Nefarious Launch Day

It’s finally here! Or, at least, it will be within the next 12 hours, depending on where you are. I am so excited to announce that our baby Nefarious has flown the coop (and now I don’t have to clean up its messes anymore). It is available exclusively on Amazon and Kindle Unlimited, and YES, …

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Nefarious Pre-Order Announcement

I shall start off with an apology, because I do not have any amazing Regency recipes to share. However, I have something else that might be fun. Well, a few things, really, and they were cooked up (get it?) by a couple of the most amazing ladies in the world. The first is the full …

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Emma’s Dinner Party

As I pondered what to write about for our theme this month, I came across this from Jane Austen’s book Emma. It is Mr. Knightly speaking to Emma and her father about being introduced to Mr. Elton: “With a great deal of pleasure, sir, at any time,” said Mr. Knightley, laughing, “and I agree with you …

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Chelsea Buns

I always love getting to ‘dress the set’ as it were of my books with bits and bobs from the era. Food is often one of those bits; the sights and smells and tastes of a place are so evocative, aren’t they? So I often find myself in a deep dive looking for what my …

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Jane Austen and the King of Bling… at Glorious Gunnersbury Park

I am so excited to be visiting glorious Gunnersbury Park on 4th June 2019 to chat all about George IV and his love of Jane Austen. You can find out how to book below and this gorgeous property really has to be seen to be believed. Its restoration has recently been completed and it’s sure …

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Baking Recipes Food – Creole & Cajun

The Cajun Cheesehead Makes Your Life Better, by Jack Caldwell Greetings, everyone. Jack Caldwell here. The theme for this month is Baking/Recipes/Food. Looks like the Cajun Cheesehead is kicking things off. And why not? This is a favorite subject for anyone from Louisiana. After all, I live in a place that literally lives to eat. …

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Crossing Over

Hi, all! I’m Jennifer Altman and I am thrilled to be joining the team here at Austen Variations! For those of you who haven’t come into contact with me somewhere in cyberspace, I’m relatively new to the Austenesque universe, having published my debut novel To Conquer Pride this past November. To tell the truth, sometimes …

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Throw Back Thursday – Pemberley Ranch

Regency and Reconstruction The Cajun Cheesehead Chronicles by Jack Caldwell Greetings, everyone. Jack Caldwell here. Way back in the Dark Ages—the early 2000’s—I had discovered Fan Fiction Boards while searching for a sequel to Pride and Prejudice. As I worked during the day, I read fan fiction at night. My wife likes to go to …

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The Darcys and Lord Byron in Venice – Part 10

Lord Byron was writing. It was a good night for it, for the moon was full above the Grand Canal, and he occasionally looked up from his ornate desk in his long salon at the Palazzo Mocenigo to gaze for a moment at the shadowy fanciful shapes of the palazzi opposite, candelabra flickering from deep …

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Spring Has Sprung – And Mr Darcy Needs Your Help

I read somewhere that daffodils symbolise new beginnings. I don’t know if it’s true. Perhaps the brave little snowdrops deserve this badge of honour more. But when daffodils start to flower and they enliven the dreary winter landscape with bright patches of colour, we know that spring is here at last, and sunny days are …

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