Throw Back Thursday

As we dash about, caught in the hustle and bustle of everyday life, we can rarely tell which ones of the little, seemingly inconsequential moments will stay with us forever and steer us along the way. When I first opened my mother’s tattered copy of Pride and Prejudice, with several pages almost detached from the …

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Easter in Kent

Since this past week was Easter, and our theme this month is Spring Has Sprung, I thought I would post an excerpt from “Mr. Darcy’s Rival” when Elizabeth is in Kent.  In the first part of this excerpt, it is Easter Sunday morning, and everyone is gathered at the church for the Easter service. Mr. …

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New Kid on the Block

Hello! I’m Elizabeth Adams, and I’m the new kid on the block at Austen Variations. I’m an author with six books published and two more on the way. (Three-ish, really.) I write romantic comedy and comedic drama in historic and modern settings. Most of my books are JAFF and those that aren’t are usually inspired …

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Release of Short-Story Collection by Mary Lydon Simonsen

Today, I am releasing a collection of previously published short stories, Darcy and Elizabeth at Pemberley. Lost in Love, Behind Pemberley Walls, and Answered Prayers were sold on Kindle as individual short stories, The Marriage of Antony Fitzwilliam and The Pemberley Ball were published on various blogs. I thought it would be more convenient for …

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An Eventful Morning

So – Frenemies is this month’s theme. Let’s have some more fun with it. In the WIP I’m working on at the moment, I’m gearing towards a different kind of frenemy situation that Elizabeth is not going to find in the least amusing. But that’s still on the drawing board, so I’ve written a vignette …

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Throw Back Thursday

  A new feature at Austen Variations is our Throwback Thursday, which began a few weeks ago. As I thought about which of my older books to write about for my first Throwback Thursday, I had considered my first book, “Assumed Engagement,” which I actually wrote in 2001, but since I wrote a little about …

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The Darcys and Lord Byron in Venice Part 9, Diana Birchall

It was a refreshment, after the last troubled weeks, for Mr. and Mrs. Darcy to sit in the garden of the Palazzo Mocenigo and peacefully enjoy noticing the signs of an early spring.  The ornamental garden, with its statues and flower beds, stretched from the back of the palace to the Grand Canal, where a …

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Deplorable Date Part 2

Here is Chapter 3 from my new book, Frosted Window Panes. To read Chapters 1 and 2, click here. That post will also give a little more information about how this book came to be. Chapter 3 When they returned to the table and sat down, Jane turned to Charles. “Elizabeth said she would be …

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Release Day “Inspiration” and another Deplorable Date

I am delighted to announce, Inspiration is now available at all major booksellers! This is another book I didn’t intend to write, but you guys inspired me to see it past the short story stage through to a full novella! To thank you guys for your support I’ve got another part posted below, and a …

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Deplorable Dates – Whatever possessed him?

I love this month’s theme! I think it’s a great way to celebrate an author whose best-loved novel hinges on a deplorable first date. Would Elizabeth have been quite so up in arms against Mr Darcy if he hadn’t insulted her on day one?   I’m probably biased here, but I can’t help thinking that …

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