites.com.       Just in case you were curious about the actual answers, here we go! This house …

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Snowbound at Hartfield Book Launch

I am so excited to announce Snowbound at Hartfield has released ahead of schedule! Snowbound at Hartfield A Sweet Tea Novella Sweet, Austen-inspired treats, perfect with a cup of tea. Full of hope and ripe with possibility, sweet tea tales refresh the heart with optimism and anticipation. Snowbound at Hartfield Colonel Fitzwilliam should have been happy …

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According to Jane – 2nd Edition Celebration!

It’s here!! It’s finally here!! After nearly seven and a half years since its original publication, there’s finally a new edition of my debut novel, According to Jane 😛  . I’m so excited to celebrate its re-release! In honor of this occasion. ♥ ♥ ♥ For anyone who may not familiar with the novel, it’s …

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Pride, Prejudice and Dinosaurs

Now, I know what you are all thinking. Where has Caitlin Williams been? She hasn’t posted anything for ages, she’s been so quiet lately, I hope she’s okay, etc. What’s that you say…you hadn’t noticed? Charming! And I thought we were friends. The truth is, I have been deep, deep, deep undercover working on a …

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Jane in January: How Well Do You Know Your Jane?

How well do you know locations from Jane Austen’s life and locations from Austen adaptations? Today, Abigail Reynolds and I are going to test your knowledge of these places in two quizzes!   How well do you know Jane Austen? Can you guess these locations from Jane Austen’s life? This house is unfortunately no longer …

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January Scavenger Hunt Answers and Winner by Jack Caldwell

Hello, everybody. Jack Caldwell here. First, I want to thank everyone for participating in Guess Who from CRESCENT CITY, my entry in the Austen Variations Jane in January Scavenger Hunt. Everyone did very well, getting almost all the answers right. A couple of the questions, particularly the first two, were tricky and tripped up most …

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Jane in January: Who said it?

Time to test your Jane Austen trivia with a rousing edition of Who Said It? How well do you know your Austen? I’m going to list five quotes on this page and then five on my blog at lldiamondwrites.com and when you’ve answered all of them, there will be instructions on my blog to enter …

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Jane in January: Mr Wickham on Racing and Scandal

Dear readers, I am not a writer. I am George Wickham; soldier, husband, occasional rogue, perhaps, but certainly not a man of letters, poetry or words. Today, however, in honour of the estimable Miss Austen, it is my pleasure to be able to offer you the opportunity to win a book, free without charge, in return …

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January Scavenger Hunt #5 by Jack Caldwell

Guess Who from CRESCENT CITY Hello, everybody. Jack Caldwell here. For my entry in the Austen Variations Jane in January Scavenger Hunt, I’m going to give you a little test. After all, it’s Friday the Thirteenth! Bruhahaha! Now, don’t groan—the potential reward is worth it. As you remember, I wrote a modern, JA-based trilogy about …

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Launch of Conversations with Mr. Darcy by Mary Simonsen

2016! It was quite the year. And it made for some intense discussions. There were a few ways one could escape the angst-inducing news. You could go on a vacation to the Amazon or other exotic locales where there are no radios, newspapers, or internet. You could train for marathons or take up mountain climbing. Or you could drink …

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